Everyone followed the major soldier and walked for a long time.

Finally arrived at a residence.

Along the way there are people with supernatural powers in military uniforms patrolling and standing guard.

Wang Mingyang casually scanned his mental energy and found that there were basically soldiers stationed nearby.

There are at least more than forty level four experts among them.

It is probably also for this summit meeting.

In addition, the big bosses of the Chinese power structure must have gathered here.

Looking at their group alone, there are nine people in total including the helicopter pilots, including four level three, four level four and one level five.

If Mei Que hadn't come, Yu Hanhai would have committed suicide.

There will be two or three more people in the fourth level.

Because of Wang Mingyang's presence, Tao Zhen and Qiu Changkong only brought a few fourth-level soldiers with them.

The big bosses from other military regions are expected to bring more Level 4 soldiers.

After all, in so many provinces across the country, there are always some people who have become Turkish emperors.

Even if he dares to come to Kyoto to participate in a meeting, he will do everything possible to ensure his own safety.

It is reasonable to bring more fourth-level combat power.

The major led everyone to the front desk, saluted and then turned and left.

"Both chiefs, Chief Lin is waiting for you in the living room."

The soldier in charge of reception at the front desk led everyone upstairs again.

Soon, everyone took the elevator to the 15th floor.

"Not bad, it's actually powered on."

Stewart laughed softly.

"Don't even look at where this place is."

"This is the largest refuge in China and the center of power in the country."

Lu Sizhe rolled his eyes and sighed in a low voice.

The shelter they manage only has electricity where they live.

In other places, I didn’t pay any attention to it.

However, the two of them glanced at Wang Mingyang who was walking in front and shook their heads at the same time.

Can't compare, really can't compare.

Everyone in Genting is brightly lit at night.

There is no fear of attracting any mutant creatures.

With so many level 4 experts gathered together, even if some blind mutant creature dared to come.

I'll be chopped into pieces too!


The soldier who led the way stood in front of a room, knocked on the door, and said loudly.

"Please come in."

A deep voice came from inside.

"Reporting to the chief, Chief Qiu of the Rongcheng Military Region and Chief Tao of the Riyue Island Military Region have arrived."

The soldier walked into the house and saluted an old man inside.


The old man nodded, stood up and walked out.

Tao Zhen and Qiu Changkong led a group of people into the house under the guidance of the soldiers.

At a glance, he saw this familiar old leader, the commander of the Eastern China Theater, General Lin Qingyun.

"Old chief! Long time no see..."

Tao Zhen and Qiu Changkong's eyes were slightly red, and they stood straight and saluted solemnly.

Shao Yun, An Xuewen and Zhao Kaixuan saluted together.

Wang Mingyang, Shi Dehua, and Lu Sizhe were not soldiers, so they all bowed slightly and saluted.

Tao Zhen had introduced General Lin Qingyun to them on the way here.

Although he is over sixty years old, he has always been the absolute pillar of the Eastern Theater Command.

He also led the battle to recover Sun Moon Island.

Originally, Lin Qingyun was about to be transferred, but when the apocalypse came and zombies broke out, he could only continue to serve as the commander of the eastern theater.

Although Tao Zhen and others had received the news long ago, the old leader was still alive.

But it was also the first time we met in half a year, and I couldn't hide my excitement for a while.

"Okay, okay, you're all fine... just fine."

Lin Qingyun held their hands and sighed.

The headquarters of the Eastern Theater Command is in Jinling City. Under a huge change, many military leaders are no longer here.

"Old chief, Political Commissar Liu is really..."

Tao Zhen wiped the corners of his eyes and asked with a hint of hope.

"Old Liu really went."

Lin Qingyun's eyes were gloomy and he sighed softly.

The political commissar of the Eastern Theater Command, General Liu Xiangdong, fell after the zombie outbreak.

Tao Zhen originally had a glimmer of hope, but now that Lin Qingyun personally confirmed it, he couldn't help but look sad.

"Sit down and let's talk about your current situation."

Lin Qingyun calmed down and pulled the two of them to sit down.

In the living room, there were several other entourage members.

Guide everyone to sit down one after another.

Wang Mingyang had already observed these people when he entered the house.

There are a total of eight entourage members, all of whom are at the fourth level.

Four soldiers and four civilians with supernatural abilities.

And Lin Qingyun, although he is over sixty years old, has also awakened his supernatural powers.

He looks energetic and healthy.

As soon as they sat down, Tao Zhen and Qiu Changkong introduced Wang Mingyang and others to Lin Qingyun.

I know that the leaders of the refuges in various places are all fourth-level powerhouses.

Lin Qingyun also greeted everyone with a smile.

Then he also introduced the entourage around him.

One of the four fourth-level soldiers looked very young.

However, when I learned that Wang Mingyang was only 24 years old.

Everyone looked surprised,

The young major's eyes flickered and he looked up and down.

He is 26 years old and very young among everyone.

But compared with Wang Mingyang, it pales in comparison.

"Haha, they are all young and promising!"

"Zheng Jun, you have to get close to little brother Mingyang."

"The future belongs to you young people."

Lin Qingyun laughed, pointed at Zheng Jun and Wang Mingyang and said.

"Yes, Chief!"

Zheng Jun sat upright and responded solemnly.

"Okay, Chief."

Wang Mingyang sat on the sofa and nodded with a smile on his face.

The look he looked at Zheng Jun was Gu Jing Bubo.

Watching this scene, Lin Qingyun became more and more interested.

When everyone sat down just now, Lin Qingyun made a keen discovery.

Tao Zhen, Qiu Changkong and others all glanced at Wang Mingyang.

Shao Yun and An Xuewen, two military colonels, took the initiative to move Wang Mingyang to Tao Zhen's side.

Lin Qingyun instantly understood the customs of China since ancient times.

This young man's status is second only to Tao Zhen and Qiu Changkong.

Even equal to his two old subordinates.

Otherwise, Shao Yun and An Xuewen would not be able to make such a move.

Strong, neither humble nor arrogant.

This is Lin Qingyun's definition for Wang Mingyang in a short period of time.

Nowadays, people with super powers are in power. Without strength, how could Wang Mingyang, a young man among the people, have such a status.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyun's interest became even stronger.

However, now is not the time to discuss this.

"Old chief, what is the reason for this summit meeting?"

Tao Zhen looked around and asked tentatively.

"Maybe... it has something to do with the border."

Lin Qingyun's eyes were solemn and he said slowly.


Everyone was shocked. At this time, could there be trouble at the border?

Wang Mingyang frowned slightly when he heard this, and his brain started spinning rapidly.

"After the end of the world, the weather suddenly changed. You must have felt it."

Lin Qingyun did not explain, but asked a question.

"Indeed, it snows in Rongcheng in August. This is so strange."

Qiu Changkong nodded and recalled.

Starting from July, it snowed continuously for two or three months.

It occasionally improved midway and the temperature was also very low.

Only recently has the temperature gradually increased.

It is already February. Normally, during this time in Rongcheng, the temperature should be in the teens or 20s.

However, when Qiu Changkong left Rongcheng, the temperature was only seven or eight degrees.

"Some countries rely on animal husbandry for their livelihood."

"Zombie outbreaks, biological mutations, they are short of food, and a large number of survivors have gathered at the border."

Lin Qingyun snorted coldly and pointed north.

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