I learned that Wang Mingyang will also go to Sichuan Province soon.

Mu Ningxue's sadness when facing separation immediately dissipated a lot.

I originally thought that after this separation, I didn’t know how long it would take to see everyone again.

Unexpectedly, Wang Mingyang had already planned to go to Sichuan Province.

In this way, Mu Ningxue stayed away this time.

Instead, it feels like taking a stand.

This couldn't help but make everyone happy.

A smile also filled the corners of Mu Ningxue's mouth. The ice and snow melted, and everything contained spring.

Seeing that it was getting late, the three girls, Mo Yan, Lu Xiulan and Han Xialan, were about to prepare dinner.

But he was stopped by Wang Mingyang.

"Get ready and let Mo Bei and the others come back."

"Ningxue is leaving early tomorrow morning. Let's go to the Hot Spring Villa to have a party tonight."

Wang Mingyang said with a smile, pointing to the hot spring villa that was vaguely visible in the distance.

All the girls' eyes lit up and they cheered instantly.

The Hot Spring Villa is only a few kilometers away from here. It was cleared out by Mo Bei and Qi Sen as early as a month ago.

Qi Sen also spent some time to surround that area with a high wall.

After advancing to the third level, Qi Sen built earth walls at an extremely fast speed.

Usually when there is nothing going on, everyone goes there together to relax.

Especially recently, it rains occasionally and the temperature gradually becomes cooler.

Bubble hot springs are a favorite among girls.

The flying boats in the courtyard have not been put away yet, but there are more people.

The core members of the Mid-Levels mansion alone are over twenty.

Including the ten or so people from Lin Ji's team, there are already more than thirty people.

Wang Mingyang simply waved his hand and asked Mo Bei to inform the captain of the combat team in the villa area at the foot of the mountain.

This can be regarded as leading the Yunhu people to conduct a team building.

By drawing lots, a lucky half of the combat team was selected.

After they have dinner, let the team that won the lottery go together first.

Another team will be arranged to go tomorrow.

After all, the Yunhu Villa area still needs someone to protect it.

To this end, Wang Mingyang specially put Moyu No. 1 into a metal humanoid, squatting on the metal dome all day long, overlooking the entire villa area.

This is to ensure that even if there is an invasion of mutated creatures with level 3 strength, they can be discovered and killed as soon as possible.

After some arrangements, the flying boat quickly flew to the hot spring villa.

Knowing that the King of Cloud Lake wanted to lead everyone in team building, all the members of the combat team whose names were called finished their dinner as quickly as possible.

He screamed and ran to the car to wait.

Soon after, the metal door opened at the exit of the villa area.

Transport trucks drove out quickly, and Mo Bei, Zhu Bai, Fatty, and Qi Sen sat on the roof.

The entire convoy marched towards the Hot Spring Villa in a mighty manner.

It didn't take long before the high earth and stone wall that sealed the entire hot spring villa came into view.

The team members on the transport vehicle all cheered.

The scattered zombies and mutated creatures around were attracted.

But what came oncoming was countless fireballs, ice cones, and stone spears and lightning.

In just a moment, they were all killed.

The nearby corpses had long been cleaned up by Mo Bei and the others.

Not much remains at all.

This part has been wandering around recently.

No one can bear it, the raging enthusiasm of the members of the combat team who are in the midst of passion at this moment.

The flying boat had already landed in the Hot Spring Villa, and three huge metal domes shrouded the entire Hot Spring Villa.

Qi Sen jumped off the roof of the car first and walked quickly to the earth wall.

On the tall and thick earthen wall, the large characters "Lord of the King of Cloud Lake" carved into rocks are clearly visible.

This is the logo that Qi Sen specially created.

The reputation of the King of Cloud Lake had already spread before they finished cleaning up the hot spring resort.

This is also to prevent someone from being ignorant and occupying this place privately, causing Wang Mingyang and others to be unhappy.

The thick wall slowly opened a gap under the control of Qi Sen's supernatural power.

A mighty motorcade drove in.

The earth and stone walls quickly closed, separating the inside and outside into two worlds.

The sky is getting dark, and the hot spring villa is brightly lit.

Among the materials collected by Wang Mingyang, there are many generators.

Qisen found someone who knew architecture in the villa area and built a soundproof room to store these generators.

The electricity was unblocked and the entire hot spring resort started to work again.

The convoy drove to the parking lot, and nearly two hundred team members jumped out one after another.

Being able to party with the King of Cloud Lake and the core members.

It is also a rare experience for them.

Wang Mingyang opened the Mustard Seed Space, and various materials flew out of the Mustard Seed Space.

There are various snacks, drinks, cigarettes and poker.

There were even a few mutated cattle and sheep that were hunted at unknown times.

Wang Mingyang specially obtained a lot of seasonings and utensils needed for barbecue, and asked Mo Bei to arrange for people to move to a special venue for barbecue.

It also attracted cheers from everyone in Yunhu Lake.

There are many rooms in the hot spring villa, which are fully equipped with daily necessities.

Qi Sen specially arranged for some superpowers who had awakened the wind ability to clean up all the dust inside.

The King of Cloud Lake said, let’s have a great time tonight.

“Everything is free to eat and drink tonight, that’s enough!”

"Everyone has been assigned a room. You don't have to go home even if you're drunk. You can just rest there for the night."

Mo Bei stood in the small square, facing the eagerly awaited members of the Yunhu combat team, and announced loudly with a smile on his lips.

This move made Yunhu's people stunned, and then they all smiled and shouted:

"Long live the King of Yunhu!"

"Boss is mighty!"

"Boss Wang, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

"I want to give birth to a football team!"

Hearing these irrelevant cheers, Wang Mingyang's face darkened, and he immediately felt that this decision was a bit hasty.

However, before announcing this decision, Mo Bei had made a clear statement.

No one is allowed to mess around.

If it is really voluntary, they must report to their respective team leaders in advance.

If they belong to different teams, the two captains must meet and sign at the same time.

Those who already have a partner have already been recorded by Mo Bei.

Things like cuckolding others are not allowed to happen.

Once discovered, they will be directly driven out of the Yunhu Villa District.

Killing each other, raping and looting, and robbing are the red lines of the Yunhu Villa District.

This rule has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in Yunhu.

While gaining recognition, they also consciously abide by it.

Those who are unwilling to abide by it have long died in some corner.

This is also to avoid any dirty things happening among the people of Yunhu.

A thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant hole.

Who knows if such a dirty thing will turn into a disaster one day!

This hot spring villa has natural sulfur hot springs.

It is not the fake one burned by a boiler.

After the end of the world, the water quality is even better.

Wang Mingyang and others personally tested that they really took a bath and all their fatigue disappeared.

Mo Bei and Qi Sen arranged the members of each combat team.

Then they took Li Hua, Nie Chuan and other combat team captains to the banquet hall where Wang Mingyang and others were.

The hot spring villa is fully equipped with living utensils. In the spacious kitchen, Mo Yan and the female members who can cook are busy.

After entering the banquet hall, the combat team captains went to meet Wang Mingyang one after another.

Mo Bei arranged the positions of these team leaders at Wang Mingyang's table.

These team leaders usually have few opportunities to meet Wang Mingyang.

Not to mention eating at the same table.

As more than a dozen team leaders sat down.

Soon, pots of food began to be placed on the table.

The appetite of people with special abilities is much greater than that of ordinary people.

But as this pot of food was placed on the table, the team leaders all widened their eyes.

"Damn! Is this Chinese cabbage?!"

"Am I seeing right? This is fresh baby cabbage?!"

"Oh my God, at this time, we can still eat fresh vegetables?!?!"

Everyone exclaimed, rubbing their eyes with disbelief on their faces!

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