If Wang Mingyang was still here just now, seeing Ding Cheng's performance, he would probably be surprised to say:

"B-level steel skin!"

Within seven days of the apocalypse, those who can awaken their superpowers are actually very talented.

B-level steel skin is much better than most people.

In the apocalypse, sometimes awakening first means that you can get more crystal cores first seven days later.

You will be one step ahead of others in strength and level.

Even if you have a D-level power enhancement like Zhao Ding, you have the opportunity to be promoted quickly.

If the opportunity is strong enough, it is not impossible to stand at the top.

In the five years of the previous life, only a small number of people with B-level steel skin could awaken this level of superpower.

In the early stage of the apocalypse, steel skin is a superpower with very strong defense and is very practical.

Facing ordinary zombies and mutant creatures, it can basically not break the defense.

As long as you are not exhausted, you can completely rush through the zombies.

Ding Cheng was lucky to be able to awaken this ability on the fifth day of the apocalypse.

Wang Mingyang controlled the steel plate overpass, and took Su Yu and Mu Ningxue across three teaching buildings in succession, and finally saw the library dozens of meters behind the teaching building.

"Brother Mingyang, is that the library you want to go to?" Su Yu pointed to the five-story building in front.

"Yes, but it's a bit far away, and the overpass can't reach it. We can only find a new way."

Wang Mingyang rubbed his chin and looked around. There were many zombies gathered in the small square in front of the library. The movement of the car just now didn't seem to attract them.

Wang Mingyang roughly estimated that it would take about three hours to scan the collection of books in this library.

Counting the time to clean up the zombies in the library, it would be almost five or six o'clock when everything was done.

However, Wang Mingyang didn't plan to leave Yunnan University.

He originally planned to stay in this university for the next few days.

There are several other universities around, and there are libraries in them.

When the time comes, just find a teacher's dormitory or something to live in.

There is no need to worry about food, there are a lot of food and drinking water in the mustard space.

There are also many supermarkets, canteens and so on in the university. Even if they are occupied by someone, they don't have to worry at all with their strength.

"There are many zombies in the library. Are you still going to use the previous method?"

Mu Ningxue looked at the surrounding environment and said uncertainly.

"Forget it, there are not too many zombies here. When the zombies in the teaching area are quiet, we will try to clean them up and give you some practice."

Wang Mingyang shook his head, walked to the other side of the rooftop, and lay on the fence looking at the teaching building under his feet.

There are fewer zombies below, most of them were attracted by the movement just now.

With him watching over the remaining zombies, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue can exercise them.

The two women looked at each other and shrugged helplessly. The two stood together with their backs against the fence, just watching Wang Mingyang looking left and right.

"Take a break. In half an hour, we should be able to do it."

Wang Mingyang stood up, sat on the fence, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"Okay, you decide."

Mu Ningxue nodded gently, and pulled Su Yu to find a corner to sit down.

On the fifth floor of the library opposite, a young man with a ponytail, wearing a blue T-shirt and cloth shoes, was reading a philosophy book with relish.

Several bookshelves were overturned, and the books were scattered all over the floor.

There were a lot of bloodstains on the ground, but no corpse was seen.

The young man stretched his waist, and through the gap in the curtains, he suddenly saw several figures on the rooftop opposite, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Slightly opening the curtains, the young man came over and saw the three figures opposite.

But he only saw the backs of the two girls, and the other young man was Wang Mingyang.

"Oh, quite handsome... Unfortunately, he is not as good as me."

The young man smiled, gently stroked his bangs with his fingers, and glanced at the group of corpses in the small square.

"There are so many zombies! It's a pity for so many cute girls, ah..."

With a sigh, the young man sat back in his chair lazily, picked up the book and continued to read.

Half an hour later, Wang Mingyang patted his butt and stood up on the rooftop, and four flying swords flew out of his pocket.

"Let's go! Let's kill them all the way."



Su Yu and Mu Ningxue quickly stood up and grabbed the horizontal swords leaning against the wall.

Pushing open the iron door of the rooftop, Wang Mingyang took the lead and walked down.

Four flying swords floated beside him. When he walked to the corner, Wang Mingyang saw two zombies in the corridor.

Suddenly, two flying swords shot out and pierced the heads of two zombies respectively.

"The rest is up to you, I'll hold the line."

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue nodded, and walked down the stairs with the horizontal swords.

Mu Ningxue skillfully applied an ice shield to Su Yu, and Su Yu looked around at the stairs with both hands holding the sword.

The blade knocked lightly against the wall, and the sound quickly attracted the zombies on both sides of the corridor.

A dark flame emerged from Su Yu's palm, wrapped around the blade, and slashed at the zombies on the right.

The dark red blade light flew out, and the zombies were immediately cut in half.

Several ice cones shot out, piercing the heads of the two zombies running in the corridor on the left, and the bodies crawled on the corridor due to inertia.

After two days of fighting, the two women obviously cooperated much better.

After dealing with the zombies in the corridor, Su Yu turned around and walked downstairs when he saw that no zombies had rushed out of the classroom.

Wang Mingyang stood aside and watched when he encountered a small number of zombies along the way, leaving it to Su Yu and Mu Ningxue to deal with.

He would only take action to deal with them quickly when he encountered more than ten zombies besieging him at the same time.

Under the shooting of four flying swords, except for the zombies he deliberately let go, the rest of the zombies were accurately pierced through the heads by the flying swords, killing them with one blow.

The three of them quickly killed their way to the first floor along the stairs.

They didn't care whether there were any survivors in this building.

Under Wang Mingyang's control, the flying sword quietly cleared the twenty or so zombies near the staircase.

Wang Mingyang took the two women into the stairwell. There were already corpses lying on the ground outside, and no zombies were standing within a range of 30 meters.

Wang Mingyang glanced at the zombies in the small square through the back door of the stairwell. At present, there seemed to be at least more than 200 zombies.

"There are quite a lot of zombies in this small square. Let's clean them up as quickly as possible and make as little noise as possible. Su Yu, don't use your explosive blade light." Wang Mingyang whispered.

"Got it!"

Su Yu nodded. That move has good lethality, but it will produce a big explosion and attract the zombies left in the teaching area.

"I'm responsible for the front. Su Yu is on the left, Mu Ningxue is on the right. Don't leave the ten-meter range around me."

After Wang Mingyang finished speaking, without waiting for the two women to respond, the mustard space was activated, and a ball of titanium alloy metal appeared silently in his pocket.

Stepping out of the back door of the stairwell, a small path led directly to the small square.

Wang Mingyang and the other two walked less than ten meters, and several zombies on the edge of the square found them.

After a few dull roars, the zombies opened their bloody mouths and rushed over with their broken bodies.

Wang Mingyang's mind moved, and the metal ball in his pocket quickly turned into more than a dozen small flying swords, and together with the original four flying swords, they shot at the zombies.

The movement of several zombies on the edge instantly awakened the rest of the wandering zombies.

Horrible faces turned towards Wang Mingyang and his group, and low growls like spitting phlegm came out of their throats.

The next moment, the zombies surged, and the tide of zombies rushed towards the three people quickly.

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