"A group of war guards have been planted around the Yunding Shelter..."

"Any zombies or mutated creatures below level three can basically be dealt with."

In the Genting conference room, Mo Yan took Biying with her.

Pointing at the pictures on the big screen, he talked excitedly.

The screen showed the seemingly harmless mutant plants outside the Genting Refuge.

Mo Yan clicked on one of the videos. A small group of zombies, consisting of hundreds of zombies, was approaching the Yunding Shelter.

When passing several plants with huge flowers, the flowers suddenly opened their mouths and swallowed several zombies.

Vines as thick as arms stretched out from the ground like tentacles.

It entangled two of the third-level hunters and pulled them directly into the open flowers.

Soon, these hundreds of zombies were completely devoured by the surrounding mutated plants.

"Biying, these war guards won't attack humans, right?"

Wang Mingyang looked at Biying sitting on Mo Yan's shoulder and chuckled.

"Don't worry, when I was cultivating these war guards, I incorporated the breath of the crystal core into them."

"You humans don't have a crystal core. If these war guards can't sense it, they won't attack."

Biying said with a smile.

After staying in Yunding for so many days, she has been following Mo Yan to observe everywhere.

She also has a sincere affection for the humans in this shelter.

How could you be willing to hurt them?

"But, the fortune-bringing and wealth-promoting treasures, as well as the golden treasures and blessings, have crystal nuclei!"

Wang Mingyang raised his eyebrows and asked again.

"Uh, this... this, I'll think of something else."

The smile on Biying's face suddenly froze. She really didn't take this into consideration.

There are several mutated pets inside Genting!

"Haha, don't worry. Anyway, the strength of these war guards will not hurt them yet."

Wang Mingyang waved his hands and smiled.

The strength improvement of mutated beasts is different from that of humans, and there are not many requirements for mental strength.

The current strength of the four little ones is all at the peak of the fourth level.

It is estimated that after a while, he can be promoted to the fifth level.

These war guards are okay against mutated creatures below level three.

It's really difficult to hurt them.

"By the way, Biying, if you can cultivate another ancient tree of life, it will be of great use to me."

Wang Mingyang continued.

The Ancient Tree of Life can occupy a place and devour all life around it.

At the same time, life crystals are produced.

If another tree can be cultivated, it will be more convenient to open a second battlefield in the desert.

"The Ancient Tree of Life can only be cultivated by the royal family of the Spiritual Clan."

"It's just that each royal family only has one Ancient Tree of Life seed."

"I have already planted mine. If I want to plant another one, I will have to revive another Qingye royal family member."

Biying frowned.

The three kingdoms of the Spirit Tribe: Green Leaf, Red Flower, and Green Branch, have been passed down for millions of years.

There are only a few hundred spirits from their group left in the Qingye Kingdom.

Among them, there are only about ten royal families.

And reviving them requires huge life energy.

The Ancient Tree of Life has produced a lot of life crystal nuclei during this period, but most of them have been handed over to Lin Xiangyi to make healing potions.

The remaining life crystals in Yunding's warehouse are enough to revive an ordinary Spirit Tribe member.

But it is not enough to revive any royal family.

"How many more life crystals are needed to revive one person?"

Wang Mingyang also knew what Biying's concerns were.

But there is no other way. The Genting warriors really need healing potions.

There was no rush to revive the Spirit Tribe before, so Wang Mingyang acquiesced to this.

"The number currently stored is 10,000. If we revive the royal family, we will need at least 20,000 more."

Biying said cautiously.

Since the Ancient Tree of Life took root, it has devoured a large number of zombies and mutated sea beasts.

Where it takes root, it has become a restricted area for mutant creatures within a radius of several kilometers.

It's a pity that with so many zombies and mutated sea beasts, the total number of life crystals produced is only more than 20,000.

Most of it was used by Lin Xiangyi to make potions.

Half of what is stored in the warehouse today is the crystallization of life produced recently.

According to Biying, if you want to revive a royal clan member, the supply of life crystals will stop for a month or two.

In the current position of the Ancient Tree of Life, the efficiency of devouring mutated creatures has been much lower.

Unless a large number of mutated creatures can be attracted to the past, or they can be relocated.

This time can be shortened to within one month.

"Professor Lin, how much are the current reserves of therapeutic agents?"

Wang Mingyang thought for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Xiangyi.

"One life crystal can produce three healing potions."

"Currently, Genting soldiers have one manpower. After this period of consumption..."

"There are more than 10,000 bottles left in the warehouse, which is enough for everyone to use for a while."

Lin Xiangyi said quickly.

A total of more than 40,000 healing potions were produced during this period.

There are currently about 25,000 Genting warriors.

The inventory may seem like a lot, but it's not.

When warriors go out to fight, most of them will fight in small teams.

Serious injury is inevitable.

Many teams do not have people with healing powers, so they will definitely use healing potions in critical situations.

The current extremely low mortality rate of Genting Warriors is due to the healing potions and various meteorite equipment.

"In this way, reserve three thousand life crystals."

"Other inventory, as well as the output for a period of time, will be handed over to Biying for use."

"Until one of the royal clan members is revived."

Wang Mingyang weighed the pros and cons and felt that it would be more appropriate to revive a royal family member as soon as possible.

Once the second Ancient Life Tree is cultivated, not only can a second hunting ground be opened up.

The production speed of life crystals will also be doubled.

In the desert, the number of mutated sand beasts is comparable to a tide of small sea beasts.

"Yes, boss."

Lin Xiangyi responded respectfully.

"King, thank you very much!"

Biying's eyes flashed, she danced excitedly, and thanked Wang Mingyang repeatedly.

Over this period of time, she has become very clear about how much Genting attaches importance to the crystallization of life.

According to her original thoughts, Wang Mingyang would not consider reviving the Spirit Tribe until at least half a year later.

Although half a year was only a moment in her long life.

However, Wang Mingyang actually decided to resurrect the Spirit Tribe people in advance.

After a million years, when I opened my eyes again, I was surrounded by strange people.

Although Biying seems lively, she is still a little lonely.

Biying was extremely happy to be able to see her people earlier.

My heart is filled with gratitude to Wang Mingyang.

"You're welcome. It would be a good thing for us if your tribe can recover as soon as possible."

Wang Mingyang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, winked at Biying and said.

"Hmm, I will definitely revive a true cultivation master by then."

"You won't be disappointed!"

Biying said confidently.

The Eldar are extremely friendly to life and have strong control over plants.

However, within a civilization, there will definitely be different divisions of labor.

The Eldar are no exception. Some are good at cultivating plants and some are good at raising animals.

There are also tribesmen who are good at fighting.

Biying, as a saint of the Qingye Kingdom, is better at communicating with various creatures.

Convey the sounds of nature.

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