Bi Yanghui's face was a little stiff, obviously he was hit.

After awakening this ability, he has been invincible.

Only Mei Que's Endless Blade Prison could make him unable to start.

He didn't expect that after struggling for a long time, he didn't even touch the corner of Wang Mingyang's clothes.

His time acceleration is indeed very strong, but it is also limited.

Against other people, the extremely fast speed can make the opponent be defeated without any reaction.

But Wang Mingyang is different. Even if he stands still, no matter how Bi Yanghui attacks, he can't break the space barrier at all.

Unless, one day he can accelerate time and develop it to be used on others.

And improve this acceleration to an exaggerated level.

Perhaps Bi Yanghui can drain the lives of others with just a glance and turn them into a pile of dry bones.

By then, it should be possible to hurt Wang Mingyang through the space barrier.

In general, Bi Yanghui now has speed but his attack power is really not good.

After a brief exchange with Bi Yanghui, Wang Mingyang turned his attention to Mei Que.

Receiving Wang Mingyang's gaze, Mei Que's mouth curled up slightly, and he drew out the meteorite gold ring-headed sword and slowly walked into the field.

He directly launched the Endless Sword Prison and waited for it.

Seeing that the two were ready to fight, Bi Yanghui could only quickly retreat to Huang Yunhe's side.

The sword light bloomed, thunder and lightning flashed...

Wang Mingyang used the power of thunder to start a second exchange with Mei Que.

The figures of the two kept flashing within a radius of hundreds of meters.

The sound of metal clashing kept coming.

The exchange with Mei Que was mainly in the use of swordsmanship.

For pure supernatural attacks, Wang Mingyang had too many means.

Whether it was the Wanxiang Xinghuo or the Space Master, Mei Que was not his opponent at the moment.

Such an exchange was meaningless.

However, just such a battle quickly turned the surrounding hills that were affected into sand.

The three people watching the battle outside the field had already dropped their jaws.

For the first time, they knew that Mei Que's full-strength attack was so terrifying.

Those hills were basically chopped into pieces by Mei Que's extremely dense sword beams.

What was even more terrifying was that Wang Mingyang not only displayed supernatural powers beyond space.

He could also suppress Mei Que faintly, allowing him to fully display his own strength.

Half an hour later, a thunder slash and a sword beam collided and exploded.

Mei Que was charred all over, and flew backwards for dozens of meters before he stood shakily.

Wang Mingyang slowly walked out of the smoke and dust, and the meteorite gold horizontal sword in his hand had disappeared.

"Brother Wang, you are still so strong that it makes people despair!"

Mei Que laughed, feeling extremely happy.

Although he was still not Wang Mingyang's opponent, he had tried his best and had no regrets.

But then, Mei Que's eyes flashed slightly.

In the previous battle, he felt that Wang Mingyang's energy fluctuations seemed a little unstable.

And Wang Mingyang's strength seemed to be weaker than before.

It doesn't mean that Wang Mingyang's strength has declined.

Mei Que knew that Wang Mingyang didn't try his best in the competition at Yunding.

But compared to today, the pressure was stronger.

In front of other people, Mei Que couldn't ask, so he could only suppress this doubt in his heart for the time being.

"You've made great progress, and you broke my space barrier."

Wang Mingyang raised his arm, and a piece of his cuff was missing out of thin air.

Mei Que's attack was not useless, at least it was able to break the space barrier that Wang Mingyang had just used to deal with Bi Yanghui.

The space used by Wang Mingyang was much weaker than the space strength of the main world.

But it was not something that ordinary people could break.

Mei Que's progress during this period of time should not be underestimated.


Mei Que shook his head and smiled bitterly, and had to give Wang Mingyang a thumbs up: "Let's go, don't go home until we're drunk tonight!"

He knew that Wang Mingyang's true strength had not been shown at all.

But in front of other people in the shelter, he couldn't say it out loud.

After all, Wang Mingyang has many supernatural powers. If he doesn't say it, Mei Que can't say too much.

The space and thunder that were displayed alone were enough to shock people.

Putting away their weapons, the two walked out of the field.

The thunder burns on Mei Que's body had healed and shed quickly under the blessing of the rejuvenation body.

When he walked in front of Huang Yun and the three people, except for his tattered clothes, there was no trace of injury.

The three looked at Wang Mingyang with deep awe.

In the past, they only heard from Boss Mei how powerful Wang Mingyang was.

In fact, they didn't have much idea in their hearts, and even had a little doubt about what Mei Que said.

Today, I finally saw the tip of the iceberg.

This tip of the iceberg is already a height that they can't reach.

How can there be any doubt.


No words were spoken all night, and the host and the guest were happy.

The next morning, Wang Mingyang and Mei Que stood by the river and said goodbye.

"Brother Mei, you should be careful about Bi Yanghui."

Wang Mingyang thought about it again and again, and finally couldn't help but remind him.

"Huh? What's wrong with him?"

Mei Que looked at Wang Mingyang puzzled.

"He doesn't have a speed-enhancing ability at all."

"Rather, it's S-level time acceleration!"

Wang Mingyang looked directly at Mei Que and said seriously.

Mei Que was slightly startled when he heard this, and lowered his head to think.

The meaning of Wang Mingyang's words was actually very clear.

Time power is extremely rare and is classified as a mysterious system.

However, it is completely different from speed-type enhancement.

This can also explain why Bi Yanghui's speed is so terrifying, but his physical fitness is not as good as other speed-type enhancement power users.

After awakening their powers, power users are actually basically clear about their abilities.

They can't tell whether it is an enhancement system, an element system, or other systems.

Bi Yanghui must know why he concealed it from everyone.

It's worth considering.

Thinking about it in a small way, he didn't want to expose his power and be targeted by someone with ulterior motives.

Thinking about it in a big way, does he have other purposes?

Even Mei Que was unwilling to tell the truth.

"He concealed his power, not necessarily because he had any bad intentions."

"But people's hearts will change, and you can't say for sure in the future."

Wang Mingyang used telepathy to test it last night, and there was nothing wrong at the moment.

However, after knowing that Bi Yanghui had the ability to accelerate time.

A rumor from his previous life came to Wang Mingyang's mind.

Mei Que, the Sword King who was already an eighth-level superpower, had killed a time superpower of the same level.

To force Mei Que to kill, he must have done something bad.

The specific reason was not known to Wang Mingyang at the time.

One can only hope that it was not this hip-hop youth!

In that case, it would be better to let him do it and strip off his superpowers.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention."

Mei Que sighed and nodded.

"Well, I should leave too."

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly and let out a long whistle.


A loud eagle cry came from the sky, and a huge golden eagle emerged from the clouds.

With its wings folded, it dived rapidly downward.

Before approaching the two of them, Jin Shanshan spread his wings, quickly reduced the momentum and landed in front of Wang Mingyang.

"Brother Wang..."

Seeing Wang Mingyang preparing to climb onto the back of the big golden eagle, Mei Que couldn't help but speak.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Mingyang turned his head and looked over in confusion.

"Has something happened to your body?"

Mei Que asked with concern.

"Something happened?"

"Well, your energy doesn't seem as stable as before."

Mei Que looked at Wang Mingyang and said carefully.

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