Jin Shanshan took the two people to fly at low altitude and fly around.

Wang Mingyang released the little remaining mental power and explored inch by inch.

But at this moment, he could only scan a range of about 500 meters.

In addition, the terrain is complex, and there are countless basements in this city.

Wang Mingyang's mental strength at this moment can only penetrate the ground for dozens of meters.

After searching for half an hour, he still did not find the trace of the two people.

In the end, Wang Mingyang had no choice but to give up.

From the appearance of the angel light and shadow to the end of the battle.

More than ten minutes have passed, enough time for the flying Templar Knight to fly far away with Baidi's body.

At this time, Wang Mingyang also regretted not planting a mental beacon for the Baidi priest in the first place.

Otherwise, no matter where he escaped, Wang Mingyang would have a way to find him.

Unfortunately, the angel light and shadow appeared at that time, and the pressure was too strong.

There was no time to care about him at all.

"Let's go, go back and rest first."

"There must be many of these Templar Knights still outside, let's come back in a few days."

"Take him down!"

Wang Mingyang signaled Jin Shanshan to fly in a random direction.

In the search just now, several Templar Knights teams were seen.

After thinking about it, Wang Mingyang decided to wait a few days to see.

The Templar Knight in the body of the White Emperor might return to this base again when he finds that the danger is over.


In an underground cave more than ten kilometers away from the temple.

Orlando carefully placed Joseph's body on a stone bed.

At this time, Joseph's eyes were closed, and he was sleeping like a vegetable.

But his slightly rising and falling chest indicated that he was still a living person at this time.

However, no matter how Orlando called, he did not respond at all.

"Joseph, what did you do?"

Orlando looked at this old friend anxiously and murmured.

He didn't know who the oriental man was.

However, the suffocating feeling brought by the man made Orlando feel his heart pounding until this moment.

The two grew up together, and Joseph has always been a devout believer of the Church of Light.

Under the influence of Joseph, Orlando also became a believer of the Church of Light.

However, unlike Joseph who entered the seminary and entered the ranks of priests.

Orlando went to college step by step, graduated, worked, married and had children.

After the end of the world, Orlando happened to be out, and his wife and children all died.

If he had not awakened his ability to transform in a critical moment, Orlando would have become one of the many zombies.

Until, by chance, he met Joseph, who had transformed into the leader of the temple.

As the two walked along the way, Orlando had a deep understanding of Joseph's strength.

He was even more shocked by his ability to parasitize and control angels.

Originally, he thought that under the leadership of Joseph, this doomsday would eventually come to an end.

Joseph will also become the greatest pope of light in history, and develop the light religion into the only religious belief in the entire blue planet.

Those Templars have already called Joseph "His Majesty" in private.

But now, a more powerful oriental man has appeared.

Directly broke all these fantasies.

Joseph himself was forced to sacrifice his entire soul, forming an extremely powerful angel phantom.

But Orlando did not dare to hope that the powerful oriental man would be defeated by this method.

Otherwise, Joseph would not let him escape with his body.

At this moment, Orlando's heart was full of hesitation and confusion.

When he fled with Joseph's body, he didn't even dare to turn his head back.

After being with Joseph for a long time, he also knew that a person with strong mental power could scan hundreds of meters underground through mental power.

That powerful oriental man could fly in the air and also had spatial superpowers.

His mental power must be equally strong.

Therefore, he did not dare to fly on the surface all the time.

If Joseph was defeated in a short period of time, no matter how far he flew, he would be caught up if he was not careful.

It will be game over then!

He rushed all the way to an ancient church in the corner of the city.

He followed the secret passage he accidentally discovered before and kept drilling underground.

This underground cave goes several kilometers deep into the ground, and there are countless forks along the way, leading to several exits.

Fortunately, Joseph had taken him to explore this cave before.

He made a lot of marks along the way, so he remembered how to go.

If someone else came in, they would probably get lost.

"I can only stay here for the time being, and go out and see in two days."

Orlando sat down dejectedly against the stone wall, muttering to himself.

In this situation, he could no longer care about what would happen to the Knights Templar.

Even their recognized crown was lying here, and it was still unknown whether he could wake up again.

Others could only pray for the best.


A tall building a few kilometers away from the temple.

Wang Mingyang and Xiao Huanyan found a relatively clean house to live in.

Anyway, Wang Mingyang's mustard seed space has all the daily necessities.

Fortunately, there were no zombies in the room on the top floor, which saved a lot of trouble.

He simply washed the room with the power of water.

Wang Mingyang took out a large bed and several sofas and simply arranged them.

Then he sat on the bed and immersed his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Xiao Huanyan sat beside him with Jin Shanshan to be on guard.

Her eyes looking at Wang Mingyang were full of concern and heartache.

This was the second time Xiao Huanyan witnessed Wang Mingyang fighting with that terrifying ancient angel.

The first time, Wang Mingyang almost died in front of her.

The second time, the more powerful Wang Mingyang finally survived.

It seemed that he only suffered a great loss of mental strength, and was not seriously injured.

This made Xiao Huanyan greatly relieved.

She couldn't tell how much difference there was between the dark lord with black wings on his back and this angel phantom.

To Xiao Huanyan, the power of the two was similar.

One could cut out a sword beam that destroyed the world, and the other could cast a holy light covering several kilometers.

Both were extremely powerful.

It was enough for Wang Mingyang to survive.

No matter how Xiao Huanyan was thinking, Wang Mingyang's mind had already entered the sea of ​​consciousness.

The spiritual sun still hangs high above the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the brilliance of the sun has dimmed a lot.

On both sides of the sun, the space runes and the spiritual runes flickered with a faint light.

When Wang Mingyang saw the spiritual rune, he was a little silent.

A long time ago, Wang Mingyang understood that Zimou's spiritual power can be used in a variety of ways, which is very magical.

With this spiritual rune, he can learn it slowly.

This made him think that as long as his level continued to improve, he could reach the height of Zimou.

But today's spiritual power battle, looking back at it now, Wang Mingyang somewhat understood where the gap between himself and Zimou was.

If it weren't for Zimou's assistance, his spiritual power would be contaminated by Zimou's spiritual power.

The holy sword of the six-winged angel alone could defeat his illusion of the three-legged golden crow in one blow.

Instead of annihilation of the two.

This is a qualitative change!

And the last knife contains a certain willpower added by Zimou.

Otherwise, Wang Mingyang's faith alone would not be able to kill the six-winged angel.

Wang Mingyang felt the knife.

The power of will!

At that moment, Wang Mingyang had no other thoughts in his mind.

The only thought was to move forward and kill the six-winged angel who could be called a god.

At the moment when the knife was slashed, he firmly believed that he could do it!

It was a mysterious feeling.

The power of the knife seemed to become stronger because of this.

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