The chicken was eaten alive.

Luo Ren stretched out his ruthless iron hand and easily snatched the sharp kitchen knife.

"Huh? I recognize you. Aren't you the chef from last time?"

"I remember you are quite familiar with A Kun. Why do you suddenly want to kill it?"

He looked at the uncle in the white hat in front of him and was a little surprised.

Who knew that the uncle looked wronged when he heard it:

"Boss, I'm not going to kill A Kun. I'm just helping it fix its claws and beaks."

"Look at this iron cage. There are so many chickens. They were all injured by A Kun. Alas!"

The uncle in the white hat sighed and complained to Luo Ren.

In fact, Luo Ren didn't want to listen to his trivial matters, but he happened to be in a depressed mood, so he just ate melons to relieve his boredom.

It turned out that these poultry raised in the kitchen backyard, although they escaped the infection of the zombie virus and did not mutate, the nature of the jungle of animals made it difficult for them to maintain harmonious coexistence for a long time.

Especially chickens, they are brave and aggressive, and they have to fight from time to time!

Therefore, the uncle in the white hat flattened their sharp beaks and cut off the sharp nails on the chicken claws to avoid a large number of casualties when they fight.

Don't wait for humans to enjoy the food before the poultry start to kill each other!

"There's nothing to worry about the rest of the chickens, but this A Kun, I don't know what's wrong with it recently, the beak and claws grow very fast!"

"Basically, just after trimming it, it will grow back in two days!"

"Or, do you think I should castrate A Kun to calm its temper?"

The white-hat uncle frowned and pointed at the culprit in the iron cage with a wry smile.

Luo Ren looked in the direction of his finger, his pupils trembled a few times like an earthquake, and he almost choked on his own saliva!

"Wow! Brother Chicken, you are so... so beautiful."

It's only been a day since I last saw him, and Brother Chicken A Kun has changed a lot.

It obviously just had a fight with its companions. The chickens in the cage were dead or injured, and its own appearance was terrible!

The proud crown was pecked, and the dark red turned into bright red, and it was stained with layers of chicken feathers, draped on both sides.

At first glance, it looks like a middle-parted hairstyle.

In addition, A Kun was also injured in many places, and his feathers were almost plucked out. From the shoulders to the back, you can even see the white skin of the chicken, as if he was wearing a pair of overalls.

"Well, I understand your difficulties."

"But there are not many male chickens among the chickens you raise. You will need A Kun to breed in the future. It is not good to castrate or kill them."

"How about this, put it in a cage alone first. It has eaten a lot of chickens these days, so it should have room for it!"

Luo Ren pondered for a while, and quickly helped the chef make a decision.

The uncle in the white hat naturally followed his arrangement. After moving the iron cage for Brother Chicken, he took his leave and left. Then he carried the rest of the dead and injured chickens back to the kitchen to work.

"Little brother, why don't you thank me for saving your life?"

"I borrowed so many eggs from you last time. This time, I'm returning them with interest!"

Luo Ren approached the iron cage and raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Cluck, cluck?"

A Kun's eyes rolled, and he rarely took the opportunity to stab his little black feet. Instead, he shrank into the depths of the cage and lay down with a depressed look.

In fact, Luo Ren certainly didn't believe that a chicken could understand human language.

He just felt that things were a bit strange after hearing the chef's explanation, so he deliberately tested A Kun to see what else was unusual.

Unfortunately, A Kun was very alert and simply ignored him.

"Brother Ji is indeed unusual. The strange things that have just happened recently, does this mean... it is likely to be affected by the zombie virus?"

"That's not right. There are no yellow dots on the map, which means there are no mutant animals in the entire village!"

This bizarre and changeable doomsday is the first time for everyone, even Luo Ren who has the system.

Therefore, even if he couldn't figure it out, he simply gave up and responded to all changes with the same attitude!


Luo Ren's mind moved, and he took out many items from the space ring, including fish tanks, iron boxes, bricks, etc.

After previous training, he has been able to capture high-speed moving objects. This time, he wants to strengthen the penetration of mental fluctuations.

In fact, it's not just him, the mental system's abilities also have the same problem!

For example, when Lin Lili first entered the mansion to search, her [Telepathy

】It is impossible to penetrate the village director's office because the outer wall of the office contains a lead plate interlayer!

In this regard, Luo Ren is not as good as Lin Lili.

After all, although his spiritual attributes are not low, without the blessing of spiritual power, the role played is very limited!

Not to mention the lead plate wall, even if there is a layer of water between them, he can clearly feel the obstruction of spiritual fluctuations!

He has tried air and liquid, no big problem, and the impact on the space storage capacity is very small.

Now, he is going to challenge the use of space rings through solids!

Luo Ren is well aware of the principle of gradual progress. He first makes himself a simple thing. There is a fish tank full of water in front of him.

He put the brick into the fish tank, and then used a piece of transparent glass to seal the top of the fish tank.

In this way, a closed box with glass on all six sides is formed!

In order to take the brick back to the ring, the mental power must be able to penetrate the glass and then penetrate the water!

"Space ring, collect!"

With his highly focused consciousness, with himself as the center, his mental power attacked the fish tank like a tide!

Invisible waves formed by mental power hit the hard glass wall relentlessly!

Snap! Snap!

No matter how many times he tried, Luo Ren's mental fluctuations were so strong that he even made the fish tank make a sound. The water inside was shaking gently, but he just couldn't penetrate the damn glass!

"Hey? I don't believe it. Is it true that nothing goes well today?"

"It must be that my mental attribute is not high enough!"

"System, add points!"

Luo Ren ordered angrily.

The hard and bitter days in the orphanage made him a careful and even stingy person, so there were still some free attribute points left.

At this time, the system released a stream of cool water, which improved his mental attributes and relieved his anxious mood.

After all, he was only a 25-year-old young man. After so many things, he finally found a great resort and was ready to settle down, but he heard a series of bad news.

It seemed that the huge Jianghai City was about to be conquered by zombies!

It was inevitable to worry about gains and losses.

In order to stop himself from getting anxious, he decided to go to the city as soon as possible to check the situation and collect a lot of supplies.

"Small fish tank, ridiculous!"

"I don't believe it, I can't do anything to you this time?"

"Space ring, take it!"


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