"Is this... a wormhole?"

Wang Mingyang was surprised, and then shook his head.

"No, it can't be a wormhole."

This is just his mustard seed space, connecting two places.

However, the distance has not changed.

If it is a wormhole, he estimates that he can cross the distance of ten kilometers in one step.

But from this space, he can clearly feel that this distance is no different from the outside world.

At most, it can only be regarded as a space channel outside of reality.

It has not reached the level of a wormhole.

Sensing that someone seems to be coming from the other side of the mustard seed space.

Wang Mingyang thought about it and closed the space door directly.

His figure soared into the sky and flew towards the mountain.

After a while, Wang Mingyang caught a low-level mutant dog at the foot of a mountain.

He opened the mustard seed space again and opened another space door on the shore just now.

He threw the test subject to the space door casually.

The mutant dog twisted and struggled in the air, seeming to resist this space door.

Wang Mingyang frowned slightly, and the space gate emitted a force of attraction, sucking the mutant dog in.

However, Wang Mingyang clearly felt that it usually took little energy to absorb things in the mustard space.

This time, the consumption suddenly increased by dozens of times.

"Could it be that this space needs the consent of the other party to absorb living things?"

Wang Mingyang muttered to himself, which was beyond his expectation.

The mutant dog entered the space channel and immediately became restless.

After running madly for a kilometer, it gradually foamed at the mouth and fell in the space channel.

After struggling for a while, there was no sound.

Wang Mingyang frowned and took the mutant dog out.

After a careful inspection, it was obviously suffocated to death.

There seemed to be no air or anything like that in the mustard space.

"It seems that the mustard space cannot preserve living things."

After thinking for a while, Wang Mingyang found another mutant dog.

The oxygen control ability was activated, and the oxygen concentration in a large group of air was increased.

Then the mutant dog was wrapped and thrown into the space channel again.

This time, the mutant dog ran for five kilometers before suffocating to death.

But the oxygen consumption rate was obviously much faster than that of the outside space.

It seemed that there was some strange rule in the mustard space that made the air quickly dissipate and disappear.

It was very similar to a vacuum.

No wonder so much food was stored in the mustard space, but there was no oxidation and corruption.

This discovery made Wang Mingyang frown.

If you want to use this safe passage, you have to prepare enough air in advance.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mingyang stepped directly into the mustard space.

Five minutes later, Wang Mingyang stepped out of a space gate on the shore of Yunhu Lake.

Looking at the sparkling lake, Wang Mingyang took a deep breath and smiled.

"With my physical fitness, I don't need to breathe at this distance."

Looking back at the mustard space gate, the mountain opposite was vaguely visible.

"This space channel is good for transferring people."

Closing the space gate, Wang Mingyang stood by the lake with his eyes closed in contemplation, sorting out the gains during this period of time.

"Book spirit, summarize the knowledge of space!"

Wang Mingyang silently gave instructions in his mind. He had never used the knowledge summary function of the system before.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that his knowledge reserve was not enough.

During this period of time, he read a lot of books and finally accumulated a lot of knowledge related to space.

[Summary completed, "Space Secret Book * Fragments" has been put into the bookshelf, and the host can read it at any time. 】

Listening to the prompt sound of the book spirit, Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up.

Knowledge is summarized into a book, this name sounds pretty cool.

Fragments, it's understandable, after all, he has very little knowledge of space.

Space transfer, space transmission, space creation... and a series of space abilities, he has not developed them.

Mustard space is a built-in ability, and he has not fully understood the principle of producing this space.

Teleportation, strictly speaking, is still very different from space transfer and space transmission.

Space cutting is still the most basic cutting function now, and higher-level applications need to be developed.

Perhaps, this "Space Secret Book * Fragments" can bring him some inspiration.

He could not wait to find a lawn to sit down, and the fragment appeared between his hands.

Wang Mingyang began to read it with expectation.


After a long time, Wang Mingyang stretched and stood up.

Turned around and looked at a big stone in front of him.

He raised his hand and clenched it, and slowly rotated it.

The space where the big stone was located was like a magic cube, divided into several spaces and slowly rotated and dislocated.

The stone was divided into several pieces by the invisible force.

As Wang Mingyang dispersed the spatial power, the stones slid down one after another, and the broken ends were as smooth as a mirror.

Space distortion!

This is not the supernatural power proposed by the Zhutian Reading System.

It is Wang Mingyang's extended use of space cutting by reading the fragments of the space secret book.

Wang Mingyang's mind moved, and the stones floated up one after another.

Several spaces moved dislocated with each other, and the divided stones were reassembled in a strange posture.

It turned into a stone tower.

Wang Mingyang's figure flashed, and his feet created a space wave, allowing him to stand on the stone tower.

Space movement!

This is an advanced version of space teleportation.

Through this afternoon's reading comprehension, he has a new understanding of teleportation.

Before, he could only teleport about 100 meters, with a certain interval time.

And there is another limitation, that is, it can only be within the sight.

Now, as long as he wants, the distance of teleportation can reach the limit of his mental power.

Even if there is a wall between them, as long as the mental power can spread over, he can still ignore the barrier and teleport.

If one day, his mental power can cover the entire Blue Star.

Then he will be able to appear anywhere instantly.

However, it is estimated that it is impossible to achieve this step.

Even so, Wang Mingyang is very satisfied.

Although the Space Secret Book is only a fragment, it has inspired him a lot.

During this period of research, Wang Mingyang also discovered the common points of the major space-related superpowers.

Space cutting, mustard seed space, teleportation.

The three major space superpowers complement each other and gradually explore other ways of application.

Even if he can no longer extract other space superpowers by reading books related to space in the future.

Wang Mingyang also believed that he could completely master the entire space system through these three seeds.

It was just a matter of time.

"The space is isolated, I have to find someone to attack..."

With space energy rising under his feet, Wang Mingyang put his hands behind his back and walked towards the Yunhu base on the other side.

His mental power probed into Yunhu, and more than a dozen mutant fish were instantly disturbed by him.

Dense water arrows shot over, and large waves were raised by two second-order mutant fish, like a huge rock hitting.

Wang Mingyang stood still, and ripples appeared around him.

All the water arrows and waves seemed to hit Wang Mingyang, but he was still unscathed, and even his hair didn't move.

It seemed that all the attacks hit the empty space.

"Let's add some food to everyone!"

Wang Mingyang smiled with satisfaction, and his mind moved.

One by one, the big fish were bound in space blocks and floated up.

Return to the Yunhu base with Wang Mingyang.

With Yunhu Lake at their back, there is no shortage of food.

There are countless mutant fish hidden in the huge Yunhu Lake.

These fish will not crawl onto the shore, and they are no threat to the people of Yunhu Lake who are far away from the shore.

But even if they don't come ashore, they will become the food of the people in Yunhu Base from time to time.

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