The next morning, Wang Mingyang took Xiao Huanyan to fly down the mountain.

Let Jin Shanshan go to find food by himself, and come back here to rest when he has nothing to do.

"Master, where are we going first?"

Xiao Huanyan asked curiously.

"Let's go to the Federal Monument first."

Wang Mingyang said without hesitation.

"Master, do you want to... take those museums away?"

Xiao Huanyan thought about it for a while and guessed Wang Mingyang's intention.

"Yes, it's been more than a hundred years, it's time to let them go home..."

Wang Mingyang nodded and said with some heaviness.

There are many museums near the Federal Monument.

It collects cultural relics looted from all over the world by the Federal State.

The most of them are Chinese cultural relics.

There is no way to take them back in peacetime.

Now, whoever dares to stop us will be killed directly!

"Okay, let's find and collect at the same time! No delay."

Xiao Huanyan nodded repeatedly, and every Chinese citizen would probably agree with this.

The two quickly flew over a big river and came to the gymnasium by the river.

"Go straight from here and you will find those museums."

Wang Mingyang did not fly directly with Xiao Huanyan.

Instead, he walked leisurely on the street.

This area is near the famous Forest Park.

At the end of the park is the National Library of the Federation.

Wang Mingyang has long memorized these materials through various maps.

There are still many zombies near the gymnasium.

However, Wang Mingyang took Xiao Huanyan with him and entered the space layer.

With this space barrier, the two seemed to be invisible.

Walking leisurely among the zombies, not worried about being discovered.

Turning from the gymnasium, there is a military camp in front of them.

It is the headquarters of the Federal Special District Force.

Wang Mingyang used his mental power to scan it, and his face suddenly became a little strange.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Xiao Huanyan noticed Wang Mingyang's emotional changes and asked curiously.

"This is the headquarters of the Federal Special District Force. There are only a few dozen people in it..."

Wang Mingyang shook his head and smiled.

Logically speaking, this is the military headquarters of the capital, and there should be many soldiers inside.

Even if the zombies break out, there will be many soldiers left.

Unexpectedly, there are only dozens of people left in this military headquarters.

"Should we go in?"

"Don't worry about it, a group of federal soldiers are here to bully others!"

Wang Mingyang chuckled and left with Xiao Huanyan.

Among the dozens of people, there are only a dozen men, and the rest are all federal women.

It has become a small kingdom.

But what does this have to do with him?

This is not China.

The two of them walked along the road and walked to the end of the park.

It must be said that the urban planning of this federal special zone is very good.

The roads are basically straight, extending through the park to the distance.

Unfortunately, the road is full of abandoned cars and countless dead bones.

The zombies wandered aimlessly in the city.

The survivors who can survive until now are either powerful.

Or they are well versed in self-protection and will not show up easily, triggering the siege of zombies.

Occasionally, some mutated sea beasts can be encountered, but the number is obviously much smaller in the eyes of the two.

There is a channel leading directly to the sea near the Forest Park.

This situation now makes Wang Mingyang confirm one thing.

Zi Mou said that the federal fanatics repelled the sea beast tide caused by the Canglan Sea.

This matter may not be an exaggeration.

However, there are still some survivors in the buildings around the street.

This made Wang Mingyang wonder, has the federal government not launched a rescue?

Otherwise, how could there be so many survivors left nearby.

A few kilometers away is the world-famous Federal White Palace!

The place where the federal president usually works is the real power center.

Just look at China Kyoto to know that it is so close, there should be troops everywhere.

Could it be that the high-level officials of the federation died under the outbreak of zombies...

It is a bit impossible to think about it.

The two strolled along the street and finally came to a museum.

This Shakespeare Museum is also adjacent to two libraries, one of which is the Federal National Library.

"Master, this federal national library is known as the world's number one library!"

Xiao Huanyan pointed at the dome-shaped building and laughed.

"Take it away, take it away!"

Wang Mingyang smiled and took the lead to walk forward.

The mental power quickly scanned the three buildings, and there were many zombies inside.

After the end of the world, basically no one would come to such a place except Wang Mingyang.

The places where survivors may appear are either supermarkets, shopping malls, pharmacies, hospitals and other places where daily necessities are located.

Or places where weapons may exist.

Under normal circumstances, no one would go to the library for nothing.

Spend some energy to transfer all the zombies and bones inside.

Wang Mingyang launched a space cut and directly separated the three buildings from the earth.

The mustard space exerted force and quickly took it in.

Only three large pits as smooth as mirrors were left on the ground.

"Haha, let's go!"

"There are still many over there, take them all!"

Wang Mingyang waved his hand and walked forward.

The Federal National Library has more than 170 million collections.

The books and manuscripts alone add up to more than 100 million.

I really don't know how many surprises it will bring him.

Along the way, Wang Mingyang uprooted all the museums he encountered, regardless of what category.

Many of these museums have collected many cultural relics from China.

It made the two of them itchy, but fortunately, these cultural relics can now be taken home.

"NND! This is only part of it!"

"After things are settled, I must wipe out all the museums in the Federation!"

"Let them also experience the pain of the loss of cultural relics!"

Wang Mingyang sensed the vast amount of Chinese cultural relics in the mustard seed space and cursed indignantly.

"Master, how long is their history!"

"The real and fake ones can't even make up our dynasty, how distressed can you be?"

Xiao Huanyan sighed helplessly.

"Well, whatever, I've made up my mind, let's do it!"

Wang Mingyang's face froze, then he waved his hand and sneered.

"Master, that's the Federal White Palace, should we go over and take a look?"

Xiao Huanyan pointed to the white building in the distance and asked softly.

"Go over and take a look, there must be a lot of confidential documents inside, take them back to show the big guys in Kyoto."

Wang Mingyang thought about it, nodded and said, it's just a matter of convenience.

The number of mutant sea beasts has increased nearby.

On the way to the Federal White Palace, the two also saw some survivors.

Among them, there were some federal soldiers fighting with those sea beasts.

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