On the other side, Gong Zhan and Ye Jianfeng walked out of the office and walked downstairs side by side.

"By the way, I saw Hou Jun's left hand grow out yesterday. What ability can he do this?"

Gong Zhan was shocked by this. The rebirth of a broken limb was simply a legendary miracle!

"I don't know. It's probably that person's subordinate who awakened a powerful healing ability. After all, with a large number of crystal cores, it's not difficult to build a high-level healer."

Ye Jianfeng shook his head, with a hint of envy in his disdain.

"Haha, if it weren't for Wang Mingyang's reminder, I'm afraid we would also be madly using crystal cores to improve our strength."

"There are indeed big hidden dangers if the crystal core absorbs too much!"

Gong Zhan smiled slightly, and then thought of someone.

"How are you? Can you reach the fourth level?"

Ye Jianfeng glanced at him and asked curiously.

"How can it be that fast? With that kid's reminder, I dare not absorb the crystal core recklessly."

"Recently, I should focus on consolidating the foundation. After the battle, I felt that the energy in my body was a little out of control."

Gong Zhan shook his head and smiled bitterly. In the past few days, except for going out to perform exploration tasks, he was basically honing his superpowers and didn't touch the crystal core at all.

"That... Wang Mingyang, right? Why is his strength so strong?"

"God knows how he practiced, but I have sparred with him once before, and I always feel that the boy is a little unfathomable. I just didn't expect it to be this deep!"

"It would be great if he could be pulled into the military district..."

"Don't think about it, that boy is not a master who can be inferior to others."

Speaking of this, Gong Zhan suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ye Jianfeng seriously, "Jianfeng, you must keep an eye on Professor Gu, don't let him study the brain blindly anymore, it will really kill people!"

"What do you mean?" Ye Jianfeng looked puzzled.

"Wang Mingyang once said to me that if Professor Gu continued to do brain research, he would kill him with his own hands!"

"What kind of research makes him so afraid?"

Gong Zhan sighed helplessly and briefly described to Ye Jianfeng the fact that Gu Zemin had once made a very intelligent mutant mouse.

"Hiss... He is really bored!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely look forward to him. The main research directions of the scientific research team now are the root causes of biological mutations, and the energy extraction of those crystal cores. There shouldn't be any big problems."

Ye Jianfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and then he immediately explained to Gong Zhan.

"That's good. If something goes wrong, Wang Mingyang will come to kill us. I'm afraid that so many of us may not be able to stop him... We don't have the face to stop him."

Gong Zhan nodded, feeling helpless in his heart. Wang Mingyang's strength has deeply shocked him.

The two separated on the second floor, and Ye Jianfeng still had to discuss the collection of materials with the staff group.

Gong Zhan went straight to the first floor, stepped out of the door and walked towards the dormitory building in the distance.

A pair of eyes poked out from the shadows in the corner, and after confirming that it was Gong Zhan, they immediately disappeared into the darkness.

"Captain Gong!"

Gong Zhan walked along a small path, and there was no one around, but a voice came from the darkness beside him.


Gong Zhan was startled, and instantly took a fighting stance, and the surface of his skin under his clothes also glowed with a golden halo.

"Captain Gong, our boss asked me to come to you to consult something."

The figure of the person who came was not revealed, but the voice came from Gong Zhan's side.

Gong Zhan frowned, where is this person, so hidden...

"Who are you, and who asked you to come?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Gong Zhan suddenly shouted and punched the shadow of the tree beside him.

Under the faint moonlight, the shadow of the big tree twisted, and two shadow hands quickly grabbed Gong Zhan's fist.

"Wang Mingyang, Boss Wang!"

The shadow hand was dispersed by the golden light of the fist, but Mo Bei's figure emerged from the shadow of another big tree.

Suddenly hearing this familiar name, Gong Zhan paused, and the golden halo that appeared on his body quickly dissipated.

"Did Brother Wang ask you to come?"

"Yes, the boss asked me to come to you to consult something." Mo Bei nodded, but he still stood in the shadow.

Gong Zhan raised his eyebrows, looked around vigilantly, and then said: "Come with me!"

"Okay." Mo Bei nodded, took a few steps forward and quickly escaped into Gong Zhan's shadow.

Gong Zhan was stunned. This guy's ability is a bit interesting...

In a dormitory building, Gong Zhan walked into a single dormitory, which was dark.

Although there is a backup power supply, the entire military area will not supply electricity except for necessary places.

The physical fitness of the third-level psychic is very strong. Even if the room is dark, Gong Zhan can still roughly see the facilities in the room.

"Speak, what does Brother Wang want to know?" Gong Zhan closed the door and walked straight to the chair and sat down.

Mo Bei's figure quickly emerged, and he said calmly: "It's about the commander of your Chuncheng Military Division, Colonel Sun Jian!"


Gong Zhan suddenly stood up and shouted in a low voice.

"Sun Jian, commander of the military division, colonel rank!"

"Sun Jie's father..."

Mo Bei crossed his arms and said calmly.

"It's him... Why did Brother Wang ask about him?"

Gong Zhan got confirmation, but his brows were furrowed, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"You don't need to know the specific reason. You just need to tell me the specific information about this Sun Jian."

Mo Bei snorted. It was about a military district commander, so he would not easily reveal the reason.

Gong Zhan paced unconsciously, his eyes swept to Mo Bei, who was dressed in black from time to time, and his mind turned quickly.

Although he was not extremely smart, Gong Zhan's IQ must be online to be the captain of the Snow Owl Special Forces.

"Sun Jie...died in your hands?"

Gong Zhan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and recalled the topic he had just talked about with the old leader and Ye Jianfeng, and looked at Mo Bei with burning eyes.

"Uh, no!"

Mo Bei was stunned, and then immediately shook his head to deny.

"Impossible, even if he didn't die in your hands, it must have something to do with Wang Mingyang!"

Gong Zhan waved his hand, not believing the words of the little black man in front of him.

The answer to this question is too important to him!

At this moment, Gong Zhan's mind has derived countless favorable possibilities.

"It is basically impossible for Wang Mingyang to have contact with Commander Sun Jian!"

"The only two possibilities are Sun Jian's wife Li He and his son Sun Jie..."

"And you just mentioned Sun Jie, not Li He. Coincidentally, we received news before that Sun Jie seemed to have died in the hands of a superpower..."

Gong Zhan analyzed lightly, and his eyes gradually showed a determined light.

Mo Bei was stunned by what he said, and his hands unconsciously dropped.

The development of things seemed to be a little off track. How did Gong Zhan become so smart...

And how did he know that Sun Jie was dead?

"Well, Sun Jie's death is indeed related to the boss... So, we need to learn about Sun Jian's situation from you."

Mo Bei sighed helplessly and had to show his cards.

"Let's put Sun Jian's matter aside... Where is Brother Wang?" Gong Zhan raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle.

"Can you go out?"

"Why not?"

"Okay, the boss is on the mountain to the west. It would be great if you could go and talk to him directly."

Mo Bei nodded and pointed to a small hill to the west.

"Okay, I'll go there now."

Gong Zhan glanced at the hill within the military area, and his mouth twitched unconsciously.

The lack of electricity has basically paralyzed the modern protection measures of the military area.

Now the main warning points of the military area are all arranged on the periphery.

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