After a few people laughed, Wang Mingyang pondered for a moment and suddenly asked.

"The lotus seeds in your body should be almost digested, right?"

Mu Ningxue nodded, "Yeah, it feels like it's almost done..."

Su Yu: "Mine is almost done too. I estimate it will be digested in two hours."

Li Yuchan shrugged, "Mine too."

"That's perfect. Eat the next one right after digesting this one."

"This lotus seed not only improves my energy, but also my mental strength and my entire body. Eating more will be good for your future development."

Wang Mingyang nodded. According to his own personal experience, these lotus seeds have a huge effect and can improve the ability of psychics in all aspects.

At the same level, those who have eaten lotus seeds are much better than those who have not eaten lotus seeds, whether in energy reserves, mental strength, or physical fitness.

For example: an ordinary psychic has 100 HP, 100 mana, and 1,000 experience points required to upgrade.

Eating a lotus seed can increase health to 120 points and mana to 120 points, but the experience required to upgrade is 2000 points.

It seems that the improvement is not much, but after the promotion, the value doubles.

And Wang Mingyang absorbs multiple abilities, and this basic value will also increase.

The foundation is extremely solid!

There are three lotus pods, a total of 27 lotus seeds. Wang Mingyang ate two by himself, and Su Yu and the other two had six, leaving 19 lotus seeds.

It seems that there are more, but in fact there are not many.

The increase in spiritual energy explosion, two lotus seeds plus a third-level gold crystal core, allowed him to be promoted to the third level.

If he simply eats lotus seeds, he may need at least eight to ten before he can be promoted to a fourth-level ability user.

In this way, if Su Yu and the other two share it equally, each person can eat at most four.

If you want to improve quickly, you still need to hunt for high-level crystal cores as soon as possible.

Having made up his mind, Wang Mingyang said, "Let's go to the city center tomorrow morning!"


"Why go to the city center?"

"If you want to collect supplies, there are two large supermarkets in the southern part of the city."

Su Yu and the other two were puzzled.

"There are many zombies in the city center, and there are also many advanced zombies."

"If we want to improve our strength, we need to take advantage of now and hunt some crystal cores as soon as possible."

"The longer the time, the stronger the mutants will be, and our advantage will be reduced at that time."

"It's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat!"

Wang Mingyang shook his head and analyzed. Moreover, when we come back, we will take a detour to the building materials market on the edge of the city.

"That's true..." Li Yuchan's eyes sparkled, and he agreed deeply.

Su Yu stood up, "I'm going to cook. After dinner, everyone should rest early."

"Xiao Yu'er, let me help you." Mu Ningxue smiled and stood up, holding Su Yu.

"Okay, Sister Xue." Su Yu smiled, and the two quickly walked to the kitchen.

The curtains in the hall and kitchen were closed, so it wouldn't be very bright for the time being. Even if there were mutant creatures, they would have been attracted by the fire at the foot of the mountain.

The four of them had a simple dinner and went back to their rooms to rest.

Wang Mingyang turned on the night light at the bedside and thought about the afternoon battle.

Hou Jun's A-level shadow flickered, appearing and disappearing like a ghost, an assassin's magic skill!

Compared with the teleportation of the space system, it is much worse than the above, but it is more practical in the early stage.

"It may be a little difficult to get teleportation... I don't have enough comprehension!"

Wang Mingyang looked at the "A Brief History of Time" in his hand, with a tangled face. Even though he already had ten lines at a glance and quick thinking, he still felt that reading this book was very difficult.

After thinking about it, Wang Mingyang took out another book about space dimensions.

"Flat Country", a fantasy novel, has a rich imagination of space dimensions.

Maybe it can make him have a deeper understanding of space.

With the blessing of ten lines at a glance, Wang Mingyang soon finished reading this book.

[The host is detected to have read "Flatland" for the first time, and the reading value is rewarded: 100 points. ]

"Uh... System, why did you give the reading value but didn't extract the fragments?"

["Flatland" is a fantasy novel, but the content of the book can inspire the host in terms of space, so the reading value is rewarded. ]

"This..." Wang Mingyang was dumbfounded.

[Current reading value of the host: 100 points. ]

[Host, please study hard! ]

[The reading value is too low for a long time, the system assumes that the host has no ambition, and will activate the penalty mechanism! ]

"What? There is a penalty... What penalty?"

[Primary penalty: Randomly erase one of the host's abilities. ]

[Intermediate penalty: Randomly erase three of the host's abilities. ]

[Advanced penalty: Erase all of the host's abilities. ]

[Ultimate penalty: Erase... the host! ]

"Damn! Erase the host too?! Can you play like this?"

Wang Mingyang was speechless. Isn't this forcing him to study?

He originally thought it was a golden finger, but he didn't expect that this golden finger also has a finger-cutting function...

[The host has been frantically testing the edge of the primary punishment for a day. Since it is the host's first offense, the punishment is temporarily exempted. ]

[Host... please study hard! convex(`△´+)]

The system sounded a contemptuous reminder, leaving Wang Mingyang speechless.

"It's just the reading value, watch me increase it for you!"

Wang Mingyang still didn't believe it. He can read ten lines at a glance and has a quick mind. Is he still afraid that the reading value is too low?

Just spend some time and read two books, and the reading value will come.

It looks like a punishment, but it is better to say that the system is spurring him on.

It is just like the homework assigned by the teacher in class.

If you don't complete it well, you will be criticized.

Punishment is not the goal, but just a means.

The main purpose is to make students study well.

Throwing "Flat Country" aside, Wang Mingyang searched the books in the system library.

After a while, ten books materialized in front of him.

"Come on! I won't sleep tonight..."

The next morning, Li Yuchan got up early, found tea leaves from somewhere, boiled a pot of water in the kitchen, made himself a cup of tea, and sat leisurely in the pavilion on the terrace.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue also got up one after another, washed up, and started to make breakfast.

But what puzzled the three was that Wang Mingyang didn't get up until more than eleven o'clock.

"Didn't Wang Mingyang say he would go to the city center early in the morning? Why didn't he get up yet?"

Mu Ningxue stood aside with her hands folded, saying with a puzzled look on her face.

Su Yu was preparing lunch, shaking her head, wondering, "Did he read too late?"

"'s possible."

"Why does Brother Mingyang like reading so much..."

"Reading is good, the two books he lent me really opened my mind."

Mu Ningxue said, a snowflake appeared on her fingertips.

"Is this your new move?" Su Yu teased, a hexagonal snowflake as big as a fist, looking beautiful.

"Don't underestimate my snowflake, it's very sharp..."

Mu Ningxue smiled slightly, flicked her fingertips, and the snowflake flew out quickly, like a sharp blade, easily crossing a small bowl on the kitchen table.

The snowflake passed through the small bowl, suddenly exploded into a ball of ice mist in the air, and slowly dissipated.

The small bowl suddenly cracked from the middle, directly and evenly divided into two halves...


Su Yu was stunned, she never thought that Mu Ningxue's snowflake would be so powerful.

"I accidentally discovered the shape of snowflakes in those two books, and suddenly thought that if the snowflakes were enlarged and reinforced, wouldn't they be rotating hidden weapons!"

Mu Ningxue looked at her masterpiece with satisfaction and explained softly.

"Awesome! No, I have to ask Brother Mingyang for two books, otherwise my ability has not changed!"

Su Yu shook his head and said unwillingly.

"No, isn't the power of your move stronger! And you can use your energy at will now." Mu Ningxue smiled and comforted.

"But there are not many changes! I always feel that there should be other changes."

Su Yu pouted and shook off the water stains on his hands.

"I can't help you with this, we have different abilities!"

Mu Ningxue spread his hands and chuckled.

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