The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 466 Past and present lives, returning to the fifth level

After Chi Xuan left, Wang Mingyang continued to read books for the whole morning.

It was not until almost time for lunch that he stood up and stretched.

He walked to the edge of the pond, fiddled with the ancient lotus leaves on the water, and curled his lips slightly.

The energy of heaven and earth in the ninth floor of the library was very rich.

In addition, he crushed various high-level crystal cores into powder at all costs and piled them around the lotus seeds.

The energy contained in the crushed crystal cores was slowly absorbed by the lotus seeds.

This ancient lotus originally had only three or four leaves, but now it has grown to five.

However, it is still a long way from growing a flower bud.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

"The crystal core energy has been digested..."

Wang Mingyang sensed the situation in his body, and his face suddenly lit up.

During this period, he would absorb fourth-level crystal cores in his spare time.

Roughly estimated, he has absorbed more than 100 fourth-level crystal cores during this period.

Just yesterday, he absorbed five at a time and finally felt that he could not absorb any more.

At this moment, Wang Mingyang felt that he had reached the critical point of being promoted to the fifth level.

Without hesitation, Wang Mingyang's figure flashed and left quickly.

In the Yunding Restaurant, Li Yuchan was just waiting for food leisurely.

Wang Mingyang's figure suddenly appeared beside him, grabbed him, and stepped directly into the open portal.

On a small hill fifty kilometers away, Wang Mingyang stepped out of the portal.

"Boss, what's the matter!"

Li Yuchan staggered out and asked curiously.

"I'm going to be promoted, you help me protect the law!"

Wang Mingyang said quickly, his mental power had spread, searching for mutant creatures nearby.

Within a kilometer range, all the mutant creatures he found.

All were cut and killed by a touch of space.

Relieved, Wang Mingyang found a big rock and sat down.

"What, you are going to be promoted to the fifth level?!"

Li Yuchan was stunned, and then said in surprise.

"Well, watch your surroundings and don't let anyone disturb me."

Wang Mingyang nodded and took out two fifth-order crystal cores from the mustard seed space.

After thinking for a while, he took out two more.

At this moment, the energy in his body is full and can't grow any more.

The fourth-order crystal core has no effect.

If he doesn't use the fifth-order crystal core for impact, he needs to polish and compress the energy carefully.

But there are so many fifth-order crystal cores in his hand, which is suitable for use at this moment.

Holding the fifth-order crystal core, Wang Mingyang slowly closed his eyes and began to absorb it with all his strength.

Seeing this, Li Yuchan hurriedly moved away from him and stood in the low air hundreds of meters away.

The mental power spread quickly, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

The energy of the fifth-order crystal core is far purer than that of the fourth-order. When it poured into Wang Mingyang's body, it quickly formed a torrent.

Rushing towards the unknown bottleneck.

After absorbing five, Wang Mingyang finally felt the feeling of expansion and bursting in his body.

His mental power has long exceeded the limit of the fourth and fifth orders.

For ordinary fourth-level people, the biggest problem in reaching the fifth level is to condense the elemental domain or form a protective energy membrane.

But for Wang Mingyang, the elemental domain had already condensed when he was promoted to the fourth level.

Strictly speaking, he is also an elemental mutant.

But with the impact of several fifth-level crystal core energies, a faint energy membrane gradually appeared on his body surface.

A few minutes later, Wang Mingyang only felt a roar in his body.

The torrent of energy suddenly broke through the barrier.

Like a sea embracing hundreds of rivers, it rushed into a vast world.

Outside, Li Yuchan was suddenly blown away by a surge of energy.

Surprised, Li Yuchan quickly controlled his body and quickly retreated.

At this moment, around Wang Mingyang, the sun's golden flames bloomed, burning the surrounding land.

Groups of flames turned into various forms, including fire phoenixes, golden dragons, various birds and beasts, fish and insects.

These flame animals seemed to be alive, constantly tumbling and jumping around Wang Mingyang.

On the ground near the hill, strands of fine sand slowly floated up, gradually gathered together, and formed various objects again.

Li Yuchan was puzzled and took a closer look. These were not sand grains.

They were clearly various metal minerals contained in the mountain.

In the past, Wang Mingyang used metal control to control ready-made metals.

But now, just the dissipated power has separated the metals buried deep underground.

Layers of space suddenly appeared, blocking Li Yuchan's sight.

At a glance, all the shadows were Wang Mingyang's figure.

But when the mental power probed over, it was impossible to find where his real body was.

Li Yuchan tried to get closer.

But as soon as he stepped into the 500-meter range, the sudden increase in gravity almost pressed him into the soil.

"Damn, this is fifty times the gravity!"

Li Yuchan retreated with fear on his face.

Fortunately, he knew that his boss had a variety of abilities, and before trying, he had already superimposed a thick telekinetic shield on himself.

Otherwise, the sudden increase in gravity would definitely cause him to suffer a great loss.

Thunder exploded in the sky, and countless lightnings blasted downwards.

The entire mountain was suddenly covered by thunder, and the ground, which had already begun to collapse under the blessing of gravity, collapsed at a faster speed.

The big rock where Wang Mingyang was originally standing had already turned into powder.

The whole person stood in the void, accepting the baptism of destructive thunder.

This situation lasted for half an hour, during which all kinds of superpowers controlled by Wang Mingyang appeared one after another.

Its power shocked Li Yuchan.

Even Wang Mingyang rarely used the control of water. After the rain, the raindrops were like locusts, frantically drilling towards the surrounding objects.

Li Yuchan was forced to retreat one kilometer away.

"Boss, this is going to defy the heavens!"

Li Yuchan was shocked and had to sigh.

Any of these superpowers can make others become the top strong.

However, now they are gathered on his own boss.

And the strength shown made Li Yuchan, who thought he was the third in Yunding, lose the desire to fight.

At the Yunding base, Wang Mingyang, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue tied for second.

Li Yuchan didn't dare to compete with the two sisters-in-law for second place, and was happy to be third.

The second superpowers that Wang Mingyang had given to the three of them were all very strong.

In addition, their own superpowers have been promoted to S level.

So the three of them now all have dual superpowers of S+A.

If they really fight, it's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.


"Finally reached level 5!"

Wang Mingyang slowly opened his eyes, feeling the surging energy in his body, and was filled with emotion.

In his last life, he struggled for five years before he was promoted to level 5.

Now, only eight months have passed since the end of the world, and he is already a genuine level 5 superpower.

Not only that, his current strength is a world apart from his previous life.

He clenched his fist, and a transparent energy film suddenly covered it.

"Is this... a strengthening energy film?"

Wang Mingyang was stunned. This feeling was very similar to the changes after a strengthening superpower was promoted to level 5.

Then he was relieved. He had absorbed C-level speed and C-level muscle strengthening.

In addition, after so many superpower enhancements, his body had already surpassed many strengthening superpowers.

It's not surprising to have such a change.

He quickly found a set of clothes from the mustard seed space and put them on.

At this moment, Wang Mingyang was still naked.

The previous clothes had long been turned into ashes under the baptism of the sun's golden flame and the thunder of destruction.

This situation also happened when he was promoted to the fourth level.

How sweet the little fish and the little snowman are!

There was only the stinky Taoist priest Lai Gebao around.

He didn't have a hobby of fencing.

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