The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 955 Night Shadow touches the threshold of the eighth level

"Shuling, analyze Yeying's ability."

In the dark domain, Wang Mingyang silently gave instructions in his mind.

This was not the first time that Yeying showed his ability in front of him.

But before, it was just a glimpse, and the system had no time to analyze it.

Now that he has enough time, Wang Mingyang will definitely not miss the opportunity to understand the Chinese Black Emperor.

The domain is dark and silent.

It seems that all the light and sound are swallowed by the dark domain.

The Corpse Emperor Pojun frowned slightly and quickly launched a mental scan.

However, its mental power seemed to fall into a swamp and lost its original sharpness.

The Corpse Emperor Pojun was suddenly startled and subconsciously moved countless metal shuttles.

There were countless collisions between each other, and dense sparks bloomed in the dark domain.

Indistinctly, countless dark swords could be seen stabbing at itself.

In an instant, a torrent of metal surged around the Corpse Emperor Pojun, forming a turbulent metal frenzy to protect it.


The seemingly illusory dark sword collided violently with the metal frenzy, and actually made a series of clanging and powerful clashes.

The fierce dark sword could never break through the metal frenzy blessed by the power of the Corpse Emperor Po Jun.

With the faint light of Mars, Mei Que, who was watching the battle, suddenly had a bright eye.

A figure appeared behind the Corpse Emperor Po Jun, with his hands raised above his head, tightly grasping a giant black sword as black as ink.

"Dark Destruction!"

Ye Ying whispered in a voice that only he could hear, and the black sword suddenly chopped down.

The Corpse Emperor Po Jun suddenly turned around, and the torrent of shuttles formed by the flying shuttles was like a surging river, brazenly facing the giant black sword.

After Mei Que's slash, Po Jun was no longer sure that his attack could break the opponent's giant sword.

Choose to consume as the main, let countless shuttles wear down the dark giant sword.

Moreover, the aura emitted by the dark human strongman in front of him was not as sharp as the previous one.

But it became more bizarre and changeable. Corpse Emperor Po Jun just wanted to remain unchanged in the face of change.

"Ding ding ding..."

The dense collision sound resounded throughout the dark domain. The dark giant sword was indeed gradually reduced in size under the consumption of the metal shuttle.

However, Corpse Emperor Po Jun found that the opponent's figure disappeared from his perception again.

At the edge of the dark domain, Wang Mingyang raised his eyebrows slightly, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Ye Ying's figure appeared above Corpse Emperor Po Jun again, and a palm suddenly became larger and quickly extended to Po Jun's head.

"Partial elementalization!"

Wang Mingyang whispered softly, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ying was able to elementalize a palm!

This is enough to show that Ye Ying has touched the threshold of the eighth level.

If the entire arm can be elementalized, then he will cross the boundary of the seventh level peak and directly advance to the eighth level!

The role of elementalization is not only to allow elementalists to have strong defense and achieve the characteristics of almost immortality.

Through the elementalization of limbs, the attacks launched are inherently more powerful than ordinary superpowers.

It can switch between reality and illusion at will.

It can even blast the elemental true body controlled by oneself into the opponent's body at the moment of breaking through the opponent's defense, thus launching a more deadly attack.

As long as Ye Ying's palm hurts the Corpse Emperor Po Jun a little, he can directly switch the battlefield to the opponent's body.

Regardless of victory or defeat, the Corpse Emperor Po Jun will not get any benefit.

This kind of power can only be displayed to a certain extent by water-based superpowers before the eighth level.

Wang Mingyang had used the water element clone to show it a long time ago.

Through the water element clone, it can directly erode into the opponent's body and destroy from the inside, and it is always beneficial to deal with zombies and monsters that lack intelligence.

However, as the strength of zombies and monsters increases, high-level mutants will have their own power to protect themselves.

This method is not so easy to work.

Moreover, Wang Mingyang later had more powerful means, and the water element clone was rarely used.

The attack effect of the elemental body is similar to that of the water elemental clone, but the elemental body is more powerful.

Of course, if it is a water-level 8th-level peak power user.

It is completely possible to transform oneself into elements, integrate oneself into a heavy rain, and complete the erosion without knowing it.

Moistening things silently is the true portrayal of the 8th-level peak power user of the water system.

By then, except for the fire-level power users who are mutually exclusive, other series of power users will find it difficult to deal with it.

Use the dark field to cover the perception of the Corpse Emperor Pojun, and then use the Dark Destruction Giant Sword to attract the opponent's attention.

Ye Ying condensed all his strength into this elemental palm.

The majestic power finally made the Corpse Emperor Pojun's face change suddenly.

The metal torrent has all gathered under the Dark Destruction Giant Sword, and Ye Ying's attack really caught it off guard.

However, in terms of the degree of partial elementalization, Pojun will only be stronger than Ye Ying.

The limbs suddenly turned into countless metal dust, and gathered into a giant palm above its head, brazenly facing Ye Ying's dark giant palm.


The deafening explosion sounded throughout the dark domain.

Dark and dark golden light burst out in all directions, and the violent power fluctuations directly tore the dark domain apart.

Ye Ying groaned, and his body bounced uncontrollably into the sky.

After a few seconds, he slowly stabilized his body.

Ye Ying, who was originally surrounded by black mist, now revealed his black robe.

A palm loomed, and wisps of black smoke continued to gather in his palm.

Corpse King Po Jun fell down and landed on the roof of a low building.

Metal torrents quickly gathered beside him, performing the task of guarding.

From his quickly recovered limbs, it can be seen that he still had the upper hand in this blast.

However, there was a hint of murderous intent in his scarlet eyes.

If Mei Que just now made him very afraid.

Then at this moment, Ye Ying's talent has already made Corpse King Po Jun have a strong murderous intent in his heart.

There is no doubt that Mei Que and Ye Ying both have the powerful strength to fight across levels.

However, they are facing an eighth-level alien corpse king whose talent is no less than their own.

He also has the powerful ability of both offense and defense like the gold system.

It is undeniable that alien zombies are indeed the darlings of heaven and earth who have gathered a lot of life essence.

If it were any other ordinary eighth-level corpse king, they would have probably fallen under the full force of the two.

The battle between one person and one corpse was extremely short. After the dark domain was torn apart, it quickly disappeared.

Until the figures of Wang Mingyang and the other two and the corpse king Pojun were revealed.

"Damn! Did the Dark Night King... lose?"

"Ye Ying's breath is a little weak..."

"This eighth-level corpse king is so powerful! Isn't even the top of the top 100 its opponent?"

"Hiss, what should we do? Should we rush forward or retreat quickly?"

Those seventh-level strongmen who didn't know Wang Mingyang's identity whispered.

On the surface, Ye Ying and Mei Que didn't seem to be injured, and the gap between the two and the corpse king Pojun should not be big.

However, Mei Que's breath was extremely weak before, and he hasn't recovered much until now, which is considered a defeat.

Now Ye Ying's breath is not much better than his.

Although the breath of the corpse king Pojun has some ups and downs, it has not changed much overall, and it is obvious that he has not been injured.

Among the three strong men, the only one who was in a complete state was Wang Mingyang.

Everyone really didn't have much confidence in this unknown young man.

Except... Zhu Bai, Fatty, and Zhao Tianji.

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