Announcements were posted in eye-catching large letters on various bulletin boards in the Genting Refuge.

[Emergency announcement:

The magical city of Yinshan is about to be attacked by the Japanese fleet!

Genting Base is ready to gather all the soldiers to attack head-on!

Hereby, we call on all people with lofty ideals to jointly face the enemy!

This 50,000-strong Japanese force of supernatural beings must be killed in Yinshan District!

Anyone who is willing to participate in the battle, please report to xxxx as soon as possible! 】

The notice did not indicate what rewards would be given.

Wang Mingyang doesn't want money to impress people.

Seeing the number of 50,000 people, there are still people who dare to report without any incentives.

This is what Wang Mingyang really wants.

These people will be Genting’s first choice to expand its staff again.

As news of the notice spread, there was an uproar in Genting Refuge.

No one can doubt the accuracy of this information.

The credibility Genting has built up during this period has been recognized by the survivors of the shelter.

"Holy crap, the little devil actually dares to come!"

"Brother, your news is already behind."

"How to say?"

"Some time ago, Yunding soldiers had already killed a group of little devils."

"Really or not?"

"You still remember the number of flames over Genting Base more than ten days ago, right?"

Someone said mysteriously.

"Of course I remember, 200!"

"Yes, that was the night when Genting's top two hundred teams went out with the top management and directly destroyed the little devil's advance team!"

This person said proudly that this information had spread within a small area.

After all, there are quite a few people who fled to Yunding Shelter in Yinshan District.

Many people know about the wanton massacre by Japanese troops in Yinshan District.

It's just that there's no way to confirm it.

"'s really true!"

"Then this time, the Genting bosses are also serious about it?"

Someone exclaimed, and their eyes couldn't help but wander.

"But, this time there are fifty thousand people!"

"It is said that the warriors belonging to Genting are only more than 10,000!"

A person with super powers said worriedly.

"You might have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill a kid!"

"No matter what, I'm going to sign up! If the team is willing to go, come with me!"

A big man about thirty years old brandished a big knife and shouted loudly.

"Captain, I'm going!"

"I'll go too!"

"And me!"

"My great-grandfather died in the Anti-Japanese War, so why should I be afraid! I'll go too!"

"Let's go! Kill the Japanese!"

From the team of more than a dozen people, seven or eight people suddenly stood up.

In the apocalypse, most people are already alone.

Without the ties of family, living is just for the sake of living.

The emergence of the emergency announcement seemed to ignite a glimmer of fire in their cold hearts.

The same scene appeared in various places in Genting Shelter.

In a single apartment, Fu Xiang, Tang Qing and Huo Bei were sitting around the window.

There were three other people in the room.

Everyone was silent and smoking cigarettes.

"Brother Xiang, please say something!"

"Are we going to fight the Japanese or not?"

Among the other three, a young man with a delicate face growled.

The three of them were also arranged by the Magic City Military Region to inquire about the information.

I only got in touch with Fu Xiang two days ago.

As soon as the summons notice came out, the two teams gathered together.

"Go! Must go!"

"Zeng Feiyang, there's still some time, I'm going to go back..."

Fu Xiang threw away the cigarette butt and said in a deep voice.

"Go back? It's already this time, why are you going back?" Zeng Feiyang asked confused.

Fu Xiang gritted his teeth, "You have known the situation in this base for so many days. There are so many survivors here, eating and sleeping well, and there is no need to worry about anyone being bullied or being eaten by zombies."

"Zeng Feiyang, although we are not in the same army, but tell the truth, which shelter do you think is really saving survivors?"

"This...Yunding Shelter."

Zeng Feiyang was stuck for a moment, but then he nodded solemnly.

"That's right! They have killed a group of Japanese pirates before, and now they are going to the battlefield again."

"Zeng Feiyang, I want to go back! Go back and bring my comrades over!"

Fu Xiang said loudly.

"But, I'm afraid it's too late!" Zeng Feiyang said worriedly.

"It should be in time, the road has been opened, and the drive there and back will never take more than an hour."

"I'll leave now!"

Fu Xiang's eyes flashed, he stood up and said.

"Then, I'll go too!"

Zeng Feiyang put out his cigarette butt and stood up.

"Okay! You come with me, the others are waiting here."

Fu Xiang smiled and said, Zeng Feiyang belonged to the Armed Police Force and was also an experienced soldier.

In the Yunding Shelter, small groups of people gathered at various registration points.

There were even many whole teams of superpowers running over.

After swiping the identity plate, a stream of information gathered at the shelter headquarters where Chi Xuan was located.

"Boss, there are currently five thousand people with superpowers signed up, and the number continues to rise."

Chi Xuan ran to Wang Mingyang and reported with a face of joy.

She knew exactly what this meant.

Although most of these people are first- and second-level superpowers.

The proportion of people above level three is very small.

There are currently only three people in Level 4.

However, in Chi Xuan's opinion, these people can survive if they go through this battle.

They will all be the new members of Genting Base.

He was able to dare to face the 50,000-strong Japanese army of supernatural beings without any reward.

Courage is commendable!

"Proceed as planned!"

"Each person will receive two crystal cores of the same level, as well as matching weapons and armor, and distribute them as soon as possible!"

Wang Mingyang stood up happily and walked out.

"Yes, boss!"

Chi Xuan saluted solemnly. She understood that the boss wanted these newcomers to improve their strength before the war.

In this way, they have a greater chance of survival.

Outside Genting Base, there is a newly expanded huge square.

Most of the Genting combat teams are ready to go.

One after another, personnel from the shelter administration department rushed over, leading the superpowers who responded to the call.

From the place of registration, after arriving at the outskirts of Genting Base.

Based on their own information and body shape, these people received the armor and weapons that had been prepared, as well as two crystal cores that matched their superpower attributes as much as possible.

When they learned about Genting's move, many people showed wonder in their eyes.

The Yunding standard weapons and armor are of the highest quality that cannot be replaced with crystal cores.

They used to be very greedy for this, but after asking around, Genting actually stopped accepting people.

As the number of people in the Genting shelter continues to expand.

In order to allow the remaining survivors to develop independently.

When Wang Mingyang's Genting team reached its full strength of 10,000 people, he abolished the original system of joining Genting at the second level.

Unless there is a particularly talented lone ranger, Genting Team will not make an exception to recruit them.

Knowing that a big battle is about to happen.

Many of the Genting soldiers were sitting cross-legged on the ground with their eyes closed to meditate.

Or take out the reserved crystal cores to recover or improve your strength.

It happened suddenly, and many people were still fighting outside during the day.

He may even have injuries on his body.

One by one, the treatment staff traveled between the various teams, trying their best to recover everyone's injuries.

A chilling atmosphere filled the air.

Feeling the solemn atmosphere of the Genting warriors, these shelter superpowers who volunteered to participate in the battle also obeyed the arrangement and sat down.

Holding the two crystal cores in his hand, he began to absorb them without hesitation.

As time went by, more and more people gathered in the square.

The logistics team kept going back and forth among the crowd, distributing portions of food to everyone.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the square was brightly lit.

But no mutated insects dare to harass them anymore.

Long before shelters were built and the city was electrified.

Wang Mingyang and others used large floating light balls to wipe out all the mutated insects around them.

Nowadays the lights are on even all night long.

Coupled with the high wall that has been raised to fifty meters, it can no longer attract any mutant creatures.

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