"Okay, okay, little man really can't take jokes."

"Compared to that guy Xi, there is a huge difference."

Feeling Wang Mingyang's unkind aura, Bi Rui's expression froze.

Then he waved his hands and muttered impatiently.

When she first heard Biying say that they were humans from the sixth era, Birui looked indifferent.

Wang Mingyang, who has two girlfriends, is actually incomparable to the Xi she knows.

When Xi was the leader of China, he was surrounded by countless beauties.

Wang Mingyang only has two people, so it doesn't matter.

It's just that Bi Rui has been sleeping for millions of years, and when she saw them when she woke up, she couldn't help but want to tease them.

But after she had just recovered, her strength was only at the peak of the fourth level.

Wang Mingyang's aura that far exceeded the average fifth level really made her feel fearful.

As the princess of the Spirit Tribe and the future Queen of the Spirit Tribe, Bi Rui is responsible for the future of the entire kingdom.

Compared to Biying, who was a saint, her thoughts were obviously much more mature.

"Okay, now that Princess Bi Rui has woken up, let's move to another place to talk in detail!"

Mu Ningxue gently pulled Wang Mingyang's clothes and smiled at Biying.

Bi Rui is indeed of great use to Genting's future development.

Although Wang Mingyang didn't like her teasing, he didn't say anything more after Mu Ningxue's vague persuasion.

He glanced at Bi Rui lightly, turned around and left.

Biying, who felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, quickly grabbed Birui and followed the three of them out of the basement.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue had other things to do, so they left halfway.

After returning to Genting Villa, Wang Mingyang sat on the sofa in the living room with his hands folded.

Biying and Birui flew to the opposite side and sat down cross-legged.

At this time, Mo Yan also received the summons, walked into the living room and sat down.

"So, you want me to plant the Ancient Tree of Life in the desert?"

Bi Rui lightly tapped her red lips and said calmly.

On the road just now, Biying had already explained to her what happened after she recovered.

As well as the current strength of Genting Base, the reason for reviving her...

So as soon as she sat down, Bi Rui asked this question.

"There's no rush yet."

"You can plant the ancient tree here first, and then transplant it after it grows to a certain level."

Wang Mingyang nodded and said calmly.

This was his purpose of reviving Bi Rui, and it was also a request, not a request.

The meaning behind the words is also very straightforward.

I'm not discussing it with you at all, but telling you exactly what to do.

"No problem, as long as you can afford it, you can plant it anywhere."

Bi Rui didn't take it seriously, snapped her fingers and nodded.

In the past, the Chinese ancestors were allies with the Spirit Tribe, but Bi Rui did not believe that after millions of years, humans and the Spirit Tribe were still closely related.

Although everyone has a common enemy, in the final analysis, the Eldar are not very powerful in combat.

In the end, we still need to rely on strong human beings to fight.

The human young man in front of him was obviously more powerful than Xi.

As the dependent party, Bi Rui quickly figured out her position.

"That's good. Next, let Sister Yan talk to you!"

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Wang Mingyang stood up, said hello to Mo Yan, and then disappeared.

After Wang Mingyang left, Biying breathed a sigh of relief.

Bi Rui's ridicule made Wang Mingyang a little unhappy.

The tremendous pressure that followed kept the atmosphere frozen.

Biying is indeed a little worried, Wang Mingyang is really angry with Birui.

If someone is unhappy and directly teaches Bi Rui a lesson, it will be really difficult to handle.

Although Wang Mingyang is usually very kind, Bi Rui has already learned from Xiao Huanyan that Wang Mingyang used ruthless tactics in North America to kill tens of thousands of Templar Knights with thunder.

Biying felt a sense of awe towards Wang Mingyang in her heart.

This man does not regard all Sixth Age humans as fellow humans.

"Biying, please introduce me to me!"

Mo Yan showed a gentle smile, looked at Bi Rui and said softly.

Although she didn't know how this newly revived spiritual tribe provoked Wang Mingyang.

But we can guess some of Wang Mingyang's thoughts, which is nothing more than to shock this spiritual tribe.

After all, Biying had said something about the Spirit Race before.

The royal family is a superior being in any race.

Being in Genting, the affiliation still needs to be clarified.

"Hmm, this is Bi Rui, the princess of our Qingye Kingdom and the future Queen of Qingye!"

"What she is best at is cultivating plants and controlling war guards to fight..."

Biying quickly introduced the two of them and said to Mo Yan with a proud look on her face.

On the ninth floor of Genting Library, Wang Mingyang took out a satellite phone.

Click on the address book and dial one of the numbers.


"Hello, Comrade Mingyang."

After waiting for a while, the Dragon Lord's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Chief, I want to confirm with you that the planned desert base will be built in Mongolia Province!"

Wang Mingyang said calmly.

A week ago, the Dragon Lord called him.

Discuss the matter of letting Yunding dedicate part of its strength to go north to establish a new base.

At that time, the Dragon Lord gave two plans. One was to establish the base in the Sea of ​​Death in the Western Region, close to Luobubo Town in the Western Region.

Cooperation with the Western Region Military Region can also prevent the desert from continuing to move south.

Second, it is established in the territory of Meng Province, which can assist the Meng Province Military District in defending the northern frontier and preventing the invasion of Tatars.

Previously, a small group of Tatar superpowers invaded the northern frontier and were suppressed by the Meng Province Military District.

But no one can guarantee that the Tatars will learn from their lessons and give up the invasion.

After all, in history, nomadic peoples in Tatar have invaded China countless times.

Now the end of the world is coming, and order is broken.

The superpowers of Tatars who are short of food may be more unscrupulous.

Compared with the sparsely populated Bear Country, China is obviously more attractive.

Wang Mingyang thought again and again, and after Bi Rui was revived, he could plant new ancient trees of life and cultivate war guards.

Choosing the desert in Meng Province to establish a base is more suitable for China today.

"Good, very good!"

"Comrade Mingyang, just go ahead and do it."

"If you need anything, just ask at any time, and the country will fully support you!"

The Dragon Lord was also very happy on the other end of the phone, repeatedly praised and solemnly promised.

Wang Mingyang's choice is undoubtedly the best result for the border defense of Meng Province.

The Dragon Lord knows the strength of Wang Mingyang and Yunding Base.

As long as Yunding Base is willing to allocate its strength to the north, the entire Meng Province defense line can rest assured.

"I only have one request..."

Wang Mingyang was silent for a moment and said calmly.

"Please speak."

In the office of Huaxia Central, the Dragon Lord walked to the window with his mobile phone and listened quietly.

"It is expected that we will be able to go north in a month."

"At that time, no other support is needed, but please inform the Meng Province Military Region."

"Yunding Base belongs to us. When foreign enemies invade, we will naturally fight head-on."

"But we will not obey anyone's command and dispatch!"

Wang Mingyang said solemnly.

Going north to establish a base is for the resources in the desert on the one hand, and for the country on the other hand, to contribute to the border defense.

However, Wang Mingyang does not want anyone to interfere in the affairs of Yunding.

Making a good call in advance can also avoid subsequent troubles.

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