Wang Mingyang and Li Yuchan had not finished confiscating the supplies on the third floor when several muffled sounds suddenly came from one side of the mall, causing a commotion among the corpses outside.

The two of them looked around and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Supreme Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun! It's good to be liberated..."

"The Supreme Lord pardons your order and transcends your lonely soul..."

Li Yuchan recited the honorary title in a low voice and muttered words.

Wang Mingyang knew that he was saving the soul of the dead. Li Yuchan in his previous life would recite this Taoist Rebirth Mantra every time he encountered such a thing.

Over time, Wang Mingyang also knew something.

"...I'm here to rescue everyone and be rescued urgently!"

After reciting the incantation, Li Yuchan bowed, then straightened up and spread the seal.

"Let's go..."

Wang Mingyang called out softly and continued to collect supplies.

Half an hour later, the two finally collected all the supplies from the first to the third floor and returned to the fifth floor.

A dozen women sat against the wall in the corridor, holding food and water in their hands and devouring them.

Seeing the two people approaching, the women couldn't help but slow down their movements.

"Brother Mingyang, just now...five girls committed suicide."

Su Yu stood up and looked at Wang Mingyang with a hint of crying and red eyes.

Mu Ningxue's eyes were also red, but she bit her red lips stubbornly and said nothing.

"I heard it."

Wang Mingyang nodded gently and wiped the tears from the corners of Su Yu's eyes.

"There are two corpses hanging outside the window. They are the boyfriends of two of the girls. They..." Su Yu continued.

Wang Mingyang rubbed her head and said softly: "Well, I'll deal with it."

Walking along the corridor to the side of the mall, Wang Mingyang poked his head out of the open window, and two male corpses were hung with curtains below.

With a slight swing of the sword, the curtains were cut directly, the oxygen control ability was activated, and two exploding fireballs directly hit the two male corpses that fell.

Violent explosive flames rose up, directly igniting the zombies several meters around the body.

Wang Mingyang returned to the corridor of the store and took the three of them with him. He walked to the next door and sat down. There was a large round table inside, and four people sat around the table.

"After seeing this, will you still feel bad about how many people you killed?"

Wang Mingyang looked at Su Yu and Mu Ningxue, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"I can't wait to cut them into pieces!" Su Yu gritted his teeth and stabbed the horizontal knife in his hand into the floor.

Mu Ningxue's eyes were cold, "Killing this kind of scum even a hundred times is not enough! If we encounter them again, I will personally send them to hell!"

The two women were full of murderous intent, and the tragic experiences of the dozen women completely subverted their cognition.

It also made the two of them understand that if Wang Mingyang had not taken them all the way, I am afraid that in this apocalyptic world, their fate would not be much better than that of the women outside.

What is more terrible than death is that life is worse than death!

"It's good to have this kind of awareness. In the end of the world, if you are soft-hearted, you may be the one who is miserable."

Wang Mingyang nodded. These two women finally realized that they were in the end of the world.

"Brother Mingyang, these girls..." Su Yu hesitated.

Mu Ningxue was very direct, "Wang Mingyang, what are you going to do with these dozen girls?"

"First of all, I can't take them with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yu's face became anxious. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Wang Mingyang stopped him.

"Secondly, we have offended Sun Jian. Although he can't find us for the time being, Spring City is so big and we will always meet."

"With these women, it's not us who are in danger, but them... Do you understand?"

Following Wang Mingyang's calm analysis, Su Yu's eyes quickly dimmed.

"Of course, if they still have the desire to live, then I will definitely give them some help."

After Wang Mingyang finished speaking, he took out four bottles of mineral water from the Mustard Seed Space, put them on the tea table, opened a bottle of water and drank it.

"How can I help? Just tell me!"

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue's eyes lit up when they heard this. They didn't rush to drink water and asked hurriedly.

"None of them have awakened their powers, right?"

Mu Ningxue shook her head, "No... several people who had awakened their powers before were killed by this group of people."

"It's the same as I guessed, but I think there is a way that we can try... maybe it can help them awaken their powers."

Wang Mingyang put down the water bottle and said calmly.

Su Yu: "What?! Is there such a way?"

Mu Ningxue: "Is there a way to awaken people's superpowers?"

Li Yuchan: "Are you kidding?"

"Do I seem to like joking?" Wang Mingyang said speechlessly.


The three of them said in unison, then looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, don't interrupt. I'll go talk to them later after they finish eating."

Wang Mingyang waved his hand and placed a few bags of food on the table.

The four of them took a short rest, and soon Wang Mingyang ordered Su Yu to bring these women over.

Seeing Su Yu come out, the girls who had finished eating struggled to get up.

After a while, Su Yu walked in with the fourteen remaining women.

He motioned for everyone to sit down. There were many tables, chairs and benches in the hall of this shop. The girls did not dare to stop and sat around one after another.

"Even after going through so much suffering... you still want to live, right?"

Wang Mingyang stood up and looked calmly at the fourteen women in front of him who were covered in scars and torture.

The girls looked at each other sadly and looked at each other speechlessly, but they still nodded silently.

"If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself. Don't expect us to take you away."

Wang Mingyang continued in a cold voice. He could help a little, but he couldn't bring a burden.

"But we haven't killed zombies before, and there are so many outside..."

A woman with bruised eyes, about 27 or 28 years old, whispered.

"Yes, I'm not afraid of death anymore, but I don't want to die so unclearly..."

A young girl in her twenties, with red eyes and gritted her teeth.

"Sister Mei Hong took the initiative to let that scumbag abuse her in order to let me suffer less... Just now, she jumped down, I want to try to survive for her!"

A little girl of 16 or 17 years old wiped the tears from her eyes and said with determination.

The girls nodded one after another. After experiencing this kind of hell on earth, they had already died once.

Maybe they didn't end their lives at this moment because of a little obsession in their hearts.

Or maybe they simply didn't want to die...

In any case, as long as they want to survive, it's fine.

"Very good, as long as you want to live."

"I can... give you the power to live!"

Wang Mingyang nodded, glanced at the women present, and said loudly.

"As long as you can give me power, my life is yours!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"We are all the same!"

The women spoke one after another, and a little light seemed to appear in their dead eyes.

"You have to think clearly. If you want to get this power, you may need to pay..."

"The price of life!"

Wang Mingyang was unmoved. He didn't need the lives of these women.

But that method, not everyone can awaken as they wish, and they may really die!

"Death? What does it matter!"

"We have all died once!"

"I'm not afraid of death!"

The women looked miserable, but no one backed down.

If you can get power, why fear death?

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