"Chief, you came to me for something?"

After some pleasantries, Wang Mingyang asked the questions in his heart.

The Dragon Lord has a lot of things to do every day, but he doesn't have the time to chat with himself.

There must be something going on to make you so anxious.

"There is indeed something going on."

"I heard that you went abroad and I wanted to learn about the situation in the outside world from you."

The dragon master took a sip of tea and said straight to the point.

"Well, more than twenty days ago, I crossed the Pacific and went to the Federal State..."

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly and slowly talked about his trip.

I picked out some important things about what I saw and heard in the Federal State.

In fact, the federal government still exists.

When Wang Mingyang first took charge of Baidian, he didn't find any important people.

Later, when we were collecting the Pentagon Building on the other side of the river, we found quite a few people.

From a few words, I learned that the president of the Federal State seemed to have died in the zombie outbreak.

The former army commander, four-star general Mike Thomas, is now in charge of the entire federal state.

He is also the current highest executive in the Federal State.

The other military bosses are almost dead.

And this General Mike is not squatting in the Pentagon Building, but in the Virginia military base adjacent to the Federal District.

After learning all this, Wang Mingyang conveniently moved the entire Pentagon Building into the Mustard Seed Space.

The entire federal state is in disarray and has fallen into a state of fragmentation.

Admiral Mike was unable to unify his command.

Except for the federal soldiers in the military base, the soldiers in other places had already dispersed and were fighting for their own survival.

"Chief, I moved the White Palace and the Pentagon back."

"I can release it at any time. There are many secrets hidden in it!"

Wang Mingyang laughed and said, I believe the Dragon Lord will definitely be very interested in the things hidden in these two buildings.

"Oh?! You actually have this ability?"

The Dragon Lord's eyes lit up with surprise on his face.

It is no longer a secret that Wang Mingyang has spatial powers.

However, the Dragon Lord did not expect that he could actually do such a thing.

"Well, just give me a copy of the information that will be sorted out by then."

Wang Mingyang nodded and stated his request.

He was also curious about the secrets within these two important federal agencies.

However, he was not interested in sorting it out bit by bit.

He has no desire for military secrets or anything like that.

I just hope that I can find some prehistoric ruins or the secrets of the world.

"No problem, I agree to your request."

The Dragon Lord nodded slightly. At this time, the so-called national secrets were no longer so important.

Moreover, with Wang Mingyang's strength, he is fully qualified to understand everything.

"Chief, I take the liberty to ask..."

Wang Mingyang looked at the dragon master and Ye Ying in the corner.

There were only five of them in the room at this moment.

"you say."

The Dragon Lord's eyes flashed, and he picked up the tea cup and gestured.

"You and Ye Ying should know about the five... no, it should be the six eras, right?"

Wang Mingyang's words were like a bolt from the blue, falling on the hearts of Dragon Lord and Ye Ying.

The tea cup in the Dragon Lord's hand trembled uncontrollably.

Black mist surged all over Ye Ying's body, showing the shock in his heart.

This is the deepest secret in the Dragon Lord's heart.

Unexpectedly, it actually came out of Wang Mingyang's mouth.

Ye Ying had already reported to the Dragon Lord about the Titan ruins discovered in the Sea of ​​Death.

Wang Mingyang and the others were all there at that time, and the Dragon Lord could imagine that Wang Mingyang would definitely have questions.

After all, the statues and buildings of the Titan Civilization are completely different from any legendary prehistoric civilization.

The Dragon Lord is even ready to make the Titan civilization public.

But what was completely unexpected was the question Wang Mingyang asked.

It actually hit the Six Epochs.

And the information shown in the words shows that Wang Mingyang not only knows about the Titan civilization.

He even has some understanding of civilizations from other eras.

"How did you find out?"

The dragon master put down the tea cup and slowly straightened up.

If the information about the Six Epochs were revealed, it would cause a huge shock.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the people in the apocalypse learn this information, they will probably cause countless panics.

A ridiculous doomsday prediction of 2012 has led countless people to commit suicide in despair.

Not to mention, behind the Six Epochs, there is the Ancient Angel Legion, an existence that is even more terrifying than the Doomsday.

This is also the reason why the Dragon Lord has been hesitant to disclose the information.

Sometimes, knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

"Purple eyes..."

Wang Mingyang calmly uttered two words.

A long time ago, Wang Mingyang considered whether to tell the country this information.

But before, he thought that the existence of ancient angels might just add trouble to the whole of China.

After all, even he was powerless to fight back when the dark master was distracted.

Others, let alone think about it.

But during my last trip to Kyoto, I heard the name "Ancient Angel" from Ye Ying's mouth.

It was confirmed from Zi Mu's mouth that Zi Mu had indeed been in contact with the Dragon Lord and Ye Ying.

That means the Dragon Lord must know something about it.

During the more than 20 days of the trip to North America, Wang Mingyang kept thinking about what Zi Mou said.

Perhaps, he could indeed cooperate further with the Dragon Lord.

At that time, even if he faced the arrival of the ancient angel army.

He would have more help.

Therefore, this time when he met the Dragon Lord, Wang Mingyang decided to break through this layer of window paper.

"I see..."

"Then, you should also know the origin of the ancient angels, right?"

The Dragon Lord sighed slightly and smiled bitterly.

"Well, I once faced the ancient angel, the clone of the Dark Lord."

"I almost died in his hands."

"It was also at that time that I met Zi Mou."

Wang Mingyang nodded and said calmly.

"Dark Lord?!"

"How could you survive in his hands?"

Ye Ying's hoarse voice sounded, with undisguised shock.

"Ye Ying, have you also met the Dark Lord?"

Wang Mingyang cast a surprised look at Ye Ying.

"No, but... I have sparred with Zi Mou."

"I am not his opponent. His spiritual power is too strong."

Ye Ying said slowly, with a sense of powerlessness in his words.

"Oh, how do you judge the strength of the Dark Lord?"

Wang Mingyang was very curious about this. He knew that Zi Mou was very strong.

Zi Mou always appeared in front of him as a spiritual body, similar to a spirit.

But he felt that there was indeed some difference between him and the Dark Lord's spirit.

"Zi Mou said that his strength was far inferior to that of the Dark Lord..."

The black mist around Ye Ying surged for a while, and he said lightly.

"I am facing only a strand of the Dark Lord's spirit."

"But, this strand of spirit gives me the feeling that it is at least the seventh level of strength."

Wang Mingyang looked at Ye Ying with a bitter face.

At that time, he was only the fourth level.

Even if he might be the strongest fourth level, in front of the Dark Lord's spirit, he was at most a slightly stronger ant.

If Zi Mou hadn't acted in time, he would have already perished in that battle.

"Although I don't know much about the difference in strength."

"But the fact that you survived is enough to prove your strength."

The Dragon Lord smiled and comforted him.

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