The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 474 414 Chinese Soldiers with a Red Bloodline

More than twenty military vehicles passed by, making the survivors along the way look sideways.

This is the first time that I have seen so many military vehicles in Genting Refuge.

Everyone speculated whether the army was involved.

After all, there are fifty thousand Japanese superpowers this time.

There had been no soldiers in the Genting Refuge before, but unexpectedly there were more than a dozen military vehicles when they arrived.

However, wait until these military vehicles pass.

Everyone did not find the following troops, and they all became disappointed.

There were more than twenty military vehicles, but only two to three hundred people.

Perhaps, it was just some teams that found the abandoned convoy.

The nearest check-in point from Genting Base is still a hundred meters away.

The young soldier sitting on the roof of the car jumped down and quickly ran to the check-in point.

"Xiaonan, boss, they haven't set off yet, have they?"

The young soldier shouted to the young man who was taking notes on several people.

"Not yet. It's said that we won't leave until early in the morning. It's only ten o'clock now."

Chen Jinnan raised his head and smiled.

"That's good. There are some soldiers in the convoy behind. They haven't applied for identity tags yet. You can briefly record them first."

The young soldier breathed a sigh of relief and pointed at the slowly approaching convoy.

"Lu Yu, where did you find so many soldiers?"

Chen Jinnan glanced at the motorcade and said in surprise.

There must be dozens of people in the twenty-odd cars.

This is no small amount.

Genting Shelter is basically filled with ordinary people, and so many soldiers have never entered.

"They came on their own, and two of them have been recorded."

Lu Yu smiled and figured out the reason on the way.

I know that Fu Xiang and Zeng Feiyang are both soldiers.

"That's good, there's still time, I'll record it." Chen Jinnan nodded.

The military vehicle stopped twenty meters away.

Groups of soldiers jumped out of the cars and walked over uniformly.

"Brother Xiang!"


The four people from Tang Qing who were waiting at the registration point quickly stepped forward.

Chen Jinnan was surprised for a moment, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was the newcomer he had guided.

The person who led the team over was Fu Xiang, who had chatted with him a few times.

"Chen Jinnan, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Fu Xiang also spotted Chen Jinnan and immediately smiled.

"It turns out you are soldiers, I really didn't expect that."

Chen Jinnan also smiled and looked at the soldiers behind Fu Xiang in awe.

"Come here and record the information, your real name, age, abilities..."

Without Chen Jinnan's reminder, Fu Xiang said to his comrades behind him.

"Xie Jingyuan, 31 years old, strengthened."

"Yang Ruifu, 33 years old, ice type."

"Chen Yingbing, 25 years old, fire element."

One by one, the soldiers lined up and came forward, reporting seriously.

After a while, it was recorded by four Genting shelter staff.

Counting Fu Xiang and Zeng Feiyang, there are a total of 414 Chinese warriors with upright roots.

"You go in first, there will be relevant personnel inside to make arrangements."

Chen Jinnan breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up and said.

There are so many Chinese soldiers, which is really the only one in Genting so far.

"Okay, thank you."

Fu Xiang stepped forward to thank him, while Xie Jingyuan and Yang Ruifu also led the soldiers to salute.

"You're welcome, you should."

"I hope you all survive..."

Chen Jinnan thought for a moment, returned the gesture with a fist-bumping salute, and said sternly.

"See you soon!"

Fu Xiang and Xie Jingyuan looked at each other and led the soldiers into a special passage.

After this group of Chinese soldiers entered the Genting base, Chen Jinnan turned to look at Lu Yu.

"It's about time you went in, right?"

"Isn't this what I'm waiting for you?"

Lu Yu leaned against the passage and looked at him with a smile.

"How did you know I was going?"

Chen Jinnan tilted his head with a smile on his face.

"I don't know about you yet? This time, boss, regardless of rank, anyone who wants to go can go."

"I guess they want to recruit a group of people whose hearts are not yet cold-blooded!"

"Can you let this opportunity go?"

Lu Yu laughed and patted his friend's shoulder heavily with his big hand.


"Be gentle, kid. Don't think that you will become rude after being promoted to the third level."

"If I hadn't been promoted to the second level later, how could I have gotten your turn?"

Chen Jinnan silently slapped his palm away, rubbed his shoulders and muttered.

"Okay, okay, you awakened the spiritual system, so it must be slower than me!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to find our captain first, otherwise he will think I ran away."

Lu Yu squeezed his eyes, turned around and walked towards the passage.

Then he paused again, "Xiaonan, you must survive. I'm waiting to introduce you to our captain!"

"Well, you too."

Chen Jinnan nodded slightly and said softly.

This Genting call is open to everyone.

However, the teams that Genting belongs to will all operate in the organization of their respective teams.

The lone superpowers who responded to the call will be randomly formed from the Genting base.

Even if the two of them are good friends, they can't act together.

Because, the Genting combat team will be responsible for the main offensive battle.

These summoned superpowers will not be used as cannon fodder.

As a formal member of Genting, Lu Yu already knew about this arrangement through his captain.

Entering the Genting base, 414 soldiers received corresponding weapons and armor.

This made everyone a little surprised. Then they felt the weight in their hands, and they all looked at the dark weapons and armor.

"Captain, this weapon... is so sharp!"

"Captain Fu, my knife can't penetrate this armor at all!"

"Deputy Yang, what is this made of and why is it so heavy?"

The soldiers were all speechless. Some people used their sabers to test the edge of their armor, but there were no scratches left.

Fu Xiang rolled his eyes. This was his first time coming into contact with the armors he had seen on the law enforcement team.

How could one know the secret?

However, he also discovered that these armors only had the cloud logo.

There is no such thing as the tiny planet Venus.

I think it should be Genting's standard armor.

"Stop talking nonsense and put it on quickly, time is running out."

Xie Jingyuan frowned and scolded.

These soldiers don't have any rules at all, they just do whatever they want.

Then he chuckled again and rubbed the armor in his hand, feeling like he couldn't put it down.

It is estimated that even the second-level mutated creatures cannot break through such a strong armor.

In this way, the safety of the soldiers is greatly increased!

It seems that this Yunding Shelter attaches great importance to the safety of its subordinate soldiers.

Otherwise, they are a new group of people who have just entered the shelter.

How could such a good thing be distributed?

"Go forward, collect the crystal core, and go directly to the base square to wait."

A staff member shouted loudly.

They have received hints from the front that these people are real Chinese soldiers.

Therefore, they tried their best to select the most suitable crystal nuclei for rationing according to the other party's attributes.

At any time, Chinese soldiers are always the most respectable group of people.

What's more, they are all Chinese soldiers who rushed to join the battle.

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