Mu Ningxue slowly put down her hands, turned around and looked at Wang Mingyang and Li Yuchan in the air, revealing a smile.

"Sister Xue, you are already at the fourth level!"

Su Yu jumped down from the roof of a villa, and after a few flashes, he appeared beside Mu Ningxue.

"Well, I just succeeded in the promotion."

Mu Ningxue gathered the ice and snow energy around her body, and the ice blue in her eyes and hair quickly faded. She pulled Su Yu's hands and smiled.

Mu Ningxue's most intuitive feeling is that the accumulation of energy is gradually increasing.

The energy increase in her body had been stagnant before, and the crystal core could not be absorbed.

Mu Ningxue turned to compress and condense her own mental power, and the starlight that was originally condensed always felt a little inconsistent.

Until, she resolutely dispersed the starlight.

According to the impulse in her heart, she re-compressed all her mental power.

All compressed and condensed into a sharp-edged snowflake.

As the mental power snowflake took shape, the energy shackles in her body seemed to be broken.

After absorbing the two prepared third-level ice crystal cores.

Mu Ningxue felt that she had broken through the barrier of the third level and entered the fourth level.

"Great... I rushed and rushed, but I didn't expect that Sister Xue would be one step ahead."

Su Yu showed a bright smile on his face. Although he didn't get the first place, he was still happy for Mu Ningxue.

"Congratulations, Sister Xue, you are the first to be promoted to the fourth level!"

Li Yuchan and Wang Mingyang landed in front of the two of them, and Li Yuchan smiled and bowed.

"Great, I thought Li Yuchan would be the first, but I didn't expect you to be the first."

Wang Mingyang smiled. Mu Ningxue was promoted to the fourth level, and the others would not be far behind.

There should be enough time.

The people in the villa area outside the venue were already in an uproar.

"Sister Mu's strength, has it been promoted to the fourth level?"

"Definitely, such a big commotion..."

"Sister Mu was at the peak of the third level before, and now she must be at the fourth level without a doubt."

"Fourth level! Boss Wang seems to be only at the third level, Miss Mu's talent is simply invincible!"

"Boss Wang is stronger, he can sweep a third level with one hand!"

"Strength is not entirely based on level, you forgot that the barrier of Hailiu can't be broken by a third-level giant zombie."

"That's right, but Miss Mu can also fight several at once."

"That's right..."

"Miss Mu, I'm afraid she is the first one in Chuncheng to be promoted to the fourth level?!"

"I think it should be..."

"The core members are not simple!"

The survivors in the Yunhu Villa District have different opinions, and many members of the combat team have witnessed their strength with their own eyes.

Generally, as long as there are core members, there is no fear of third-level zombies.

"Woo woo woo... I knew that there must be a future if I followed them!" Cheng Shanshan covered her mouth with her fists, her eyes full of stars.

"Of course, it's a pity that we were rejected when we asked Boss Wang at the beginning." Zuo Wenguang sighed.

"You can't say that. If Boss Wang hadn't rejected us at the beginning, I'm afraid our progress wouldn't be so fast."

Tian Lei's eyes were burning. After coming to the villa area a few days ago.

They found that there were so many combat teams in the villa area, and they were all very strong.

Even Ding Cheng had put away his arrogance early.

With his talent of B-level steel skin, he could resist the third-level hunter, which was enough to look down on many members of the villa area.

However, after a sparring match with Li Ming from Li Hua's team.

He felt that there were really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the villa area.

Li Ming's ability was very simple, which was the high-frequency vibration of the C level.

Even if Ding Cheng's skin could not be hurt with a knife, the high-frequency vibration was unbearable for his internal organs.

This was when Li Ming held back.

If, as Li Ming showed, he punched the boulder, a high-frequency vibration would burst out, shattering the entire boulder.

I'm afraid that knife would have killed Ding Cheng directly.

According to Li Ming himself, this ability was not strong at the beginning, but after Boss Wang found out, he asked him to use his supernatural power to smash stones every day.

He smashed stones for more than half a month, and finally the wall was built, and he reached this level.

Li Ming is the only one who is so happy to do hard labor.

"Tian Lei, are the Boss Wang and others you mentioned so strong?" A beautiful woman with a high ponytail asked with a burning gaze.

"Sheng Hanyan, you saw it with your own eyes, could it be false?"

Tian Lei laughed, Sheng Hanyan is also a student at Yunnan University.

After the end of the world, there are actually many people alive on the campus of Yunnan University.

In addition, Gong Zhan and others used hot weapons to clean up a large number of zombies on the campus, leaving enough living space for these surviving college students.

Sheng Hanyan also awakened her special powers early, and eventually led a group of girls out of the dormitory building.

In the process of searching for supplies, she accidentally bumped into Tian Lei and his team.

As a junior beauty in the Department of Literature of Yunnan University, Sheng Hanyan is still quite famous among students.

After a series of twists and turns, Sheng Hanyan and Tian Lei and his team finally merged together.

But Wang Mingyang has been immersed in the sea of ​​books these days.

Even though Tian Lei and his team went through untold hardships and arrived at the villa area.

Wang Mingyang didn't have time to meet him, but asked Mo Bei to arrange them.

So, until now, Sheng Hanyan has met the boss Wang mentioned by Tian Lei and his team for the first time.

"Level 4... This is the first time I've heard of someone being promoted to Level 4. It's really strong."

Sheng Hanyan looked at the cold and beautiful figure in the distance, feeling the icy coldness that lingered in the air.

A desire to become stronger quickly surged in her heart.

"I know you're also very strong. I'm afraid you'll be the first one to be promoted to Level 3 in our two teams."

"However, you also know that we have absorbed too many crystal cores from the experience passed down by Boss Wang, and our foundation is too superficial."

"Compared to those who have always been following Boss Wang, you're still a lot behind. You can't rush..."

Tian Lei sighed lightly. This woman is not a so-called vase.

On the contrary, Sheng Hanyan, who has awakened the wind power, has an extraordinary fighting consciousness.

The seven or eight girls she leads are all very tough.

Sheng Hanyan is very strong, but it depends on who she's compared with.

Let's forget about comparing with Su Yu and Mu Ningxue...

"Hmph, I'll catch up soon."

"Let's go, let's go to Nancheng District!"

Sheng Hanyan snorted lightly, and turned away with the team members around him.

Seeing this, Tian Lei looked at Ding Cheng, and both shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

They looked at Mu Ningxue with envy, and then they turned away.

They just arrived here, and today is their second time going out.

"Let's go back to the residence first, and talk in detail later."

Wang Mingyang glanced around and saw that everyone was whispering around the periphery. It was indeed not suitable to talk here.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to talk to you about my experience."

Mu Ningxue nodded. She did have a lot of doubts and insights that she needed to share with them.

In addition to the four of them, the core members were only Mo Yan and Han Yinyin mother and daughter at home.

Zhu Bai, Mo Bei and Fatty, since they knew about the hatching nest.

They frequently went out to fight, wanting to hone themselves as soon as possible and meet the conditions for promotion.

The strength of other core members is far behind, so it is completely unnecessary to pile up to the fourth level in a short period of time.

The fourth level promoted by cramming...

Facing the alien zombies above the fifth level, it is not enough.

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