A giant black-skinned rat jumped out of the rooftop with dark red flames all over its body, and crashed to the ground.

Ignoring the blood spurting from his shoulders, he shook off the two steel spears stuck in his body and quickly chased Wang Mingyang and the others.

The evil black tiger jumped down from the rooftop with a body covered in frost and a faint black wind emerging around it.

Half of the scalp was missing from the top of his head, blood was pouring out, and there were scars mixed with ice and snow all over his body.

He turned his head and pulled out the steel spear stuck in his waist and abdomen. The evil black tiger's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he clenched his teeth without any intention of retreating.

On the rooftop, one of the front legs of the giant wind dog was detached from the body, and the big thunder cat was also missing one of its front paws.

And that second-level hunter had half of its body cut off.

These three mutated creatures have lost the possibility of pursuing Wang Mingyang and the others.

However, he still did not leave.

A dog and a cat vaguely surrounded this special second-level hunter in the middle.

The next moment, a wind blade and a bolt of lightning struck at the hunter at the same time.

As second-level creatures, a dog and a cat instantly killed this half-broken hunter.

A horrifying sound of biting was heard, and after a while, two figures jumped out from both ends of the rooftop at the same time.

Upstairs in the laboratory, Gong Zhan watched in stunned silence as Wang Mingyang and the others walked away, with the giant rat and black tiger following them and escaping one after another.

Even the three oppressive mutated creatures above his head gradually became silent.

Gong Zhan then cautiously gestured to Gu Lie and Gao Yang.

"Captain, what should I do? It seems that Wang Mingyang has taken away those lotus seeds."

Gao Yang crouched down next to Gong Zhan and said helplessly.

"Is there nothing left?"

Gong Zhan frowned. Just now, Gao Yang used his superpower to break off a piece of the ceiling at the bottom of the pond, causing the entire center of the pond to fall down.

Now there is water everywhere in the room, and it is pitch black but without the sheen of lotus seeds at all.

"Probably not. Can I look through it again?"

"Let's go together!"

Gong Zhan had no choice but to return to the house immediately.

A headlight came on, and Gong Zhan squatted down to lower the light.

There are still many first-order mutant creatures outside at the moment, and most of the second-order ones are dead on the roof.

After rummaging for a while, Gong Zhan lifted the last cement board in disappointment.

But he was surprised to find that a section of lotus root appeared under the cement board. It was purple but without any luster.

"This is?!"

Gu Lie and Gao Yang were stunned and immediately gathered around.

"I don't know, but it should be a good thing. Take it back and give it to the professors to study."

Gong Zhan chuckled and didn't mind that the lotus root was still stained with a lot of mud. He picked it up and wiped it a few times before stuffing it directly into his tactical backpack.

"What should we do next? Shall we go back to the first floor?"

"Now there are basically no second-order mutated creatures outside, and the ground is full of half-broken first-order mutated creatures. What do you think we should do at this time?"

Gong Zhan glanced around the room to confirm that nothing was missing, and then he chuckled.

"This...collecting crystal nuclei?" Gao Yang and Gu Lie's eyes lit up and they said at the same time.

"Hey, my enemy! Go downstairs and call the soldiers out. It's better to be quick with bullets when dealing with these things."

Gong Zhan patted the two of them on the shoulders, immediately stood up and walked out.


"Boss Wang, running away like this is not an option!"

While running rapidly, Li Yuchan looked back and quickly opened his mouth and shouted.

The mutant rat king behind him has already chased him fifty meters away. If he keeps running like this, the four of them will still be caught up even if they continue to use their special powers to block it.

In addition, the evil black tiger transformed from the scar-faced man also swept in on the black wind.

"Crush out of the north gate, get to the street, and kill them again!"

Wang Mingyang whispered, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue's advancement was interrupted just now due to desperation.

The evil black tiger has been promoted to the second level, and it is no problem to challenge Li Yuchan alone.

In the early stage, mental power was at a disadvantage when faced with this transformation system, and its power level was not at the same level.

What's more, the black tiger also had mutated wind abilities, and even the space cuts he couldn't make were avoided.

He is a master!

Wang Mingyang took the time to look back and saw that the mutant rat king, which was bigger and faster, had probably been promoted to the third level.

I'm not afraid of fighting him alone, but the safety of Su Yu and the others is not guaranteed.

"There is a lot of metal on the street, so I can use my abilities to their fullest. You guys will try your best to protect yourself in a while. I'll kill this big rat first!"

Wang Mingyang quickly talked about his plan and gave Li Yuchan some important instructions.

The three of them nodded quickly and ran towards the street faster.

The four of them fought and retreated, and soon rushed out of the north gate and reached the main street.

The streets were full of abandoned vehicles. Wang Mingyang stopped and turned around quickly.

"Each person has a lotus seed, swallow it first!"

Wang Mingyang opened the mustard seed space channel directly into his mouth, and a lotus seed with dazzling luster quickly flew out and rolled directly into his stomach.

When Li Yuchan heard this, he immediately stuffed one lotus seed into his hand and threw it into his mouth at the same time.

The four of them are like pigs eating ginseng fruit...

At this moment, there is no time to appreciate the taste of this magical lotus seed.

The mutant rat king and the evil black tiger were speeding towards each other, with a little bit of fluorescence on their bodies.

Seeing Su Yu and the others swallowing the lotus seeds, they immediately let out angry roars.

Wang Mingyang snorted coldly, opened his hands wide, and the lotus seeds suddenly turned into a majestic energy in his stomach, and a feeling of swelling that was not vomiting or unpleasant still arose.

With his hands suddenly clasped together, the fences, doors, windows, and vehicles within a radius of 50 meters on the street floated in the air at the same time.

The next moment, these metal objects smashed down on the mutant rat king and the evil black tiger who were rushing towards them.

Under the impact of this energy, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue were immediately promoted to second-level mutants, and the energy in their bodies continued to rise.

A dark flame blade and a deep blue ice blade were emitted from the hands of the two women and slashed at the same time.

Li Yuchan's eyes bloomed with two points of starlight, and Taiyi's divine thoughts burst out. Two invisible mental powers condensed into spikes, ready to pierce the minds of the mutant rat king and the evil black tiger at any time.

The four people's swift and vigorous joint attack made the mutant rat king's eyes red and dripping, and a look of fear appeared.

The spikes on his body, like steel needles, suddenly curled up, wrapped his entire body, and hit the metal objects and Mu Ningxue's deep blue ice blade hard.

The evil black tiger was more flexible, leaving a black wind sweeping in the place, but its body moved to the right like lightning.

"Hmph! So what if it's level three? I'll blow you to death!"

Dozens of small fireballs appeared in front of Wang Mingyang again, densely shooting at the mutant rat king.

The mutant rat king carried the dense metal objects and dark blue ice blades, but faced with dense small fireballs. His body flashed and flew to the side at a high speed.

Unfortunately, these fireballs have their own tracking ability and turned at the same time halfway.

Li Yuchan's mental spikes pierced into the mutant rat king's mind at the right time. The rat king was caught off guard and his body suddenly paused. Dozens of small fireballs were attached to the rat king.


Wang Mingyang shouted softly, and dozens of small fireballs exploded at the same time, and the fire in the sky immediately submerged the rat king.


The rat king screamed in pain. Although the small fireballs were of low level, they could not withstand the large number!

So many small fireballs exploded at the same time, which was no less than being hit head-on by a cannonball.

On the other side, the evil black tiger, with its four claws flying, continuously shot out black wind blades, but was blocked by Mu Ningxue's ice wall.

The spiritual spike pierced into the brain, and the evil black tiger let out a cry of pain, and its body suddenly paused, and Su Yu's dark flame blade just cut it.

An explosion roared, and the evil black tiger flew out in the flames and dust.

A huge wound appeared on the waist, with dark red flames burning on it, and dark red energy continued to invade the surrounding flesh and blood.

"Boss! What's wrong with you!"

Before Su Yu could slash again, soil spikes suddenly emerged from the ground and stabbed directly at the three people.

At the same time, a huge brown bear suddenly jumped down from the roof of the building on the street and hit the evil black tiger heavily.

"Let's go!"

The evil black tiger was seriously injured at this time, his eyes were extremely cold, but he roared, black wind emerged, and his figure rushed to the other side of the street.

The brown bear turned his head to look at the battlefield, hesitated for a moment, and immediately followed.

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