After a brief lunch cooked by Xiao Huanyan, Jin Shining was almost rested.

Wang Mingyang and the two set off again.

The big golden eagle flew quickly over the mountain peaks, and a snow-capped round volcano appeared in front of it.

"Master, that is the Immortal Mountain of Japan..."

Xiao Huanyan pointed to the volcano in the distance and said enthusiastically.

"Oh, indeed."

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly, although he had never seen this mountain with his own eyes.

But I have seen the pictures on the Internet before.

"There are many monsters in Japan. Master, tell me, will a monster emerge from this volcano one day?"

Xiao Huanyan's face was full of smiles, and her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"Haha, it's really possible."

"The possible remnants of the Titan civilization of the First Era may be hidden deep underground."

"It's not impossible that a giant beast will emerge one day."

Wang Mingyang laughed and joked.

"Yes, Godzilla in the Japanese movie looks very much like a dinosaur!"

Xiao Huanyan clapped her hands and said with bright eyes.

"Why do I think you really want this to happen?"

Wang Mingyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Didn't Purple Eyes say it? The race of the giant civilization is full of muscles. Once it appears from here, wouldn't it be a good idea to trample the little devil first!"

Xiao Huanyan said with a smile and excitement on her face.

"Well, it's really possible."

Wang Mingyang couldn't help but think of the scene of Godzilla fighting the three-headed snake.

The three-headed snake Daisuke Nakamura is not Ghidorah, he will probably turn into a spicy stick directly...

Jin Shining took them to fly over the Immortal Mountain, and the two of them could more intuitively overlook this tourist attraction famous for its blue stars.

The end of the world will come at the end of May, and climbing on the Immortal Mountain will not be open at that time.

But this tourist resort usually has a lot of crowds gathering.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can still see many zombies wandering at the foot of the mountain.

There are large areas of vegetation around, and mutant beasts appear from time to time.

Jin Shining quickly flew into the sky over another mountainous area. The two of them looked down and saw large tracts of forest covering the entire mountainous area.

The energy of heaven and earth revives, and even if these plants do not mutate, they will become extremely tall with the blessing of energy.

These forests have become a world of mutant beasts.

Jin Shining flew high in the sky, attracting the siege of hundreds of mutant birds.

Countless fireballs spewed out from the mouths of these flaming red birds, attacking them head on in dense numbers.

Without Wang Mingyang taking action, Jin Shining's body was filled with golden light and his speed suddenly accelerated.

Those fireballs hit the golden light flowing on the surface of Jin Shining's body, splashing countless sparks, but did not damage it at all.

The golden halo covered Wang Mingyang and Wang Mingyang who were sitting on their backs, protecting them as well.

Jin Shining Shining is currently moving towards the peak of the fourth level. The highest level of these birds is only the third level, and most of them are in the second level.

There is no way to break through its energy defense.


Jin Shining let out a high-pitched eagle cry, and his body turned into a golden stream of light, instantly crashing into the oncoming flock of birds.

The next moment, the golden light burst out among the birds, and the feather arrows transformed from the golden energy penetrated every mutated firebird with incomparable accuracy.



The mutated firebirds let out noisy screams and fell towards the forest like dumplings.

Wang Mingyang waved his hand, and dense space-cutting threads passed through each mutated firebird.

Hundreds of fiery red crystal nuclei flew up and gathered in his hand.

"The fire crystal core is better than nothing. I'll give it to you as a snack!"

Wang Mingyang patted Jin Shining's back and said with a smile.


Jin Shining turned his head and let out a soft cry.

"Don't worry, you can't miss big yellow and little yellow."

Wang Mingyang replied funny.

"Master, what did Jin Shining say just now?"

Xiao Huanyan saw one person and one bird talking to each other without any obstacles, but she was confused when she heard it.

"It said it wanted to leave these crystal nuclei to Big Yellow and Little Yellow."

"Ah, Jin Shining Shining is such a good mother!"

Xiao Huanyan stroked the shining golden feathers, her eyes full of tenderness.

Everyone knows that Wang Mingyang can communicate with different animals.

It attracts wealth, gold and blessings, and you can communicate with him without any barriers.

"That's right, I usually give it fourth-order crystal nuclei."

"If Big Yellow and Little Yellow weren't too young to bear it, Jin Shining Shining would probably have stayed with them."

Wang Mingyang laughed, if it weren't for Jin Shining's maternal nature that touched him.

It is estimated that what I bought at that time was a fourth-order gold system crystal core.

"It would be great if I could have one sometime..."

Xiao Huanyan said softly with a hint of envy.

Jin Shining Shining is Wang Mingyang's exclusive mount, while Da Huang and Xiao Huang have been assigned to Su Yu and Mu Ningxue.

Many people are envious of this.

You can raise two little golden eagles from an early age, even if you don't have the ability to control beasts.

When they grow up, they will definitely become very close to Su and Yu.

At that time, they can carry people and fly like their mothers.

Xiao Huanyan was very envious of this.

Mutated golden eagles like Jin Shining are rare. Even if they are encountered, with the speed of the golden eagle, no one except Wang Mingyang can catch it.

She doesn't like ordinary flying beasts.

Therefore, even if Xiao Huanyan has the power of mind control, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

"Look for an opportunity and catch one for you."

Wang Mingyang chuckled, he had many ways to fly.

He usually buried his head in reading when he had nothing to do, so he really ignored this problem.

It was difficult to deal with other people, but it was very simple for Xiao Huanyan.

With the mind control, he could tame a flying beast to travel.

"Okay, Master, I remember it!"

Xiao Huanyan smiled and said crisply.

"Yeah, don't worry!"

Wang Mingyang nodded repeatedly, indicating that he took this matter to heart.

As he spoke, Jin Shanshan had already flown into the sky above Edo City.

From the most marginal Hachio City to Edo City, it was a densely populated area.

The population density in the urban area of ​​Edo is even at the forefront of Blue Star.

The entire Edo metropolitan area has a population of nearly 40 million.

It is 10 million more than the metropolitan area of ​​Kyoto, China.

But the area is only one-eighth of Kyoto.

Looking down from the sky, the densely packed buildings may make people with trypophobia unable to walk directly.

"Master, it seems that there are many hatching nests in this Edo City!"

Xiao Huanyan pointed to a circular open space below and said in surprise.

There are no buildings in the open space of several hundred meters, which seems too strange in the Edo City where every inch of land is valuable.

Xiao Huanyan, who has seen the mature hatching nests, saw the clues at a glance.

"Well, there are still a few immature ones."

Wang Mingyang nodded. As early as when he entered the Eight Kings City, he expanded his mental power.

He did find several hatching nests of different sizes.

However, none of them have hatched yet.

When the alien zombies hatch, the companion creatures contained in them will mature at the same time.

If the hatching nest is broken before it matures, the companion creatures inside will also be destroyed.

Even though he was very envious of this, Wang Mingyang could only sigh in despair.

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