
I saw that Lu Yu instilled spiritual power on the long sword, and spread the long sword into fragments under the power of thought!


I saw the fragments of the long sword pouring towards the female zombie under the cover of Lu Yu's spiritual power!



At this time, something that surprised Lu Yu still happened!

Suddenly, a restless light flashed in the eyes of the male zombie!

The next second, his unrestrained eyeballs also stopped moving, and he was looking at Lu Yu with hatred!


To Lu Yu's surprise, the zombie didn't choose to attack itself in the first place.

Instead, he used his body as a shield and forced it in front of the female zombie!

Puff puff!

The fragments of the long sword smashed wantonly on the body of the male zombie!

Even if it is the body of a fourth-class zombie, it is impossible to block a round of attacks from Lu Yu's long sword!


After finishing all the fragments of the long sword, Lu Yu recondensed the fragments into the body of the sword under the control of spiritual power.

I saw that there was no intact place on the body of this male zombie.

The wound on his body began to open, and his body turned into corpses in the next second, falling to the ground piece by piece!

Die instantly!

Not a single zombie can survive Lu Yu's long sword attack!

Even fourth-class zombies are the same!

Rao, the mental disturbance was over, and the female zombie also broke free at this time, the first thing she found was this pile of corpses on the ground!


At this time, the expression of the female zombie is very distorted!

"It's obviously just a zombie, what kind of human emotion do you need?"

At this time, Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't quite understand the behavior of the female zombie.

Obviously, she has become a zombie now, and what drives her to act is probably the animal desire buried in her bones.


At this time, the female zombie immediately fell into a very crazy state. It seemed that because of the death of the male zombie, she was hit hard.

Seeing her like this, Lu couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you the same as Xiyuan Temple World?"

At this moment, Lu Yu held the long sword in his palm, and looked at the female zombie with a playful face!

The female zombie's attack was like a violent storm, and her fists hit Lu Yu like raindrops!

But this attack was like scratching an itch.

These two zombies are a big deal for Lu Yu!

"You are quite specific."

"For the sake of the two of you having concubines, I will give you a happy ending!"

At this moment, Lu Yu smiled slightly, and swung the long sword in his hand straight!


Under the bloody light, the body of the female zombie stopped moving, and her head was directly chopped off by Lu Yu!

The strength is already very weak, these two zombies still want to be like a cart, and Lu Yu doesn't know why.

However, these two zombies are fourth-class zombies, so it is necessary to extract them.

"Endless Extraction!"

In the next second, the system's response left Lu Yu speechless.

It is precisely because of this that after extracting once, I found that nothing was extracted!

There are no attribute points, skills or anything!

Could it be that he was being played?

These two zombies are not fourth class at all?

Just when Lu Yu was a little angry and wanted to make up for their corpses.

The system still responded!

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent skill: Same Life!]

[This talent skill is a special talent skill!]

After seeing this skill, Lu Yu's face was filled with a smile.

However, the introduction of this skill is indeed a bit incomprehensible.

Immediately saw the skill introduction.

[During the use of skills, you can get a chance to die! 】

The introduction of this skill is simply concise, but Lu Yu likes it.

How could Lu Yu not like such a simple and crude thing?

After acquiring the skills, Lu Yu also knew that it was meaningless to continue here.

Now start to control the sword and head towards the direction of the air-raid shelter!

When we got back to school, it was already completely late.

"Hiss, it seems that something has been forgotten."

At this time, Lu Yu frowned, and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had completely forgotten what he had explained to him before.

Fortunately, now I am around the convenience store!

There are not many zombies in this place, and they are basically low-level zombies.

So, searching is very simple.

There are still a lot of tampons here.

Girls are really troublesome, there are many types of such things!

After a little inspection, Lu packed up all the tampons from this convenience store and took them away.

After packing some useful things around, Lu Yu walked towards the air-raid shelter.

After returning to the air-raid shelter, Lu Yu rested for a while.

After all, this day's running around is still somewhat exhausting.

"Sister, come here"

At this moment, Lu Yu beckoned to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

The latter nodded, and trotted all the way to Lu Yu's side.

"What you want."

At this time Lu Yu took out a soft package directly.

When bringing the things back before, Lu Yu didn't do anything special.

After all, it would be embarrassing to take this thing out directly.

Looking at the package, Kasumigaoka Shiyu opened it directly.

In the next second, the atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

Because Lu Yu got it wrong!

Tampons and those very stripped down clothes in one package!

it's good now.

Looking at the package that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was holding in his hand, a three-point and one-line dress was revealed inside.

After the girls saw it, they were also shy for a while.

After all, everyone knows what these things are for.

Basically, it can be seen in some action movies.

These thin and simple clothes can magnify the charm of women infinitely after wearing them!

This point, the women still understand.

And since he took it wrong, Lu Yu didn't bother to explain.

Because the reason why Lu Yu brought these things back is to enjoy them.

Even if it is not taken out today, it will be taken out sooner or later.

In the final analysis, it was something Lu Yu did to entertain himself.

But Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't say much here, but put away the things directly.

The more exaggerated things are yet to come, and I saw that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was blushing and heartbeating, and distributed them directly to all the girls present!

Even Saiyuanji World has one!

"The fabrics of these clothes are a little streamlined, please take good care of them."

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had a smile on his face.

The girls here just took the things and quickly hid them. Who wants to wear such clothes!

As for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, she reserved the three-point and one-line style for herself, and there are some more playful ones.

Unexpectedly, senior sister has the potential to lead a life!

"A senior is a senior."

"It's really frugal!"

At this moment, Lu Yu said with a straight face.

There was absolutely no intention of molesting Kasumigaoka Shiwa at all.

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also leaned against Lu Yu and whispered.

"Lu Yu."

"May I wear it again in a few days for you to see?"

"Recently, I am in a special situation!"

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face was slightly red, as if he was negotiating terms with Lu Yu.


"Then you have to wear a few more clothes to compensate me!"

At this time, Lu Yu's expression was indifferent, but he still touched Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's head.

Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was still a little shy, even though she had worked out with Lu Yu many times.

But when Lu Yu shows his masculine charm, she still yearns for it.

It's a pity that her current physical condition prevents her from being so unrestrained.

"this is for you."

At this time, Lu Yu directly took out the package of tampons from the space, and put it in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hands.

As we all know, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is in great demand for this thing now.


At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu nodded to Lu Yu to express his gratitude.

You know, this thing is usually a thing that can be seen everywhere, but in this era when the end of the world is in power, this thing is almost like gold!

If you want to get these living materials, you have to go through the heavy siege of zombies.

This also confirms the importance of Lu Yu.

In these last days, how lucky it is to have a big brother like Lu Yu leading him!

It was getting late at this time, and Lu Yu also planned to rest.

tomorrow is a new day!

Just when Lu Yu closed his eyes, sleepiness began to slowly come up.

Lu Yu's door was knocked open.

"Well, Lu Yu, I'm coming in."

At this time Kato Megumi came in wearing a small blanket.

It seems that she is only wearing a piece of underwear. This little girl is dressed like this in the middle of the night. What is her mentality when she comes to find Lu Yu?

"Is there something wrong?"

At this moment, Lu Yu got up slowly and asked.

"I don't know what's wrong with me either."

"I just feel that some energy in my body has been running around, and I haven't been able to sleep well.

At this time, Megumi Kato looked at Lu Yu with a sad face.

Lu Yu nodded, let her sit beside her, and used the system to check Kato Megumi's physical condition.

Now Kato Megumi is indeed at the level of second-class zombies, but now she is too weak.

After forcibly obtaining this boost, her body couldn't bear it.

If it is not adjusted in time, Kato Megumi's body tendons may be damaged, and the most serious thing is that he may directly explode and die!

"It's just that your bones are too weak, and your energy is too huge. Your body must not be able to bear it."

At this time, Lu Yu just took a glance and knew where the problem was.

"Then, what should we do?"

At this time, Megumi Kato seemed to be very concerned about her body, after all, she suddenly became stronger now.

Kato Megumi must want to stabilize his physical condition, so that he can have a minimum foothold in the future.

Sometimes, she also knows that it is a good way to rely on Lu Yu all the time.

But it’s impossible for Lu Yu to be by his side all the time, right?

"Do you remember how I helped you control your power last time?"

At this moment, Lu Yu smiled slightly.

This is not to lie to her, but if you want to stabilize the energy in Kato Megumi's body now, this is the only way for now!

This is also the best way. In this way, Kato Megumi can control the energy in his body well.

Lu Yu said so, Daxiang doesn't resent Lu Yu at all now.

The only thing left is shyness, after all, she also knows that only Lu Yu can solve the problem of unstable energy in her body!

And now Lu Yu is lying on the bed enjoying himself.

Over time, a look of surprise began to appear in Lu Yu's eyes!

""Where did you learn so much?"

"You...don't say that!"

At this time, Kato Huijiao shouted, but the voice obviously betrayed herself!

After hearing Lu Yu's voice in the room, many girls in the air-raid shelter actually began to have ideas.

They are all having their own ghosts, can they improve their strength?

This is too exaggerated!

At this time, the world of Xiyuan Temple in the corner room of the air-raid shelter gritted its teeth.

In recent days, she could hear such voices basically every night.

She knew that, except herself, all the girls seemed to be looking for Lu Yu to improve their strength!

But only I am standing still now!

There was resentment in her eyes.

Could it be that if you want to become stronger, you can only find the demon Lu Yu?

He was the culprit who killed Makoto Ito!

Is it possible that one day I will...

At this time, the eyes of Xiyuan Temple World fell into a kind of despair.

But soon, she adjusted back.

Who said you have to rely on Lu Yu to become stronger?

At this time, she gritted her teeth tightly, and her eyes began to firm up.

the next day.

In a state of comfort, Lu Yu woke up.

I found that Kato Megumi was nestling in my arms at this time, and I had completely conquered Kato Megumi last night.

Others are half an hour and forty minutes.

Lu Yu educated her for two hours!

Now Lu Yu can still recall Kato Hui's little lost expression.

It's really exciting!

It seemed that Megumi Kato had also woken up, she was lying on Lu Yu's body quietly like a kitten.

A few minutes later, Lu Yu washed up and got up.

Kato Megumi, this little girl, can continue to sleep if she wants to sleep (Zhao's Zhao).

The meal has been prepared outside, and now Kasumigaoka Shiwa is serving the meals one by one.

Five minutes later, everyone began to sit together and eat breakfast.

"Lu Yu."

"What's going on outside now?"

"Is it getting better?"

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at Lu Yu with longing.

She is still looking forward to the end of the last days, and the civilization of human society is about to reappear!

But she was still too young.

This virus is not only affected by Sakura Country, but now the whole world is under such threat!

It's just that the girls are now attached to Lu Yu's side, so they have their current lives.

Look outside in dialect, which one can guarantee that you will not have to worry about food and clothing in the last days, and there is electricity!

There is also endless water.

At this time, Lu Yu was telling the truth.

He picked up a chicken leg and took a bite and said, "Sakura Country is gone."

"It's completely fallen."

Lu Yu's words made them quite a sensation!

Although the girls have already thought about such a problem.

They actually have the answer to the status quo of Sakura Country.

Because such a long time has passed, the military, including the entire country, have not made a statement!

Either run away, or have been wiped out!

"Don't be shocked, it's actually a good thing for us."

At this time, Lu Yu said to Ku with a flat face.

After all, this country of cherry blossoms is full of evils!

Now that it is destroyed, it can be regarded as a burst of joy in Lu Yu's heart!

Hearing what Lu Yu said, the girls didn't speak.

Now that their country is finished, what else can they say?

Anyway, as an international student, Lu Yu said, it’s a cool group!

..…Dividing line

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