When the fruit knife shot towards Lu Yu's eyebrows, Xiyuan Temple World obviously showed a strange smile 1

That's right, she has been waiting for this moment, thinking about avenging Ito Makoto all day long!

But in the next second, Lu Yu's physical strength still made her amazed!

I saw that Lu Yu didn't dodge or dodge, and directly took the throwing knife with his head!


I saw that the flying knife was bent directly!

Lu Yu's physical strength cannot be damaged by such a thing now!

This is also the reason why Lu Yu can't dodge!

"Are you kind?"

"You want to avenge that trash, don't you?"

At this time, Lu Yu's movements began to become rough, and the blunt Lu Xiyuan Temple World subdued.

Although she is still yelling, Lu Yu is not used to it now!


I saw that Lu Yu directly lifted the world of Xiyuan Temple as if he was carrying a chicken!

She called out, Lu Yu is a melon with big ears!

I don't know how many slaps it took before this girl stopped!

And in the middle, Xiyuan Temple World has been trying to break free from Lu Yu's control, and has been trying to control the surrounding objects!

She can actually control objects directly with her mind!

In fact, Lu Yu can also do this.

Then it's through mental power!

And Lu Yu's mental power is a pure attribute!

It's all refined!

This girl is actually brought by talent

This strange and powerful talent really shocked Lu Yu.

In the last days, there really is such a person!

Really shocking!


At this time, Xiyuan Temple World began to sneer, as if knowing that he had failed.

But she doesn't regret it!

Just feeling a little sad right now!

She originally thought that she could die, and even if she died, she would have to bite off a piece of Lu Yu's flesh!

But who knows, the current Lu Yu is not only doing nothing, but also a lot of fun!

Her body has been ruined by Lu Yu!

"You are good at everything."

"It's just that impulsiveness is not very good. I'm just giving you a reminder."

"The punishment for rushing, now officially begins!"

After about an hour, Lu Yu still came out of the room.

But he turned back again, this time holding the hair of Xiyuan Temple World in his hand!

At this time, this girl has been tortured to the point of being inhuman, and she was thrown in the inquiry center like a dead dog.

Even if the physical body has been tortured by Lu Yu now, the spirit of the Xiyuan Temple world still exists.

She looked at Lu Yu viciously, she wanted to die very much now, but Lu Yu was not dead yet, how could she die!

"From now on, don't give her a little bit of food. From now on, your life and death will no longer be protected by my team."

This is also what Lu Yu meant when he kicked out a member for the first time.

But at this moment, the world of Xiyuan Temple laughed wildly!

"Hahahaha, flip!"

"Who cares about your protection? You are a murderous demon! You are a murderer!"

"You will not have a good result! Remember, you will be killed sooner or later!"

"At that time, I will definitely dig out your internal organs..."

"Do you think..."

At this time, the cursing in the world of Xiyuan Temple was still going on, Rao Ying Lili beside him couldn't stay.

As soon as the knife goes down, the world of Xiyuan Temple can be regarded as honest.

In fact, all of these are due to Lu Yu's own consideration.

He always believed that no matter how he tortured the world of Xiyuan Temple, he would not be able to achieve his own effect.

He felt that this girl's obsession was too deep now, and she was always aiming at harming herself.

That's not okay!

This is tantamount to leaving a time bomb around yourself!

Thinking of this, Lu Yu thought of that talent skill!

It's the same fate!

This thing is very interesting.

Lu Yu has seen the introduction of the skill before, and can die instead of himself!

And Lu Yu directly linked this thing to the world of Xiyuan Temple!

Soon, the system will give a prompt!

【Congratulations to the host, the same link is ready!】

Not only that, Lu thought that this skill was just a skill to find a substitute for the dead ghost from the beginning.

But after penetrating through it, Lu Yu learned that in the initial stage of this link.

He can even manipulate the body of Xiyuan Temple World.

And it still affects her mind to a small extent.

Not in a big case, as an example, Lu Yu directly built another personality in her head.

Instill some every day, and the personality can be switched at the beginning.

At the back, I don't know whether the personality of Xiyuan Temple World has the upper hand, or the personality at the back.

Although it is interesting to think about it, Lu Yu does not intend to do so.

Because now Xiyuan Temple World can die for itself once, and Lu Yu has no side effects at all.

Simply magical skills!

To take revenge on the world of Xiyuan Temple like this is simply not too cool!

Seeing that the world of Xiyuan Temple was left outside like this, all the girls were a little silent now.

Especially English pears.

Although she personally "coaxed" the world of Xiyuan Temple to sleep.

But it has to be said that the way she looked at Lu Yu now showed a trace of fear.

She didn't know what kind of torture the world of Xiyuan Temple endured from Lu Yu during that hour!

And she doesn't want to know either!

"Okay, everyone, go to sleep."

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu came out to preside over the overall situation, and then went back to the room directly with Lu Yu on his arm.

Shiyu went to Xiazhiqiu to serve Lu Yu to sleep tonight.

At this time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was nestling in Lu Yu's arms.

"Senior sister, I have to leave this matter to you."

"When I'm not around, you have to keep an eye on that Xiyuan Temple. She is very dangerous. You must ensure the safety of other people."

At this time, Lu Yu was still a little worried.

"Yo, are you worried about me?"

At this moment, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's small head went straight into the bed!

At this time, Lu Yu closed his eyes and began to enjoy himself.

"It's okay, sister, I will pay attention to the items when I go out recently, as long as it can enhance your strength, I will give you priority."

At this moment, Lu Yu said to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

Indeed, now that Lu Yu has found materials, especially those that can strengthen the body.

The first thing he thought of was Senior Sister.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is obedient and sensible, and also kind to herself.

People's hearts are all fleshy, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu must be given priority.

After hearing these words, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu did not speak.

Also, she can't speak in the current situation!

After all, it's no big deal!

The next day, Lu Yu woke up briskly.

And Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was still asleep beside her.

Lu Yu didn't intend to waste time, after all, he still had work to do now.

There are only two areas left that haven't been explored yet.

So, Lu Yu still wants to end the exploration as soon as possible.

It is also good to know the situation outside earlier.

At this time, Lu Yu unfolded the map and looked at the positions of the last two wreaths on it.

At some point, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu had already woken up.

She rubbed her fleshy hair sleepily, and lay directly on Lu Yu's body!

The two cuddled together for a while.

"Are you going now?"

"Those two places have the most zombies, because the flow of people was the most before."

"You have to be careful."

At this time, when Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said this, her brows were flushed.

I don't know why.

How many zombies?

What does this senior know?

It can be judged by the flow of people, but Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has no reason to know so much.

Now that you know it, let's ask in detail now.

"Sister, how do you know?"

"Have you ever been to this place?"

At this moment, Lu Yu pointed to the location on the map.

This made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu even more shy.

She buried her little face directly in the quilt.

"I've never been in this place, but I've passed by it a few times before.

"It's generally the place you men like to go to the most."

At this time, when Xiazhiqiu Shiyu said this, he stopped talking.

"Hehe, it's okay, senior, I'll bring you new clothes."

As he said that, Lu Yu gave a smirk, but he still patted Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's head.

During the rush, Lu Yu still passed the previous hospital!

That is to say, I found the hospital in Mandosahua.

Because of this place, Lu Yu always gave Lu Yu some strange feelings.

It was like this before, and what Lu Yu explored last time was not clear.

The hospital has been turned into ruins, but some of the morgues inside are still intact.

The other one is the broken bones on the ground yesterday. All signs indicate that this hospital is definitely not simple!

And just when Lu Yu thought of these things, he suddenly felt a trance!


When Lu Yu opened his eyes again, Lu Yu found himself in the hospital!

Something is wrong!

He was clearly still in Yujian just now, why did he come in directly?

And right at the position that Lu Yu didn't see, the endless white bones began to condense together. At this moment, this thing seemed to have life!

It started to move!

At this time, Lu Yu also knew that there must be something lurking in the hospital.

He simply forcibly cheered up and bit the tip of his tongue directly!

【Psychic Antibodies Take Effect!】

At this moment, the system also gave a response, and at this moment, Lu Yu also became sober!

I thought my mental strength was already very strong, but this hospital is still too weird!

Lu Yu also decided that after searching for himself, Ri Ding must leave quickly!

But at the moment when he woke up, Lu Yu was stunned.

Because I obviously didn't move!

But now my position has changed!

It was in a morgue!

What's the situation?

Could it be that my mind has been controlled by something?

Just when Ruan Xi was puzzled!

Lu Yu clearly felt a wave of mental fluctuations around him!

This made Lu Yu cheer up in an instant!

This energy fluctuation is very familiar!

I saw that the Zhumandosahua behind him was in full bloom!

"Another one?"

At this moment, Lu Yu was excited and was about to pick.

The ground started shaking!


At this moment

A white bone palm rose from the ground!

It was coming straight towards Lu Yu!

But Lu Yu originally wanted to escape directly and go to pick mandosahua!

It's a pity that this mandosahua disappeared directly!

"It's interesting."

At this moment, Lu Yu sneered, and Lu Yu saw the bone hand clearly.

It was the palm of the zombie that directly wrapped the bones!

It looks pretty creepy!


At this time, Lu Yu didn't hesitate, and the long sword in his hand imbued spiritual power and instantly killed the zombies!

But something happened that surprised Lu Yu!

At the same time that the zombie was instantly killed, the bone palm disappeared.

Not only that, the zombie also disappeared!

"Another illusion?"

At this moment, Lu Yu frowned slightly!

Is it possible that I am still trapped in the environment without knowing it!

This is dangerous!

Because Lu Yu doesn't know what his own body is facing, and he doesn't know whether it's dangerous or not!

At the same time, the zombie with the palm wrapped around the bone palm appeared again!

"clack cluck!"

It looked at Lu Yu with a grin on its face, as if it wanted to torture Lu Li slowly!

But this time, Lu Yu didn't move!

Instead, just quietly waiting for the attack of the zombies!

"Boom 1"

At this time, the zombie's bone palm attack strikes again!

At this moment, Lu Yu still didn't move.

But it has been locking the real location of this zombie!

Because Lu Yu knew that this zombie must have been invaded by Manzhushahua.

Therefore, in terms of attribute inheritance, there must be an illusion function!

What Lu Yu needs to find out now is the true location of this zombie!

Not in front of your eyes!

And just a second before the attack came, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Yu's mouth.

"Got you!"

Using the blessing of spiritual power, Lu Yu successfully found the real location of the zombie!


While Lu Yu twisted his body slightly, he grabbed the other exhibitor's arm!


At this time, the zombie also let out a sound of surprise.

It seems that Lu Yu does not have such abilities!


In the next second, the long sword imbued with great spiritual power moved directly!

Sword Qi gushes out!

Directly engulf the entire body of the zombie!


After a burst of sword energy, the real body of the zombie was found, and it was in a very embarrassing state, cut off by Lu Yu!

All in one!

"Cough, ouch!"

At this time, the zombies were lying on the ground, lingering on their last breaths!

And the bone palm on the arm also cracked!


The long sword in Lu Yu's hand once again condensed his spiritual power, "Preparing to deal the last blow to the bereaved household!

But at this moment, an accident happened!

A huge explosion directly pushed Lu Yu out!

Hesitation possessed mental power, and Lu Yu directly resisted this blow!

And no harm was done!

At this time, the hospital took over!

All this happened so fast that Lu Yu had no chance to react!

Now the distance between him and the hospital has been completely reduced by 1

Soon, a strange scene appeared!

I saw that this zombie with only half of its body left was staring at Lu Yu!

In the next second, several white bones were directly wrapped around the body of the zombie!

Brush, brush, brush!

I saw that the white bones were directly attached to the vital parts of the zombie's body!

Soon, Lu Yu could no longer see the zombies, and now the zombies were covered with bones!

And the surrounding wind began to become restless.

Lu Yu knew that this zombie must be very strong, and it could be regarded as the strongest zombie he had ever met.

At this moment, all the problems were explained.

In this hospital, it is very likely that there were two bead mandosahuas early in the morning!

This also explains why the hospital is full of bones.

But none of the corpses and zombies can be seen!

It is because of this mandosahua!

Soon, the white bones were condensed!

This zombie now seems to have gained a new life!

His eyes were bloodshot, and his body was covered with countless white bone fragments.

And the most exaggerated thing is that the bones on the zombie's body are like armor!

The stature also expanded countless times.

The whole body is covered with white bone armor.

Not only that, there is also a round bone shield fixed on the left hand of the zombie!

In the right hand is holding a spear formed from white bones!

Standing here, giving Lu Yu a great visual impact!

This guy stands here like a medieval knight!

Just one horse missing!


At this time, the zombie roared at Lu Yu, and the bone armor on its body also made a rattling sound!

"I'll see how resistant you are."

At this time, Lu Yu waved his sword indifferently, instilling spiritual power into the King of Long Swords!.

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