Sensing Li Yuchan's appearance, four level six sandworms stretched out half of their bodies from the sand layer.

The violent sand rolled in the wind, like a large wall-breaking machine, wrapping Li Yuchan in it.

Facing the attack of four level six sandworms, Li Yuchan did not dare to be careless.

In his perception, there are still many high-level sandworms in the distance and underground.

If he is not careful, he may capsize in the ditch and be beaten to death.

The flying sword kept shuttling back and forth to attack, and Li Yuchan controlled his body to rush in the direction of the sandworm group.

He would not stay in the same place and be beaten by these mutant sandworms.

Li Yuchan's casting distance is as long as one kilometer.

But the casting distance of the level six sandworm can also reach 800 meters.

Some of the stronger level six sandworms have a similar attack distance to him.

Staying in the same place will only fall into endless attacks.

While Li Yuchan rushed towards one of the level six sandworms, he directly launched the thunder field.

The coverage of the domain is two hundred meters less than the casting distance.

However, countless leaping thunder balls fell with the domain, killing large groups of mutant sandworms.

Li Yuchan was at full firepower at this moment.

The will and divine consciousness that had been promoted to S-level controlled the nine meteorite flying swords, accurately harvesting the lives of the fourth and fifth-level sandworms.

Until they were within four or five hundred meters of the sixth-level sandworm, the nine meteorite flying swords gathered together.

Forming a sword blade storm, fiercely stabbing the sixth-level sandworm.


The sixth-level sandworm has begun to have wisdom, and its head is raised high and inserted into the sand layer. Countless sand grains gather on its body surface, and the scales it already has can resist the sword blade storm.

At the same time, several giant snakes formed by sand grains, wrapped in powerful earth energy, bit towards Li Yuchan.

However, the sixth-level mutant sandworm is too long, and the speed of drilling into the sand layer is not that fast.

The meteorite flying sword under the control of the will and divine consciousness has even greater attack power.

The blade storm formed by the nine flying swords directly cut open the body of the sixth-level sandworm under two layers of protection.

Except for the half of the head inserted into the sand layer, the back half of the body was completely turned into pieces of flesh and blood.

Li Yuchan did not directly resist those sand snakes.

Instead, he used his telekinesis to slightly move them to shift the landing point of their attack.

As most of the body of the sandworm was cut into pieces, the sand snake also turned into a sky of wild sand and fell.

Li Yuchan's mind moved, and he directly grabbed the half of the sandworm that drilled into the sand layer.

The flying sword shot backwards and immediately peeled out the crystal core in its body.

In the distance, several attacks came again.

Li Yuchan stuffed the sixth-level crystal core into his mouth, quickly recovered his energy, and flashed his body across an arc and rushed towards another sixth-level sandworm.


Inside the desert base, under the leadership of Qi Sen, those sandworms that drilled out were gradually killed.

The branches of the ancient tree of life are constantly stirring underground, absorbing the life essence of the sandworms.

But from time to time, some fourth and fifth-order sandworms will break through the defense line and drill out of the ground.

Fortunately, the branches of the ancient tree of life are enough, and they cannot directly penetrate the trunk of the ancient tree for a while.

Qi Sen activated his own supernatural power and continuously reinforced the soil layer below the ancient tree of life.

In this battle, the importance of the ancient tree of life is self-evident.

If it is swallowed by the underground sandworms, it will really bloom from the center.

However, the ancient tree of life originated from the spirit race of the fourth era, and it is one of the foundations of the spirit race.

The fourth-order body can already fight against the fifth-order sandworms.

With the help of Qi Sen, more and more sandworms are swallowed, and the breath is getting stronger.

In the south of the base, Rong Lan and others have the ability to fly, and Yingtao also has the sandstorm supernatural power.

To a certain extent, they can also take advantage of the sandstorm caused by the sandworm group.

But the other women are not so easy.

Fortunately, Wang Mingyang gave them transformations such as extremely fast peregrine falcons and horn eagles.

They complemented their own abilities.

They also focused on the fourth and fifth-level mutant sandworms and attacked them.

Han Yinyin and Ming Xiuni, who had transformed into a fire crane, launched a large-scale attack.

The flames of the two women were scattered everywhere, and the scorching high temperature continued to burn the sandworms below.

It even burned the sand layer like magma, continuously causing damage to the sandworm group.

In addition, the adjusted Yunding warriors continued to use crystal energy cannons for long-range support.

Outside the high wall on the south side, low-level sandworms were the least.

However, when more than ten fifth-level sandworms and three sixth-level sandworms appeared.

The situation here also became dangerous.

"Qi Sen, contact Yunding quickly, we need support!"

Mo Yan, standing on the top of the ancient tree of life, shouted to Qi Sen.

Li Yuchan was in the north, and in just ten minutes, he had killed three level 6 sandworms.

However, more high-level sandworms appeared, slowing him down.

The situation in the east was slightly better, with only seven or eight level 5 sandworms.

Xie Jingyuan led a group of Yunding warriors, with the help of crystal energy cannons, and with the combined efforts of more than 20 level 4 warriors.

Four level 5 sandworms had been killed.

No level 6 sandworms had appeared yet.

However, the south was already in decline.

If it weren't for Rong Lan and the others desperately harassing and blocking them, those level 6 sandworms would have rushed over.

Rong Lan and the others were still level 4 after all.

The killing power against the sixth-order sandworm is limited. Even with the help of the crystal energy cannon, it is impossible to kill the sixth-order sandworm in a short time.


Qi Sen immediately took out the satellite phone and started to call Mu Ningxue.

He had been busy dealing with the sandworms inside the base just now, and he didn't know much about the situation outside.

However, Qi Sen believed in Mo Yan's judgment.

"Qi Sen, is the situation urgent?"

Mu Ningxue's cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

But Qi Sen vaguely heard the roars of many strange beasts.

"A large number of sandworms are attacking, and there are too many fifth-order and sixth-order mutant sandworms. We need support."

After a little hesitation, Qi Sen still put forward his needs.

"I know, arrange support immediately!"

Mu Ningxue replied without hesitation.


Qi Sen breathed a sigh of relief. After hanging up the phone, he called Yang Jun of the Meng Province Military Region again.

At this time, he must seek all possible support.

Judging from the situation, it is not just the desert base that is in crisis.

There were also problems in Hangzhou.

In Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Mu Ningxue hung up the phone, and then shot an ice spear, stabbing a fourth-order mutant poisonous spider to death.

“Xiao Yu’er, can you leave?”

Mu Ningxue called Su Yu while fighting and asked directly.

“Sister Xue, this hatching nest is almost mature.”

“Is there anything urgent that you need me for?”

Su Yu glanced at the cracked hatching nest on the other end of the phone and smiled.

“A large number of high-level mutant sandworms appeared over there in the desert base, and a large group of strange beasts also appeared over here. I can’t get away for a while.”

“You go!”

Mu Ningxue explained briefly and said in a deep voice.


Su Yu’s face straightened, and he agreed immediately without hesitation.

“Well, leave as soon as possible, I’m afraid they can’t hold on for too long.”

Mu Ningxue nodded slightly and sighed.

There are unexpected events in the world, who would have thought that things would be squeezed together.

Wang Mingyang is not in Genting anymore, and no one knows which country he is in at the moment.

Even if we contact him, he won't be back for a while.

It's better for Su Yu to go there faster.

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