As the middle-aged knight's true spirit died, the white smoke that looked like a living creature began to twist and deform.

Devouring his entire broken spiritual world.

White light shot out from the middle-aged knight's body, setting the entire room on fire.

In the center of the white light, a huge meat ball spreads out a pair of flesh wings.

The flesh ball was covered with disgusting tumors, and in the center were bloodstains crisscrossing it vertically and horizontally.

The horizontal blood stain slowly opened, revealing a huge eye.

Parasitic ancient angel!

Really appeared in front of Wang Mingyang and Xiao Huanyan.


The moment the big eyes saw Wang Mingyang and the two of them, the voice of the soul quickly sounded.

In the center of his eyes, little bits of white light began to condense.

"Yan, your mother!"

Wang Mingyang hummed softly, and with a thought, several space cuts instantly passed through the big eyeball.

The white light that was still condensing suddenly stopped.

The big eyeball slowly split into several pieces and fell to the ground, while wisps of white smoke rose into the sky.

Within a moment, this ancient angel had dissipated.

Although there is no prompt to record the reading value, Wang Mingyang is not worried about it.

Anyway, Shu Ling said that it will be uniformly credited when the system upgrade is completed.

The system book spirit would never lie to him!

"Let's go."

Wang Mingyang gently hugged Xiao Huanyan and took her to teleport away.

After walking for a long time, there are still many Templars detected by their mental power!

However, Wang Mingyang was too lazy to deal with it.

Anyway, in a few days, these Templar knights will gather in the Temple base.

In the following time, Wang Mingyang took Xiao Huanyan for a stroll through the city.

The two of them collected some crystal nuclei, as well as libraries and museums.

When he encountered some energy, he collected it without hesitation.

Occasionally some cutting-edge laboratories are packed away.

You never know when these technologies will be available.

During this period, they also encountered some people with supernatural powers who were besieged by zombies.

When he was in a good mood, Wang Mingyang used large-scale methods to kill large swaths of corpses.

This caused these superpowers to express their gratitude to the air.

But I am not so lucky every time.

When Wang Mingyang encountered this situation for the third time, he took action.

A parasitic Archangel is born from the corpse of a zombie.

The moment it appeared, a large area of ​​purifying light spread out.

Directly annihilate several nearby unlucky superpower users into ashes.

Wang Mingyang had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and kill the parasitic ancient angel instantly.

"Master, this can be regarded as revenge for a few unlucky people!"

Xiao Huanyan joked from the side that she didn't have much favorable impression of these federal superpowers.

This afternoon, the two of them did not hide their figures.

Among the federal superpowers encountered, there are always some who cannot control their lower bodies.

Want to do something.

No fewer than ten people have died because of this.

"There's nothing we can do. It's unlucky for them to encounter a parasite."

Wang Mingyang put away the crystal core and said calmly.

This federal district does not have a particularly large population.

In addition, mutated sea beasts have been raging, and there are far fewer zombies than in big cities in China.

There are bits and pieces here and there, but nothing dense enough.

Wang Mingyang has no intention of helping the federal people clean up one by one.

The reason why he took action was because these people attracted enough zombies.

Just think of it as collecting some crystal nuclei for the Genting warriors.

Outside the Federal District, inside the underground cave.

A white light suddenly flashed in the cave, went straight into the secret room, and landed inside Joseph's body.

Joseph's already extremely pale cheeks flashed with rosy color.

His intermittent breathing gradually became calmer.


Orlando held a backpack and pushed open the door.

A ball of light floating above his head quickly illuminated the entire secret room.

After staying in this secret room for three days, he was also hungry and thirsty.

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, he cautiously reached out from another passage.

After collecting some food and water, we rushed back.

Placing the backpack next to the stone bed, Orlando leaned over and took a look at Joseph.


I saw a trace of rosiness on Joseph's face and his normal breathing.

Orlando's eyes flashed with joy.

Although it is not known what happened to Joseph during his absence.

But things are finally improving.

In the past three days, he had felt a little desperate more than once.

For fear of not paying attention, Joseph passed away directly.

"Old friend, get well soon!"

Orlando breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the edge of the stone bed.

After a while, he grabbed the backpack, took out the food and started eating.

In the unknown space, Joseph's true spirit shone with white light.

Wisps of milky white power of faith emerged from the true spirit.

Begin to reshape his spiritual world.

At noon the next day, on a street in the Federal District.

Wang Mingyang pressed his palm on a fifth-order ancient angel, and violent golden flames of the sun spurted out.

This ancient angel was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

An illusory homing pigeon suddenly appeared in front of him and went straight into it.

"Mingyang, are you okay?"

"The library's ability to gather the energy of heaven and earth suddenly disappeared...Did something happen?"

Mu Ningxue's worried voice sounded in Wang Mingyang's mind.

Wang Mingyang was slightly startled and couldn't help but slap his forehead.

I did take it for granted, a week had passed since I left Genting.

No summons was ever sent back.

Coupled with the changes in the library, it's no wonder Mu Ningxue is worried.

Mo Yan would go to the ninth floor every day to take care of the ancient lotus. She must have discovered this and informed Mu Ningxue.

Fortunately, it was Mu Ningxue who was relatively calm, but Su Yu's tone was much more urgent.

Thinking of this, Wang Mingyang quickly took out a messenger wooden pigeon and crushed it.

He quickly explained the situation, and the main point was to tell her that everything was fine with him.

It is estimated that it will be delayed for some time in the North American continent.

After that, I would send them a carrier pigeon every few days to ensure their safety and so on.

After reviving his life, Wang Mingyang is no longer the three-star or five-star waste that no one cares about.

Now he is Su Yu and Mu Ningxue's man.

The spiritual figure in charge of hundreds of thousands of people in Genting Refuge.

Being away from home for a long time will inevitably make them worried.

"Master, did Ningxue send the message?"

Although Xiao Huanyan couldn't see the illusory carrier pigeon, she could guess it from Wang Mingyang's movements and soliloquy.

It must have been Mu Ningxue who sent the pigeon message.

"Well, no news came back for a week, so they were a little worried."

Wang Mingyang nodded, let the carrier pigeon escape into the void, and then said to Xiao Huanyan.

"I really should have returned safely. It was my negligence and I forgot to remind you."

Xiao Huanyan felt a little ashamed, being too happy and addicted to be alone with her master.

I really forgot about this matter.

"It doesn't matter. It's not too late to report the news. It's just time to tell them that we may need to stay in the Federal State for a while."

Wang Mingyang waved his hands and said calmly.

The original plan was to find out the true identity of the Federation fanatics and return directly to China.

However, the appearance of so many ancient angels really made him reluctant to leave.

If you rely on reading to accumulate reading value, you are working for a capitalist.

Then by killing the ancient angel, Wang Mingyang changed from a migrant worker to a capitalist.

The ancient angels of the entire Federal State are just like the leeks that grow one after another.

Waiting for him to harvest...

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