Li Yuchan's mocking words immediately caused a group of minions on the opposite side to curse.

The machetes and sticks in their hands made the barricades clang.

Liang Kun had a gloomy face and waved his hand to stop those minions, "Boy, it seems that there is no room for negotiation?"

"Go back to where you came from! What is there to negotiate?"

Li Yuchan sneered. It's time now, and he is still acting like a gangster boss?

"Haha, I think you should think about it carefully, so as not to hurt the harmony..."

Liang Kun sneered, and before he finished speaking, his hands behind his back suddenly made a gesture.

The driver and the young man in black behind him suddenly jumped up, and a huge frost claw suddenly formed above Li Yuchan and his men's heads and smashed down.

The ground under their feet quickly turned into a quagmire, trying to bind them inside.

"Hmph, I knew you're not a good guy!"

Li Yuchan curled his lips, and his mental power suddenly burst out, directly floating dozens of people around him.

The frost claws were blocked by a layer of mental shield, and ice chips flew all over the sky.

Liang Kun and others were stunned. This trick was always successful when facing other survivors before the surprise attack.

But now, it was resolved in an instant.

"Go! Kill them!"

Seeing that the surprise attack would not work, Liang Kun did not hesitate, and waved his hand, and suddenly there were bursts of dust around.

Suddenly attacked, even if everyone had been mentally prepared, their eyes quickly became cold.

Facing the many superpowers that came over, Li Yuchan showed a hint of sarcasm, and led everyone to retreat quickly and land on the ground.

The telekinetic shield expanded rapidly, directly enveloping all the oncoming fireballs, ice cones, and so on, and squeezed them hard...

At the same time, Zhu Bai was the first to react, and two steel arrows flashed and directly nailed the two superpowers who showed up.

The fat man roared, pulled down his mask, and rushed forward with a Mo Dao.

Mo Bei stretched out his hand and clenched it, and several shadow spikes shot out from under the opponent's feet, piercing directly.

A sandstorm with a diameter of four or five meters rolled over, but Liang Kun's figure quickly retreated and hid behind the crowd.

The driver and the young man in black missed their shots and retreated quickly at the same time.

Xie Dong shrank back and touched back as soon as the conflict broke out.

A group of younger brothers were like chicken blood, howling and waving their superpowers, and some melee superpowers rushed up with machetes and sticks.

Fortunately, these people were not too stupid. They did not stand together and rush forward, but spread out to surround Li Yuchan and the others.

Chu Hui stood firm and saw someone rushing towards him and Tong Ya. His eyes began to turn red. He shouted and shook his hands forward. The two superpowers who rushed forward suddenly stagnated.

The next moment, countless blood-red spikes pierced through their bodies. The bodies of the two people shrank quickly and were directly stabbed to death by the blood in their bodies.

Tong Ya was a little scared, but she still gritted her teeth and pointed at a small minion who was coming towards her. The densely packed phagocytic insects condensed into an almost imperceptible light gray ray.

Hit by this ray, the minion whose body expanded to more than two meters actually screamed miserably, and his flesh and blood began to disappear rapidly.

After a while, the minion who fell to the ground, along with his machete and clothes, all disappeared, leaving only a small pool of dust.

A breeze blew and it was directly lifted up.

The sandstorm rolled up a strong wind and hit Li Yuchan directly.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Li Yuchan also wanted to try the power of this sandstorm, and rushed over with a layer of telekinetic shield.

The sand particles carrying powerful kinetic energy bombarded the telekinetic shield crazily, and ripples appeared in the air.

"Nothing more than that..."

Li Yuchan snorted coldly. This sandstorm couldn't even break his telekinetic shield.

Pressing down casually, a powerful mental power came from top to bottom, directly crushing the sandstorm that was more than ten meters high, and countless sand and dust spread around.

Liang Kun, who was hiding more than 20 meters away, shrank his pupils, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

The spreading sand and dust quickly gathered towards him, forming a giant yellow sand snake, carrying a huge force and rushing towards Li Yuchan.

Qi Sen and the dozen or so superpowers around him had no experience in fighting with others. Before, they could only kill a few zombies at most.

But now the enemy is coming fiercely, and dozens of superpowers are using their superpowers to attack them, which makes them a little frightened for a while.

But with Li Yuchan's mental power, the attack from the enemy was instantly disintegrated.

This made them excited. Qi Sen gritted his teeth and shouted, "Kill them!"

He stomped his feet hard, and a four-meter-wide and three-meter-high earth wall rose from the ground, directly hitting the two superpowers who came around from the side.

Hearing this, the ten or so people around him immediately looked fierce and used their superpowers.

Those who can be brought by Mo Bei are basically people with good superpowers and are usually more active.

These people are smart people who have a certain understanding of the end of the world and can quickly adapt to it.

In the face of this situation, if they are still timid and don't take action, I'm afraid there will be no good results next.

They didn't forget that in the Banpo mansion, there is also the one who they privately call the king of the villa area.

A melee quickly broke out, and nearly ten people were killed in an instant...

But the twenty or thirty ordinary survivors behind the convoy were surprised to find that

All the people who died in an instant were from the convoy.

The other side was completely unscathed!

Liang Kun was a true level 3 psychic, but he only had a few level 2 subordinates, including the driver and the black-clothed youth.

But after a brief fight, Liang Kun was horrified.

Since awakening his psychic powers, he has been invincible.

Even the prison that he once regarded as an abyss was crushed by him all the way, and he walked out easily with a group of his brothers in the prison.

Even though he encountered some survivors later, he easily killed them all, and most of the time he didn't even need to do anything to solve them.

But now, Liang Kun seemed to feel that he had hit a piece of iron.

Especially thick...

Especially painful...

Although they rushed to the opposite side with 70 or 80 people, none of the dozen people on the opposite side were injured or killed.

Even as time went on, in just one minute, the death toll soared to 20.

The fat man in dark golden armor, who looked like a cosplayer, was surprisingly flexible.

He rushed into the crowd with a sword and dozens of super powers, roaring and swinging the sword, instantly slashing two people.

As the strongest fighter on his side, Liang Kun took the lead to fight against Li Yuchan, but no matter how he changed the sand and dust, he was easily crushed by the opponent.

The two speed-type superpowers wanted to take advantage of Li Yuchan's distraction to attack, but they were not even at the second level.

Little did they know that under his powerful mental perception, he had already known their movements.

The two figures who left the afterimage paused in the air when they were still ten meters away from Li Yuchan, and then their bodies floated up directly.

A sound of broken bones was accompanied by screams, and the two were directly squeezed into a ball by Li Yuchan's powerful mental power and died on the spot.

Xie Dong huddled behind a car, his eyes trembling wildly, and his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

A cold look came over, and it was Liang Kun who retreated to his right not far away.

The venomous look in his eyes immediately made Xie Dong shudder.

He could not help but raise the machete in his hand and wanted to send a blade of light towards the fat man who rushed into the crowd.

The next second, a steel arrow pierced through his forehead with a whoosh.

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