Edo City, the main island of Japan.

A huge three-headed snake spewed flames, frost, and poison.

It madly attacked a giant sea turtle that was 20 to 30 meters tall.

A water flow shield firmly protected the giant sea turtle.

Under the shield, the giant turtle shrunk its entire body into its shell.

Only a small part of its head was left sticking out, attracting countless water arrows to fight back.

"Baga! How can this fifth-level sea turtle be so tough!"

The three-headed snake swam around to avoid the attack of the water arrows.

It cursed angrily in human language.

The water flow shield was contaminated by the poison and turned green directly.

The head spewing flames was raised high, and a red fireball madly absorbed the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

The next moment, a sword light wrapped in green lightning slammed into the defensive water shield.

The green lightning immediately blew a big hole in the defensive water shield.

A gleam of light flashed in the vertical pupils of the three-headed giant snake, and the red fireball that had condensed to the limit immediately blasted towards the gap.


The violent roar resounded through the sky, and the shock wave generated by the explosion overturned the surrounding buildings.

Countless charred limbs and fragments fell to the ground.


The three-headed giant snake snorted coldly, and the six scarlet vertical pupils all looked at a young man in the corner.

"General Nakamura, please don't mind my reckless attack just now."

The young man bowed slightly and said neither servilely nor arrogantly.

"Yagyu Kenki, your strength is very good."

"Go, kill all these mutant creatures!"

The three-headed giant snake transformed by Nakamura Daisuke spit out the snake's tongue and said coldly.

"Hai, General!"

Yagyu Kenki bowed his head and responded, and his body turned into a blue thunder and shot into the distance.

Edo City has a wide coastline, and countless mutant sea beasts landed, triggering a melee.

After a week of waiting, Nakamura Daisuke finally couldn't hold back.

Leading the superpowers of the Edo Shelter to attack.

These mutant sea beasts are not only the food that the shelter urgently needs.

They are also the source of crystal cores for their strength improvement.

However, what he didn't expect was.

Whether it is zombies or mutant sea beasts, or even some terrestrial mutant creatures.

After a week of chaos, a large number of fifth-level beings were bred.

The giant turtle just now was one of the fifth-level mutant sea beasts.

Its defense is extremely strong, so that Nakamura Daisuke can't do anything about it for a while.

The three-attribute attack of the three-headed giant snake is indeed powerful.

However, Nakamura Daisuke is currently only at the peak of the fourth level.

If it weren't for the blue thunder sword of the Yagyu Sword Ghost, which has a restraining effect on water abilities.

It is estimated that Nakamura Daisuke will have to fight for a while.

The entire Japanese mainland has been invaded by the tide of sea beasts.

Countless survivors were forced to flee from the city to the mountains, and it is unknown how many people died along the way.

In this regard, Nakamura Daisuke is also busy.

Only some fourth-level strongmen can be sent to various places for support.

At the same time, the pace of crystal core awakening is accelerated, and a batch of awakeners are quickly produced.

And the top fourth-level strongmen of Japan also shine in battle after battle.

Beitang Takeo, Saito Shinji, Abe Qingkong, Asakura Mori and other superpowers have shown extremely strong strength.

Many fifth-level mutant creatures were killed by them.

After nightfall, the exhausted Aoi Hayato quietly released a messenger pigeon.

It flew to the other side of the ocean with the messages of many Japanese strongmen.

The capital of the Federation, the Federal Special District.

A towering church stands halfway up the mountain.

A blond man in a black Roman collar suit, holding a Bible in his hand, slowly walked out of the church door.

As far as the eye can see, the mountain is in a mess.

Countless mutant sea beasts are wreaking havoc on both sides of the strait, fighting endlessly with dense zombies.

"Father Joseph, please give me your instructions?"

At the door, a brown-haired man wearing knight armor found from nowhere and holding a cross sword in his hand knelt on one knee and asked for instructions.

"Orlando, lead the knights to eliminate these blasphemers!"

Father Joseph spoke lightly, and casually spread a radiance.

Covering the knights on the church square.

"Respect your oracle!"

The brown-haired man Orlando buried his head deeply, holding the cross sword tightly in front of him with both hands, silently feeling the radiance falling on him.

After a while, Orlando stood up and looked around at the nearly 10,000 knights on the square.


Orlando raised his sword and shouted.



Led by the six knight leaders in the front row, many knights roared.

The sound of armor rubbing came, and teams of knights began to march down the mountain in an orderly manner.

The radiance spread by Father Joseph fell on each of them.

It seemed to give them infinite strength and courage.

Even in the face of dense zombies and mutant sea beasts, these knights were not afraid.

Joseph looked calmly at the teams of knights leaving.

Behind him, endless light bloomed.

Gradually gathered into a pair of wings of light.

With a flap of his wings, Joseph, holding the Bible, suddenly floated up out of thin air.

Like a fleeting light, he flew towards the sky.

A moment later, endless light fell from the sky and landed in the dense group of zombies.

The zombies and mutant sea beasts within a radius of hundreds of meters were purified by these lights.

From head to toe, they began to dissipate rapidly.

Leaving only various crystal cores scattered on the ground.

Many knights roared with excitement when they saw this scene.

Forming a torrent of steel, they swooped down to the foot of the mountain and rushed into the zombies fearlessly.

Countless supernatural powers bloomed, harvesting the lives of the zombies and mutant sea beasts.

On the coast of the Demon City, Yunding warriors relied on their meteorite gold armor to rush through the zombies.

But they remembered the instructions of the King of Yunding.

They did not rush forward with their heads down.

But they harvested the mutant creatures near the defense line as much as possible.

The effect of Mei Que and Fu Xiang's training gradually manifested in the battle.

All kinds of long-range and short-range coordination became more and more proficient, and the use of swordsmanship became more straightforward.

Even some long-range elemental supernatural powers also carried swords to engage in close combat.

Learn to use your supernatural powers in close combat, with the least energy consumption, to exert the greatest killing effect.

The sharpness of the meteorite gold weapons made them invincible.

Many fourth-level warriors searched for high-level mutant creatures and started to kill them accurately.

Occasionally, there were fish that slipped through the net, and they would be stopped by two or three third-level warriors.

Use the meteorite gold armor and weapons to quickly kill them.

The number of the second wave of sea beasts was extremely large, and everyone understood that this would be a protracted war.

"Xiao Yu'er, you should hold back!"

"You burned all those seafood..."

Mu Ningxue slashed out a huge ice blade and split a giant squid in half.

Turning around, Su Yu swung out a large piece of flame of destruction, directly burning the mutant creatures within a radius of 200 meters.

He couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, I know!"

Su Yu embarrassedly retracted her outstretched left hand and nodded with a cute face.

She was so excited about killing just now that she forgot that these seafood were extremely delicious food.

It can also enhance the physical fitness of the survivors of the Cloudtop Shelter.

In the previous meeting, Wang Mingyang also specifically reminded her to be careful to hold back.

Mu Ningxue shook her head helplessly and turned to kill the high-level mutant creatures.

Every time she killed one, she would use the space ring to collect its body.

These seafoods will be distributed to the survivors of the Cloudtop Shelter.

The third generation awakening potion is limited.

But these mutant beast meats can increase the survivors' physique, thereby improving the safety of awakening.

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