After an unknown amount of time, the roar of the helicopter came again.

Wang Mingyang frowned slightly. This roar seemed to come from more than one helicopter...

Putting away the "Speed ​​Reading Technique" that he had just read halfway, Wang Mingyang stood up and walked out.

The other three people saw this and stopped what they were doing, immediately stood up and followed him out.

Walking along the corridor to the other side, Wang Mingyang pushed open a laboratory and killed several zombies inside.

Standing in front of the window, through the window, he saw three helicopters slowly landing above the two teaching buildings not far away.

The huge roar attracted all the zombies around.

"What exactly does Gong Zhan want to do?"

Wang Mingyang was puzzled, but he could vaguely guess that it should be related to Gu Zemin.

Three teams of soldiers jumped off the helicopter, and after a little preparation, they quickly opened the rooftop iron door, and the muffled gunshots rang out.

These soldiers actually started to advance directly from the stairs, and it seemed that they wanted to clear out the zombies in the two buildings.

Wang Mingyang muttered in his heart, if it was just to save Gu Zemin, it really wouldn't be worth the trouble!

Thinking of this, Wang Mingyang couldn't help but look down.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a perspective eye at the moment...

Wang Mingyang expected that Gong Zhan would not leave for the time being.

In the previous life's battle for spiritual objects, Gong Zhan was also involved, and he was one of the ones who benefited greatly.

The A-level King Kong body not only has strong protection, but also has strength far beyond the general power amplification ability, which greatly improves the overall strength.

In addition, Gong Zhan himself is a soldier king, and the army's killing skills are no joke.

This shows that Gong Zhan must have been here when the ancient lotus seeds matured.

There must be something that got him stuck here.

The biggest possibility is that he was affected by Gu Zemin.

The combat effectiveness of the three special operations teams is very strong, and they quickly cleaned up the two teaching buildings like cutting melons and vegetables.

Wang Mingyang stood behind the window, silently watching them take several depressed survivors to the rooftop.

These people were lucky, at least they had a high chance of survival.

The teaching building farther away was not so lucky. Even though the survivors screamed desperately, the soldiers did not change their route to rescue them.

Instead, after cleaning up the two buildings below the helicopter, they ran straight to the laboratory building.

A plane roared and took off, taking the survivors away quickly.

Three special operations teams quickly rushed to the bottom of the laboratory building, and all the zombies approaching along the way were swept away.

Wang Mingyang took Su Yu and the other two out of the laboratory and lay down in the corridor looking down.

A vigilant soldier instantly spotted his figure and quickly reported to his captain.

Before the captain took action, Gong Zhan walked out of the laboratory.

"Captain, there are four survivors up there, which is a bit strange..."

"Four? Strange?"

Gong Zhan came out of the corridor and looked up, only to see Wang Mingyang waving at him with a smile on his face, and standing beside him was a man and two women he had never seen before.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Gong Zhan had learned from Dai Bin that Wang Mingyang had three companions.

All of them were awakened, and they were very powerful.

Now Dai Bin had been protected by the soldiers as a scientific researcher, and he was not too worried that Wang Mingyang would attack him.

Wang Mingyang's actions in searching for ancient lotus seeds were also revealed to Gong Zhan by Dai Bin.

Grinning, Gong Zhan waved at Wang Mingyang and turned back to the corridor.

"Assign a team member to secretly keep an eye on those people. As long as they don't do anything out of the ordinary, don't pay attention to them or provoke them."

Gong Zhan lowered his voice, instructed the team leader, and then took the others back to the underground laboratory.

At this time, many experimental instruments had been dismantled in the hall of the laboratory and packed up one by one.

Arranging the soldiers to carry these instruments up, Gong Zhan walked into the laboratory where Gu Zemin was.

"Professor Gu, there are too many instruments here. I estimate that it will take at least two days to transport them by plane."

"Otherwise, let's dismantle this laboratory first, and you go back to the headquarters with us first, how about it?"

Gong Zhan walked to Gu Zemin who was checking something in front of a microscope and said in a negotiating tone.

"Let's dismantle the instruments in other laboratories first. I found something. Don't move the instruments here for the time being. At most, I should be able to study some clues by tomorrow night."

Gu Zemin raised his head from the microscope, looked at Gong Zhan and shook his head, and glanced at the zombie corpse lying on the test bench in the observation room opposite, with a solemn expression.

"This is too unsafe..." Gong Zhan hesitated.

"It's okay. We still have you. Besides, when we built this underground laboratory, we considered the safety issue. As long as we block the sewer, it should be fine."

Gu Zemin waved his hand, signaling Gong Zhan to go out first and not disturb him, and put his eyes to the microscope to observe again.


Gong Zhan sighed and turned to leave the laboratory.

Outside the laboratory, Dai Bin and four other researchers saw Gong Zhan coming out and immediately surrounded him.

Gong Zhan found two more survivors in another passage before.

"How is it, is the instructor willing to leave?" Dai Bin asked.

Gong Zhan shook his head and said helplessly: "Professor Gu is still unwilling to leave. I guess he will stay until tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?! How can this be done? It's too long!" The researcher with glasses said anxiously.

"Yes, if you have any research, you can go to the military headquarters to discuss it." The slightly fat researcher also looked anxious.

Gong Zhan looked at the two of them with some contempt, and said with a curled lip.

"After all these experimental instruments are labeled, I will arrange for you to leave first. There is nothing we can do if Professor Gu doesn't want to leave. We will stay here to protect him."

"Okay, okay, let's go first."

"Yeah, let's go back first and carry out other research..."

The other four nodded repeatedly, only Dai Bin seemed to be thinking about something, but didn't speak.

"What about you?" Gong Zhan looked at Dai Bin.

"Xiao Dai, you go with us first, Professor Gu won't leave until tomorrow." A researcher in his thirties tugged at Dai Bin's clothes.

"I won't leave, I'll wait for my tutor."

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Dai Bin hesitated for a while and did not choose to leave, but wanted to stay.

"Xiao Dai, you..."

"You kid, why..."

The other four people were a little strange and couldn't help but want to persuade him again.

It seemed that Dai Bin's choice to stay made them a little embarrassed, and their faces were not very good.

"It doesn't matter, I've thought about it, you go first, and we'll see each other in the shelter."

Dai Bin smiled slightly, his expression was humble and polite, but there was a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Since the decision has been made, let's do it! Dai Bin, you stay here, and the others will go up with the soldiers who are moving the instruments."

Seeing this, Gong Zhan didn't waste any words and directly called a soldier over, asking the four researchers to mark the various instruments in the laboratory first.

Since they have to move, they will spend more effort and take them all away.

After they left, Gong Zhan looked Dai Bin up and down, stretched out his big hand and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Not bad, the young man is courageous and ambitious."

Gong Zhan laughed and turned away.

Although Dai Bin is young, he is not as afraid of death as the other four. Faced with the opportunity to leave the dangerous place, he actually chose to stay.

Although his mind may not be so simple, Gong Zhan still admires him for making such a choice.

Dai Bin was stunned for a while, shook his head, and showed a meaningful smile.

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