"Huanyan, do you think... can we win?"

Wang Mingyang murmured.

It seemed that he was asking Xiao Huanyan, but it also seemed that he was asking himself.

"Master, I don't know if we can win..."

"But even if we can't win, so what!"

"At most, we can fight to the death like the ancestors of China, and do our best!"

"We have experienced the prosperity in peacetime and the cruelty in the end of the world."

"With such a colorful life, what is there to regret?"

Xiao Huanyan took Wang Mingyang's arm, leaned carefully beside him, and said with a relaxed look.

The secrets of the ancient angel army and the ancestors of China, including the god behind all this.

How could Xiao Huanyan, as the core of Yunding, not know?

Of course, she understood what Wang Mingyang was asking.

"What is there to regret..."

Wang Mingyang murmured and repeated Xiao Huanyan's words, and his eyes gradually became firm.

Yes, he lived a new life, and all the enemies in his previous life were gone.

Li Yuchan, the former brother, is still alive and well.

He has two confidantes around him, and the young man of two lives has spread his wings and flown.

He has become the leader of a large base, with tens of thousands of loyal warriors who believe in him.

He has reached the peak of his life!

Even if he loses, it doesn't matter, anyway, he has lived an extra life.

He has already made a fortune!

"Thank you Huanyan!"

Wang Mingyang laughed heartily and took his right hand out of the gentle land.

He clenched his fist and hit the face of the dark lord of the water element fiercely.


In the splashing water, the clothes of both of them were wet.

Xiao Huanyan's silk dress was tightly attached to her body, showing her seductive curves.

"Haha, let's go swimming!"

After punching the dark lord of the water element away, Wang Mingyang seemed to be in a much better mood.

During the space change, he had already changed into a pair of swimming trunks.

He jumped directly into the sea.

As a low-level worker in Chuncheng, he had never swam in the sea.

The last time I swam in my memory seemed to be in the pond in the town when I was a child.

Unfortunately, after growing up, the pond that carried my childhood memories.

has been filled up by the township school and turned into a playground.

What's more annoying is that it was Wang Mingyang's class of students who filled it up personally under the command of the school...

"Okay, master."

Seeing Wang Mingyang cheerful again, Xiao Huanyan was also sincerely happy.

With a hint of shyness, she slowly took off her wet long skirt, revealing a very tempting pink bikini.

When she saw Wang Mingyang walking on the beach, she was looking forward to this moment.

She took out the clothes she had prepared for a long time from the space ring and changed them.

She swayed and walked into the cold sea water. At this time, Xiao Huanyan was as delicious as a mermaid.

The two laughed and played on the beach, just like men and women enjoying the beach scenery before the end of the world.

Jin Shanshan heard the movement and spread his wings and flew over.

He tilted his head and looked for a while, and suddenly ran over with a jump.

With a flap of wings, a large amount of sea water rushed towards the two people.

"Ah! Jin Shanshan, you are so bad!"

Xiao Huanyan was unable to dodge and was knocked down by the sea water.


Wang Mingyang laughed and pulled her up.

The two looked at each other and reached out to scoop up the sea water and splashed it at Jin Shanshan.


The two people and the bird immediately fought together and started a water fight.

After a long time, Jin Shanshan shook off the sea water and spread his wings to fly.

Wang Mingyang and Xiao Huanyan lay on the beach and looked up at the stars, enjoying the rare tranquility.


In the early morning, the sun shone into the cave.

Xiao Huanyan opened her eyes and showed a satisfied smile.

She quietly got up from Wang Mingyang's arms.

She tiptoed to put on her coat, walked outside and started to wash up.

After washing up, she prepared a simple breakfast.

Xiao Huanyan returned to the bed, leaned over and called softly.

"Master, get up and eat!"

"Well... OK."

Wang Mingyang stretched and got up quickly.

After breakfast, Jin Shanshan carried the two people to face the rising sun and flew towards the North American continent.

Until about five o'clock in the afternoon, the two could already see the land in the distance.

"Master, we are going to the Federal Special District, right?"

Xiao Huanyan asked softly with her red lips.

"Well, on the other side of the continent."

"I don't know what the current situation of the Federation is."

Wang Mingyang nodded and chuckled.

"The Federation is vast and sparsely populated. I guess other places will be better except for those big cities."

Xiao Huanyan majored in the Federal language and also studied this land.

"Fly lower and you'll know after a look."

"I've been learning the Federal language for so long, but this is my first time in the Federal State!"

"Haha, I'll let you practice when I meet someone."

"Master, you are proficient in various languages, so why do you need me!"

The two chatted about mountains and unknowingly approached the coastline of the North American continent.

The direction chosen by Wang Mingyang happened to be the famous California coast of the Federal State, the famous wine town of St. Louis.

When the two flew near this city, they saw only ruins.

Countless huge sea beasts were wreaking havoc everywhere.

"This can be regarded as the disadvantage of a small population..."

Xiao Huanyan looked down with a sigh.

Once upon a time, she still yearned to travel here.

Now that she is here, it is a hell on earth.

"Not far away is Luoshanji, where the population is much denser."

Wang Mingyang shook his head and chuckled. There is no city with a population of tens of millions in the Federation.

Like Luoshanji, with a population of about five million, it is already the second most populous city in the Federation.

"Should we go and see it?"

Xiao Huanyan turned her head and asked.

"Forget it, let's go directly to the Federal District!"

Wang Mingyang thought about it and then shook his head.

There is no need to see a city in the Federation.

There was very little information about foreign countries in his previous life, and he didn't know where there was any opportunity.

There is really no need to waste this time.

You can come and see it on the way back. Maybe there will be hatching nests, spiritual objects of heaven and earth, etc.

Jin Shanshan quickly flew over California and entered Neva, where the famous Death Valley is located.

Arriving in this area, the mutant sea beasts gradually disappeared.

It seems that because of the dry climate, these sea beasts did not choose to continue advancing.

The two people and the bird flew into the sky above Las City, one of the four major gambling cities on Blue Star.

Xiao Huanyan, who had been curiously looking down, suddenly grabbed Wang Mingyang's hand.

Pointing down, he exclaimed:

"Master, the ancient angel!"

Wang Mingyang raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the little yellow fish.

I saw a magnificent church standing next to the busy street in front of the left.

Above the church, there was a huge meat ball squatting, with two small wings drooping on the roof, as if it was taking a nap.

It was indeed the familiar parasitic ancient angel!

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