Early the next morning, Wang Mingyang just walked out of the villa.

Several people in the courtyard bent down and shouted "Boss".

"You've all recovered, it's good."

Wang Mingyang looked at the people whose arms had grown back and smiled happily.

"Boss, can we still follow you?"

Several people straightened up and looked at each other. Zhang Xingwen took a step forward and asked cautiously.

"Haha, if you don't follow me, who else do you want to go with?"

Wang Mingyang patted his shoulder and teased.

"Then I must follow you, boss!"

"That's right, I won't follow the others."

"One day you are the boss, you will always be our boss!"

After hearing this, several people breathed a sigh of relief and expressed their loyalty.

"I'll go out with Gong Zhan, you just wait at Yunhu."

Wang Mingyang nodded and led everyone out.

"Boss, let us go with you."

"Yes, yes. After being idle for so long, my bones are hardened. It's time to move around."

When the relieved people heard that Wang Mingyang was going out, they immediately said with a smile.

Being able to fight with the boss again is something they haven't dared to think about for more than half a year.

"I heard that you guys often go out to hunt zombies."

"What, are you worried that you won't have a chance to move around?"

Wang Mingyang glanced at everyone with a half-smile. These people were missing a hand before.

The impact on combat power is relatively small. I used to go out frequently to hunt for crystal cores and distribute them to everyone.

Therefore, they also recovered the fastest.

"This...boss, just take us with you!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then smiled.

"Okay, I will take you with me when I leave."

"Get familiar with your new limbs today. There will be plenty of fighting opportunities in the future."

Wang Mingyang didn't take it seriously, so how could he be willing to blame these loyal soldiers.

However, there is really no need to take them with you.

The strength is too low and problems can easily occur.

"Okay...boss, please be more careful."

"Boss, please be safe!"

Everyone had no choice but to obey orders.

"Jin Shining, stay here well and don't hurt anyone!"

"By the way, please help me take care of these three golden eagles. Don't pay attention to them. Just don't let anyone come in and disturb them."

Before leaving the house, Wang Mingyang shouted to Jin Shining and gave another instruction to everyone.

In the courtyard, there is mutated sea beast meat that he left behind, and Jin Shining will eat it himself.

This guy is a little wary of other humans, but as long as no one messes with him, that's fine.

"Yes, boss!"

"Don't worry, boss, I guarantee not a single mosquito will get in."

Everyone hurriedly patted their chests and responded.

They all saw this magnificent golden eagle yesterday.

Privately, everyone speculated that this golden eagle was at least the third or fourth level of strength.

I definitely wouldn’t dare to provoke him.

"Well, I'm leaving."

Wang Mingyang nodded, said hello to everyone, and disappeared in a flash.

A portal of light unfolded on the top of a mountain on the edge of the capital of Peacock Prefecture.

Wang Mingyang stepped out with Gong Zhan.

"This portal of yours is really convenient!"

"I knew you had space powers before, but I didn't expect it to be developed to this extent."

Gong Zhan looked around, then looked back at the teleportation gate that quickly disappeared, and praised it.

"You don't know too much."

"Let's go and see that mutated vine you mentioned."

Wang Mingyang said lightly and stepped forward.

Looking up, you will see a green city.

The capital of Peacock Prefecture was originally located in a small basin among the mountains.

Today, almost all buildings are covered in vines.

Those thick vines were winding like giant snakes, covering the entire city.

Wang Mingyang stepped forward and flew high into the sky with Gong Zhan.

"Looking down from the sky, it is obvious that the vines are getting thicker and thicker towards the airport."

Gong Zhan pointed to the distance and said in a deep voice, frowning.

"Are nearby cities also covered with vines like this?"

Wang Mingyang glanced around and asked casually.

"Menghai County and another large township are all covered."

Gong Zhan said helplessly that they also observed this situation using a plane.

It's just that the mutated vines in the other two places are not as thick and dense as those here in the state capital.

"I have some doubts. These vines are probably one..."

Wang Mingyang felt the information returned from the mental power detection and smiled bitterly.

"One plant?!"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Gong Zhan was stunned and clicked his tongue.

He didn't have much doubt about Wang Mingyang's judgment.

Mental power is not his area of ​​expertise.

"Go down and take a look. These vines seem to be extending from near the airport."

Wang Mingyang took Gong Zhan and flew toward the airport.

Along the way, the two of them were no more than a hundred meters away from the ground.

Occasionally, I passed by a tall building, and the vines clinging to it seemed to sense their arrival.

They rose up one after another and launched attacks.

Wang Mingyang didn't hold back, and the Fierce Sun Golden Wheel sent out beams of light that quickly burned the vines.

The golden red flames burned along the vine branches towards the roots.

However, those vines are like the tail of a gecko. When the golden flame of the sun burns to a certain position, it will break automatically.

It quickly retracted, shaking off the green juice.

"It's so smart, it can still cut off its tail?"

Gong Zhan rubbed his eyes and said in surprise.

Before, he brought Gu Lie and other fire-type mutants here, and their flames did not have the effect of sticking to the burning.

Even if those vines were burned in pieces, they did not break off their tails to protect themselves.

"High-level mutant creatures will have a certain level of wisdom."

"What I'm curious about is, what level is this mutant vine?"

Wang Mingyang shook his head and continued to fly forward.

In the global biological evolution, it stands to reason that the intelligence of plants is the slowest.

This ability to cut off its tail to save itself may be its instinct after mutation.

When they were near the airport, the two saw from a distance that countless vines more than ten meters thick were twisted together in front of them, gathering into a strange-looking super ancient tree.

Between the branches and leaves of the ancient tree, wisps of tentacle-like silk threads emerged from the vines.

Countless silk threads gathered together and entangled into dense cocoons.

"What is this? Silkworm cocoons?"

Gong Zhan looked at the cocoons and couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end.

"Hey, haven't you found it yet?"

"What did you find?"

"There is not a single zombie, a single mutant... or a single living person in this city."

Wang Mingyang sighed softly and looked at the ancient vine tree with a solemn look in his eyes.


Gong Zhan was shocked when he heard this and looked around in disbelief.

As Wang Mingyang said, there was not a single zombie on the ground.

Except for the vine branches and leaves, there was no living thing!

"Fuck you! Don't tell me that all the living things in the city were eaten by this damn ancient vine tree?!"

Gong Zhan's face turned black and he couldn't help but curse.

"As you can see..."

Wang Mingyang said calmly, his mental power condensed into a beam and drilled towards the roots of the ancient vine tree.

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