Ten minutes passed before the woman finally regained her composure.

"Have you seen her?"

Lin Ji squatted in front of the woman and asked softly with a trembling tone.

"I...I've seen it."

The woman leaned against the wall and spoke with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

"Where? When?"

Lin Ji suppressed the excitement and anxiety in his heart and continued to ask.

"Two months ago, just...in this...house."

The woman turned her head with difficulty and looked at the room opposite.

Looking along her line of sight, her pupils couldn't help but shrink.

It was the room with the skeletons of two foreigners.

"Tell me, what is the specific situation?"

Lin Ji's tone was slightly cold, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"At that time, my sister and I were entertaining two foreign guests..."

The woman slowly recounted that the original big wave had long been as chaotic as a chicken coop.

After talking intermittently for several minutes, Lin Ji finally understood everything.

"So, we are going to find someone who left with a man and a woman?"

Lin Ji felt at ease, the eldest lady followed a person with super powers.

Maybe, it's not that bad.

"Yes...yes, that man is very powerful..." Da Lang nodded with difficulty, with a trace of yearning in his eyes.

If possible, she also wanted to leave with that man.

No need to go through these hellish two months.

Although alive, there is no difference between being dead and alive.

However, she was reluctant to die, or perhaps she was afraid of death...

Lin Ji stood up slowly, with a hint of hope in his eyes, and never looked at the big wave again.

"Let's go and look for survivors nearby!"

Lin Ji waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the building.

"Captain, that woman..."

The team member who just came to report came forward and whispered, his eyes a little cold.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Ji paused and said doubtfully.

"We found a skeleton in her house...with half of the food left." The team member's tone was cold, with a hint of disgust.


Lin Ji was stunned, narrowed his eyes, and turned to look at Da Lang.

"You handle it."

With a cold snort, Lin Ji scratched his neck and left without stopping.


The team member responded, and after everyone else left, he walked to the big wave.

Squat down and look straight.

Big Wave looked up with a hint of confusion.

The next moment, a dagger flashed across like lightning.

Da Lang's eyes were wide open, with disbelief and a hint of relief.

The head rolled down directly.

"Eating people..."

"You don't deserve to live!"

The team members stood up, ignored the headless body, and turned around to leave.


In the military region office, Zheng Tianhe, Ye Jianfeng and Gong Zhan were discussing something.

An illusory homing pigeon suddenly passed through the glass and merged directly into Gong Zhan's body.

"Gongzhan, hatching is about to happen, come quickly!"

Wang Mingyang's urgent voice sounded, Gong Zhan's body trembled, and he suddenly stood up.

"Gong Zhan, what's wrong?"

Ye Jianfeng asked anxiously.

The phantom carrier pigeon message cannot be seen by anyone except the recipient.

"The hatching nest is about to give birth, I have to rush there!"

Gong Zhan ran towards the outside of the house, leaving a sound behind.

When Zheng Tianhe and Ye Jianfeng heard this, their pupils shrank suddenly.

They had already heard from Gong Zhan about the dangers of the hatching nest.

This matter has been listed as the highest priority in the military region.

However, the alien zombies of level 5 and above cannot be eliminated even if all the military region's resources are spent.

This matter can only be relied on Wang Mingyang.

"Jianfeng, activate the emergency plan!"

"When necessary, quickly arrange for people to evacuate..."

Zheng Tianhe sighed helplessly. They had discussed it many times, but the final solution was to stay away from Spring City.

Evacuate towards Qingdian County.

The day after Gong Zhan informed Wang Mingyang about the appearance of suspected third-level spiritual zombies in Qingdian County, he went to investigate in person.

Wang Mingyang single-handedly cleared most of the zombies in Qingdian County and eliminated all high-level zombies.

This made the military region headquarters overjoyed and quickly opened the road there.

As a retreat plan for hatching nest events.

If Wang Mingyang and the others couldn't deal with the possible fifth-level zombies, they would not be able to deal with them.

The military region could only take the survivors in the shelter and quickly evacuate north.

"Yes, Chief!"

"I'll make arrangements right away."

Ye Jianfeng quickly stood up, saluted, and walked out quickly.

Downstairs in the office building, Gong Zhan carried a Miao knife on his back and rushed towards the apron like lightning.

A helicopter quickly circled and took off, flying towards the city center.


In the city center, on the highest rooftop near the hatching nest.

The empty plane landed quickly.

Wang Mingyang and the others jumped down, quickly walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down.

From dozens of meters away, the crystals on the surface of the hatching nest can be clearly seen and are already cracked.

The metal villain quickly flew over and was caught in Wang Mingyang's hand.

A little golden light emerged and blended into Wang Mingyang's eyebrows.

A large number of reading values ​​and extracted abilities are instantly integrated into the system library.

"Boss, this crystal is going to break."

Li Yuchan frowned and looked down, and said solemnly.

"Yeah, almost."

Wang Mingyang nodded, the surface of the crystal cracked, which was a sign of imminent maturity.


Ten minutes later, the dark red crystal covering a kilometer exploded!

Crystal fragments flew all over the sky, as if it was raining blood.

Under the sunlight, it looked magnificent.

However, Wang Mingyang and his companions had no time to appreciate this beautiful scenery.

Energy fluctuations as deep as the abyss and hell came out from the blood rain.

It made everyone feel cold all over, as if they were trapped in hell, and the uncontrollable fear rose from the bottom of their hearts.


A deafening roar sounded, with a hint of joy, as if to announce the birth of the king to all living beings.

The blood crystals in the sky melted one after another, and gathered towards the center like blood.

All the buildings in the area covered by the hatchery were reduced to dust.

As the blood crystals gathered, an empty flat land appeared within a radius of one kilometer.

A human figure appeared in the center of the flat land, tall and burly, with knotted muscles, as if every muscle contained the power of destruction.

Its skin was dark purple, stretched tight over the exposed bones, as if it was tightly embraced by death.

There was no expression on the demonic face, and the eyes seemed to be burning with bloody flames, which was the desire for blood and killing.

Both hands were stretched out, and the sharp fingertips flashed with cold light, ready to tear all obstacles in front at any time.

In addition, four dark purple bone tentacles extended from its back and swayed in the air.

Every part of the tall body showed the breath of killing.

This is definitely a powerful, bloodthirsty super alien!

With the birth of this alien zombie, the zombies within a few kilometers around roared and rushed towards this side.

The king of the corpse clan is born with the ability to command the zombie group.

Before breeding, the hatching nest will devour all flesh and blood.

During the crystallization period, the breath emitted from the hatching nest will keep high-level zombies away.

But after hatching, the alien zombie will summon the surrounding zombies.

If it is given some time, the high-level zombies in the entire Spring City will be dominated by it.

However, at this moment, the surrounding area within a few kilometers is basically low-level zombies below level one.

"Zhu Bai, your task is to keep an eye on it, don't make a move easily, find an opportunity... shoot through its head!"

"Another task, keep an eye on the surroundings. If anyone dares to reach out, chop him off directly!"

"Mo Bei, do you see those things emitting a faint blood light... Your task is to take them all away!"

Wang Mingyang said quickly, pointing to the distance.

There were nearly a hundred large blood-red blood drops scattered everywhere in the original hatching nest.

Red Blood Essence!

(Red Blood Essence)

In the legend of the previous life, a companion creature that may appear in the hatching nest.

A spiritual object similar to the ancient lotus seeds.

It has a strong amplification of blood-related abilities, and can also strengthen the body in all directions.

The companion creatures of each hatching nest are different, and only blood-related zombies will have this kind of red blood essence.

This thing requires countless blood and flesh essences to condense.

Generally, it can only appear when the hatching nest is mature.

The hatching nest needs blood and flesh essence to breed, but it can also hatch zombies of other systems.

Blood-related variants are just one of them.

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