Five days later at noon, in the Cloud Top Library.

Wang Mingyang absorbed Mo Yu No. 1 and No. 2 back into his body.

A large amount of reading value and superpowers poured into his mind.

[Host's current reading value: 1113400 points. ]

Seeing this prompt, Wang Mingyang breathed a sigh of relief.

He rubbed his cheeks and washed his body with the control of water.

After a refreshing moment, Wang Mingyang sat back on the sofa.

"Shu Ling, merge all the mustard space, space cutting, teleportation, mirror space, space collapse, etc.!"

"Invest... one million reading value!"

Wang Mingyang took a deep breath and solemnly issued an order.

[Consume 1003000 reading value, fusion begins...]

[Remind the host that the superpower level used for this fusion is too high, and the fusion time is 24 hours. ]

[Host's current reading value: 110400 points. ]


Wang Mingyang was speechless, and the consumed reading value was within his calculation.

After all, he had already absorbed the three superpowers of mustard seed space, space cutting, and teleportation.

Now the fusion superpowers need to be extracted again, which consumes the reading value of the previous synthesis.

Each time the superpowers are synthesized, 1,000 reading points are used.

This makes sense.

The three superpowers that have been absorbed were stripped out for the first time.

As the three superpowers were stripped off, Wang Mingyang felt a sudden weakness in his body, which had been strengthened.

Obviously, by absorbing superpowers, then stripping, and then absorbing again...

This kind of bug of repeatedly strengthening the body is impossible.

However, this time the fusion of superpowers takes a full 24 hours.

It was something Wang Mingyang had not expected.

The previous S-level Sun Gold Flame only took more than ten minutes.

"It seems that I made the right bet!"

Wang Mingyang immediately became excited again.

Investing a million reading points, plus many high-level space superpowers.

Just to try his luck, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!

The time required for fusion indirectly verified his guess.

After calming down, Wang Mingyang stretched his body.

He stood up and walked out.

The teleportation had been stripped off and could not be used for the time being, so he could only walk out of the library step by step.

In today's Yunding Library, there are many Yunding warriors reading books on each floor.

They haven't seen the King of Yunding for half a month, and everyone showed surprised expressions.

Everyone had already been reminded by Li Yuchan and knew that their boss had something important to do.

No one came forward to disturb him, but just watched Wang Mingyang leave silently.

Li Yuchan and others who received the pigeon message were already on their way back.

After a simple lunch, Wang Mingyang wandered around the base.

The whole was thriving.

There were still many new members in the Yunding base, and they didn't know Wang Mingyang.

But no one came forward to ask, and they were all busy doing their own jobs.

Back to the villa where they lived, Li Yuchan and others finally returned to Yunding.

Knowing that Wang Mingyang would come out at this time.

Therefore, Li Yuchan and others did not leave, and they were all cleaning up zombies in the water city.

As Li Yuchan landed, everyone came forward.

"Boss, you are finally out of retreat!"

Mo Bei shouted excitedly.

I haven't seen Wang Mingyang for half a month. This is the longest time that Mo Bei and others have been separated from Wang Mingyang in the past six months.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue stood aside and watched him silently.

They couldn't stop the heartache in their eyes.

In the past half month, Wang Mingyang has been squatting in the library without leaving.

Even if they can see each other briefly during meals.

After Wang Mingyang finished his meal in a whirlwind, he cleaned up the dishes and left quickly.

Knowing that Wang Mingyang had important things to do, the two women did not dare to delay his time at all.

Now, Wang Mingyang seems to be able to take a break.

"Well, the retreat is almost over, come out for a walk."

Wang Mingyang looked around and nodded with a smile.

Then, he stepped forward to hug Su Yu and Mu Ningxue in his arms and took a good breath of the two women's breath.

"Bring the people here for me to see!"

After a little tenderness, Wang Mingyang turned to look at Li Yuchan and Mo Bei and said.

"Okay, Boss!"

Mo Bei nodded quickly and turned to run out.

After a while, several men and women followed Mo Bei in.

"Boss, the five of them are elites who have been selected through layers of screening."

"Before the end of the world, they have made great achievements in administrative management."

Mo Bei pointed at several people and said in a low voice.

One of them was Lin Ji's father, Lin Xiangdi.

The other two men and two women were not very old, basically around 30 years old.

"Uncle Lin, you don't need to look at him. Uncle Lin will be responsible for managing the Yunding base in the future."

Seeing Lin Xiangdi was there, Wang Mingyang said with a smile.

After this period of contact, Wang Mingyang was also very clear about Lin Xiangdi's ability.

Being able to assist Mu Tianming in managing the huge Mu Group, Lin Xiangdi's ability is beyond doubt.

What's more, he is extremely loyal to Mu Tianming and Mu Ningxue.

It's just that his own strength is a little weaker and his combat effectiveness is insufficient.

He had been busy with external affairs before, and as the number of people at the Genting base increased.

Wang Mingyang had long considered letting Lin Xiangdi take charge of overall management.

"Boss Wang, I will definitely not let you down!"

Lin Xiangdi bowed slightly and said solemnly.

"You're welcome, Uncle Lin, just go ahead and do it."

Wang Mingyang and Mu Ningxue looked at each other, stepped forward to help Lin Xiangdi up, and said with a smile.

Then, he looked at the other four people.

In fact, what Genting really needs is the management of peripheral members.

Today's Genting base has nearly 10,000 official members.

Over the past half month, Genting soldiers have been clearing out the zombies in Shuicheng.

More and more survivors are gathering.

Today, the number of peripheral reserves is close to 100,000.

When the entire Shuicheng is liberated, it is estimated that this number will increase several times.

When a large number of people gather, more people will be needed for management.

For the core members of Genting, Wang Mingyang hopes that they will make every effort to improve their strength.

Rather than spending time managing these people.

Facing future crises, Wang Mingyang does not think that he can solve all problems alone.

Improving the strength of core members is also a top priority.

Therefore, this time the screening of managers was carried out.

"The four of you, please briefly explain your past and your plans on how to manage peripheral members!"

Wang Mingyang sat down on the lawn in the courtyard and said calmly.

The four of them looked at each other, and finally a middle-aged man stood up first.

"Boss Wang, I used to be..."

As this person introduced himself, Wang Mingyang also activated his telepathic power.

Management ability is one aspect.

Loyalty is even more rare.

Time passed by, and Wang Mingyang's expression remained calm.

And these four people did provide a lot of valuable opinions and ideas.

Li Yuchan and others nodded from time to time to express their agreement.

"Okay, I already understand almost everything."

"You go back first and wait for the notification!"

After the last girl finished her explanation, Wang Mingyang waved his hand and motioned for them to leave first.

The four of them did not dare to have any questions, so they could only bow and leave quickly.

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