Wang Mingyang brought Biying to the center of the Magic City.

The zombies that originally gathered on the coast, and the mutant sea beasts that landed.

After so many days of fighting, a certain balance was gradually maintained.

They began to spread all over the city again.

The zombies are denser near the coastline in the city center.

The mutant sea beasts themselves are animals, and they are more sensitive to danger.

Knowing that there are many zombies here, they did not rush in.

"Biying, you worship life and nature, and there is no problem in absorbing the vitality of these sea beasts?"

Wang Mingyang pointed to the scattered mutant sea beasts below and said lightly.

"There are so many zombies... There is no need to absorb sea beasts, right?"

Biying bit her lip. Zombies that look like zombies are okay, but mutant sea beasts are also living creatures in Biying's eyes.

"Zombies don't have that many life forms to offer you."

"If you want your people to wake up as soon as possible, these huge sea beasts are the best choice."

Wang Mingyang persuaded them that mutated sea beasts are also a huge threat to humans.

It would be great if they could produce a large number of life crystals while eliminating sea beasts.


Biying was still a little hesitant. As a spirit born from the ancient tree of life.

She has a natural cherishment for life.

Even if Wang Mingyang said that these sea beasts were mutated to present this form.

For Biying, it was similar to the spirit beasts of their time.

"No buts!"

"Biying, these mutated sea beasts landed and posed a huge threat to us humans."

"They even eat zombies, they are not good people."

"Let's decide, the ancient tree of life is quite suitable here."

Wang Mingyang waved his hand and said decisively, leaving so many huge sea beasts unused, how long would it take to revive the hundreds of spirits in the mustard space?

How much food can Biying, a fourth-level spirit, produce?

"Okay, okay."

Seeing Wang Mingyang so determined, Biying could only grit her teeth and agree.

Next, Wang Mingyang found a square under Biying's suggestion and released the ancient tree of life.

The huge ancient tree of life fell to the ground with a bang, smashing a deep pit in the concrete ground.

The zombies around heard the noise and gathered around with roars.

Biying hurriedly communicated with the ancient tree of life, asking it to quickly dig its roots and branches deep into the ground.

The old face of the ancient tree of life wrinkled into a ball, and the whole body was glowing with green light. The thick branches grew rapidly, gradually turning into dense vines, extending to the surroundings.

Catching up with the zombies that gathered, the flowers on the vines bloomed quickly, and opened their serrated mouths to swallow the zombies one by one.

Ten minutes later, the huge branches of the ancient tree of life were covered with various tree cocoons.

The life tree, which was a little sluggish, has grown much more visibly.

"This... is too fast!"

Biying covered her mouth and looked at the life tree that had grown a lot in surprise.

"The zombies it ate before were probably not very strong."

"The average level of zombies here is much higher than the place where you are sleeping."

Wang Mingyang didn't find it strange.

This life tree revived, extended to the surface, and devoured the life of the entire city.

But at that time, third and fourth level zombies were very rare.

How can it be compared with the second level that is everywhere now.

"Biying, tell it that it can only eat zombies and mutant sea beasts. If it dares to eat a living person, I will chop it down directly!"

"By the way, let it extend its roots to the Cloud Top Base."

"I will build a safe house there and release your people."

After observing for a while and confirming that there was nothing around that could threaten the life tree, Wang Mingyang said to Biying.

The Ancient Tree of Life itself is at the peak of the fifth level, and the zombies and mutant sea beasts nearby are at most at the fourth level.

Moreover, one kilometer away from the Ancient Tree of Life is the Chunshen River of the Magic City.

From time to time, mutant sea beasts will come ashore through this river that runs through the Magic City.

The Ancient Tree of Life can also hunt mutant sea beasts nearby and absorb life energy.


Biying flew to the face of the Ancient Tree of Life, and the green leaf pattern between her eyebrows flickered.

The Ancient Tree of Life looked at Wang Mingyang with some fear, and then closed its eyes.

In the flashing green light, a thick root system began to shuttle and extend underground.

"I have communicated with it. It is estimated that by night, its roots will reach the Yunding base."

Biying flew back to Wang Mingyang and said softly.

"That's good, let's go back!"

Wang Mingyang nodded and flew to the Yunding defense line with Biying.


At night, the Yunding warriors who had been busy all day finally returned to the defense line.

Many people found that a towering tree had grown out of nowhere in the center of the Magic City.

There were many discussions about this and they were very surprised.

Even many combat teams have discussed going to find out what happened.

"Don't think about it, the big tree was brought by the boss."

"Try not to get close to it, but if you encounter any danger, you can quickly escape to the big tree to hide."

Ding Cheng listened to everyone's discussion, came over with a plate full of seafood in his hand, and said loudly.

"Brother Cheng, the big tree should be mutated, it won't eat us, right?"

Team member Jiang Tianyang asked worriedly.

"The boss brought us a mutant tree, what are you afraid of?"

"Don't worry, the boss called us to a meeting just now and notified everyone."

Ding Cheng put down the plate and sat down next to Lu Ming and laughed.

"That's great. There were too many high-level mutant creatures in the city center before, and we didn't dare to go there."

A member of another team laughed.

"Haha, I didn't expect the boss to find us a bodyguard!"

"Do you think if we attract high-level zombies, can we get crystal cores?"

"Oh, your idea is good!"

"Just like fighting monsters, the big tree is the NPC guarding the city gate, haha!"

The surrounding Yunding warriors all laughed and discussed how to use the big tree.

With the boss's endorsement, everyone is very confident in this tree.

They have already regarded it as a character like the Fortune and Fortune, Jinbao and Fubao.

The four little ones are now like divine beasts in Yunding, and many Yunding warriors have been rescued by them.

"The boss said that the ancient tree needs crystal cores, so don't disturb it if nothing happens."

"You will benefit from it in the future."

Ding Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head, reminding everyone.

Wang Mingyang said that this ancient tree of life will eat zombies and mutant sea beasts.

It can produce many life crystal cores in the future.

Everyone in Yunding will have a healing potion in their hands, and it will be just around the corner.

When that happens, the safety of everyone going out to fight will be raised to a higher level.

"Okay, we will listen to the boss."

Everyone looked at each other with disappointment.

However, Wang Mingyang's words are the iron rule in Yunding.

No one will question it.

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