The fire was so strong that the surrounding trees were burned.

Luo Ren continued to walk forward, and soon he saw a disaster scene!

This was an open space in the woods. The surrounding trees were burned to carbon, and there was a charred area with a diameter of 100 meters in the middle.

And in this charred area, a crashed plane lay quietly.

The wings of the plane were completely destroyed, and the tail disappeared.

However, it seemed that there was no explosion. It should be that the fuel of the plane leaked, and the fire ignited the surrounding woods.

Looking at the situation at the scene, it happened at least a few days ago, and now there is no temperature.

Luo Ren walked around the air crash site and observed that the plane should be a private plane, which was relatively small and could only seat about a dozen people.

There were no bodies in the plane, which was a bit strange. Even if no one was on the plane, there must be a pilot.

Does that mean that someone is still alive?

It is indeed possible. If the plane did not explode, then those who were not dead after landing would have a chance to escape.

Soon, Luo Ren found a piece of evidence. The door of the cockpit on the other side of the plane was open.

It seems that the pilot has already escaped.

Where could he go?

Is he still on this island?

It is very likely, because this island is very primitive and has not been developed much, and not many people know about it.

Luo Ren looked for traces in the surrounding woods, but the area was burned too clean. Even if there were footprints left at that time, they could not be seen now.

When he was at a loss, Luo Ren suddenly discovered a phenomenon!

The degree of damage to the woods on the east side was lower than that on the west side!

This may have something to do with the wind! When the wind blows from east to west, it will become like this.

Normally, if you see a fire burning to the west, you will instinctively run in the opposite direction, that is, to the east!

Luo Ren began to walk eastward, and soon he found a piece of cloth hanging on a branch in the woods. It looked quite new, probably because someone's clothes were scratched when they passed by.

And it was very hasty, he must have been running, otherwise he wouldn't have torn the cloth off directly.

After getting the clue, Luo Ren walked eastward. Since there might be other people on the island, it was necessary to find out who the other party was, how many people there were, and how strong they were.

Soon, Luo Ren saw a stream, which seemed to flow all the way from the mountain in the west. The water was very clear, and Luo Ren washed his face.

It was morning now, and the sun was already quite scorching. It was estimated that it would be hotter at noon.

Luo Ren was about to continue walking forward, when suddenly he found that there seemed to be someone on the shore in front of him!

That's right, it was a person! About a few hundred meters away, standing on the shore!

Luo Ren quickly hid behind the tree, then stuck his head out to observe.

Long hair! It's a woman, and her skin is very white. Under the sunlight, it's like white ivory, pure and flawless.

The most important thing is that she is not wearing any clothes and is taking a bath!

And she is probably afraid of the cold, so she dare not go into the water directly, and can only wipe it with a towel or something like that.

She shivers with cold every time she wipes.

The water is indeed quite cold, and most people can't stand it.

Seeing this, Luo Ren slowly moved over. It was too far away to see the other person's appearance.

At the same time, he had to prevent someone from being on guard around and exposing his whereabouts.

The other person should not be alone. It would be difficult for a woman to survive in such a place.

Luo Ren shuttled through the woods and approached quickly. Soon he was only a hundred meters away from the woman.

The sun was strong outside, and it was dark inside the woods. It was hard to see inside the woods from outside, so Luo Ren only needed to pay attention to whether there was anyone in the woods.

Suddenly, Luo Ren heard a voice: "Zhang Hang, are you there? Zhang Hang."

"Yes, don't worry, I won't leave." A man's voice came.

The voice was not far in front of Luo Ren!

Then, the woman said: "You... didn't peek."

"No, do I look like that kind of person? Let's talk about it later. Given our relationship, what's the harm in taking a look?"

"No! You can't joke about this kind of thing!"

The woman sounded quite young, probably around 23 or 24?

That's the age when she just graduated from college.

Because her back was facing Luo Ren, Luo Ren couldn't see her face clearly, but he felt that this person's skin was very white, elastic and tender.

Luo Ren continued to walk forward, and soon, he saw a man standing at the edge of the woods, squatting under a tree, peeking at someone taking a bath.


The woman had a high back hair and looked quite young, about twenty-five or twenty-six.

She was wearing a Balenciaga dress with a high back hair. Although it was stained, the temperament of a rich young master was clearly visible.

Soon, the woman finished her bath and put on her clothes on the shore.

Although her back was facing this side, she still exposed something when she bent over.

At least D! Maybe even E!

The key is that her waist is very thin, and she has a standard pear-shaped figure.

Luo Ren originally thought that this kind of thing only existed in photoshop and beauty cameras, but he didn't expect to encounter it.

Now only the face is missing.

If the appearance is also very high, the rating will be at least A, or even higher!

[Ding! True love behavior detected, reward 2 free attributes]

Suddenly, Luo Ren heard the voice of the system!

Is this okay?

I haven't done anything yet, and I'm rewarded directly.

I just peeked a few times.

Is it because the other party is very outstanding, so it's easier to get the reward?

You know what, it's quite possible.

After the woman put on her clothes, she tied her hair up into a bun, simple and capable.

Get ready, the woman turned around!

At that moment, Luo Ren felt that the woods here were a little brighter!

A standard oval face, a pair of big watery eyes, black gemstone-like pupils, a delicate and upright nose, and pink lips, as if she walked out of a painting!

Unlike the three women Luo Ren brought, this woman is full of youthful breath.

And those three women are more mature and young women.

Luo Ren was originally worried that if the other party was very young, would she not be married yet? If she was not married, would she not get the reward?

But since the system has already given a reward, there should be no problem.

The target has been found, and the next step is to approach.

How to approach?

Once they find it, it will definitely arouse vigilance.

After all, this is on a primitive island, and normally there should be no people.

Luo Ren decided to observe first.

The pretty woman came over here, and the man with the slicked-back hair came forward to greet her.

"Xue'er, are you done washing? Let me smell it, is it good?" The man with the slicked-back hair had a lewd expression on his face, and stretched out his hands to do something bad.

Xue'er was quite alert, and took a half step back, and said at the same time: "Brother-in-law, don't touch me, I don't like you doing this."

The man with the slicked-back hair smiled: "I'm just joking, don't be nervous, okay, let's go back first."

The two walked east together, and not far away, suddenly, two people came out of the woods next to them!

The two men were dressed in suits and leather shoes, holding wooden sticks in their hands, probably improvised weapons.

The two men in suits were respectful, like bodyguards.

Luo Ren followed the four people and groped forward.

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