On the other side of the building where the large supermarket is located, the first and second floors have been occupied by the flesh and blood of this hatchery.

The two of them jumped in directly from the window on the third floor, carefully avoiding the hatchery bodies that squeezed in from the opposite side, and groped their way to the supermarket along the wall.

The whole building was filled with the stench of decay, but there was not a single zombie along the way. The ground was full of dried blood, and there were not even corpses.

Walking into the entrance of the supermarket, it was a mess inside, and there were some zombies pressed by the shelves, or rotten corpses.

Shaking his head, Wang Mingyang began to collect supplies.

Li Yuchan followed him. Although he had seen it many times, he still envied the scene of those supplies disappearing out of thin air.

As the two continued to move forward, they encountered collapsed shelves from time to time, and several zombie corpses whose heads were pierced by unknown weapons.

The zombie heads were all broken open, and the crystal cores inside had disappeared.

Wang Mingyang frowned slightly. Judging from the traces, he should have gone to the upper food area.

"Someone got there first..."

The supermarket has two floors. After the two of them finished collecting the goods on the third floor, they walked up a long escalator.

Li Yuchan raised the invisible telekinetic shield to protect the two of them. Wang Mingyang took out the horizontal sword from the mustard seed space and quickly formed a titanium alloy shield with some kitchen utensils he had just collected.

Before they reached the fourth floor, a whisper and the sound of plastic packaging being torn came from the stairs.

Walking out of the escalator, Wang Mingyang looked in the direction of the sound and was slightly happy.

On the fourth floor food area, a thin young man about sixteen or seventeen years old was sitting on the ground, holding a handful of potato chips in his hand and stuffing them into his mouth.

Beside him, a young man wearing a baseball cap seemed to hear the footsteps of the two people, and stood up in a flash. He quickly pulled the recurve bow in his hand to the full, and the arrow was already on the string...

When he saw that they were two living people, the young man was stunned, and the taut bowstring in his hand couldn't help but relax.

"Zhu Bai, eat quickly..."

The young man sitting on the ground seemed to have not reacted yet, and he squinted his eyes and spoke vaguely, with a happy look on his face.

"Fatty! Someone is coming."

Zhu Bai kicked him speechlessly, but his eyes still looked at Wang Mingyang and Li Yuchan with vigilance.

Wang Mingyang and Li Yuchan looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"Are you survivors nearby?"

Wang Mingyang slowly moved forward and asked calmly.

"Don't get close to us, there are a lot of things here, we can't take them all... It's best for everyone to keep a distance."

Zhu Bai saw Wang Mingyang approaching slowly with a knife, frowned slightly, and pulled the recurve bow half full again.

The young man called Fatty also climbed up, holding a homemade long knife in his hand, and stood directly in front of Zhu Bai, looking at them with a vigilant face.

"You can take as much as you need, and I will take all the rest."

Wang Mingyang didn't care, and slowly moved forward along the passage, smiling a little playfully, with the mustard seed space, these things are nothing at all, how could they not be taken.

"What a joke, there are so many things, how can you two take them all!" The fat guy looked unconvinced.

"That's my business, you guys hurry up and take them, otherwise it will be bad if the zombies come later."

Wang Mingyang smiled faintly, put his sword aside, took a bottle of happy water from the shelf, and threw another bottle to Li Yuchan.

"We killed all the zombies in the supermarket, how can there be zombies!"

The fat guy was not convinced, and said with his neck stiff. Zhu Bai just told him that he was going to stay here for a night.

Except for the weird big meat ball outside, there are very few zombies around here.

"Oh, you two cleaned it up, not bad!"

Li Yuchan looked at these two young people who were obviously two years younger than him, and couldn't help but admire them.

"Of course!" The young man called the fat man looked proud.

Li Yuchan looked him up and down, wondering, "You look thinner than me, why does he call you Fatty?"

"Well, that's because..."

'Fatty' wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhu Bai on the side.

"Shut up! Fatty, you don't even know who's on the other side, why are you saying this!"

Zhu Bai frowned, this fat man didn't have any defense at all.

"In fact, you should have been very fat before, but your fat has turned into defense and strength...Isn't that right?"

Wang Mingyang took a sip of happy water, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and said lightly.

"You...how do you know!"

The fat man was surprised, and even Zhu Bai's pupils dilated, with a look of disbelief.

'Fatty' was originally very fat, but he awakened some special abilities a few days ago. It seems that all the fat on his body has been absorbed and transformed, and his strength has become huge. The defense of his skin can't even be pierced by the sharp knife at home.

But his appetite has increased several times, and the little food stored at home has long been consumed.

The two of them had to bravely go out to look for food. Unexpectedly, as soon as they met, they were exposed by the young man in front of them.

"So, Zhu Bai, what ability did you awaken?"

Wang Mingyang did not explain, and looked directly at Zhu Bai who was drawing his bow and arrow.

"Why should I tell you!"

Zhu Bai snorted coldly, and pulled the recurve bow in his hand to the full, with a cold look in his eyes.

"Little guy, don't get excited..."

Wang Mingyang did not even blink, and the arrowhead made of fine steel instantly melted into a pool of liquid, and then condensed into an iron ball again, wrapping the tip of the arrow.


Zhu Bai's pupils tightened. This man's ability actually destroyed his arrows. How could he fight?

"We don't mean any harm, but I do have a way to take away all the supplies here. You can take as much as you can!"

Wang Mingyang laughed, but looked at the 'fat man' playfully.

"Hmph! So what if you can damage Zhu Bai's arrow? I still don't accept it!"

The fat man snorted coldly. Seeing Wang Mingyang's horizontal knife stuck to the side, he looked at the long knife in his hand, thrust it directly into the shelf, and clenched his fists.

"Oh, you want to fight with me?" Wang Mingyang found it quite interesting. These two people have quite a temper.

"Let's compare, whoever loses will leave."

The fat man said in a sullen voice that he had a huge appetite. Even if the two of them worked hard to get it, it would not be enough for him to eat for a day.

After finally finding this big supermarket, why would you want to leave so easily?

"That's it, that's fine, come on..."

Wang Mingyang put down the happy water and stepped forward with empty hands.

"Be careful."

The fat man shouted low, jumped a few meters forward, and punched Wang Mingyang on the shoulder.

He was still careful. At first glance, the young man's ability was that of metal manipulation or telekinesis.

His special ability is to strengthen his body, making him very strong in both strength and defense.

This wave, I have the advantage...

Wang Mingyang stood still with a smile on his face. The fat man punched him, but he just raised his palm slightly.

The fat man's fist was held in his palm, and his whole body remained motionless.

Zhu Bai's pupils shrank. He knew the power of Fatty all too well. This punch was definitely with all his strength. Even the reinforced concrete wall would be smashed through by this punch.

But this man actually took it so easily.

Zhu Bai moved his steps slightly without leaving a trace, and vaguely took out a new arrow in his right hand.

"Young man, this is not okay, watch carefully!"

Li Yuchan shook his head slightly, and activated his mental power instantly. All the arrows in the quiver on Zhu Bai's waist flew up and pierced directly on the ceiling.

On the other side, the fat man was pumping his fists in disbelief, but in vain.

No matter how hard he exerted force, his fist was squeezed tightly by Wang Mingyang.

Wang Mingyang suddenly raised his right foot and kicked the fat man directly in the stomach. The huge force kicked him away instantly.

The fat man flew out upside down and pulled out his fist, but his body directly hit two or three shelves.

A series of coughs sounded, and the fat man slowly got up after a while, with a look of frustration on his face.

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