The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Han Ningshuang frowned and said, "Is that so?"

Just then, Zhang Hang came over and said, "Wife, you're awake. How do you feel now?"

Zhang Hang still had injuries on his face and a big bump on his forehead.

But he still forced a smile and greeted her with a smile, making her look very happy.

"Zhang're here too? That's great." Han Ningshuang replied.

Then she looked around: "Wang Qiang and Zhao Gang, where are they?"

Zhang Hang raised his eyebrows and pretended to be a little sad, saying, "Wang Qiang ate something wrong and was poisoned to death."

"As for Zhao Gang, he was still here last night. God knows what he did."

"Poisoned to death? Alas..." Han Ningshuang sighed.

Zhang Hang was very nervous because Han Xueer knew the inside story!

Although Wang Qiang was poisoned to death, he was also forced to do so.

If Han Ningshuang knew about this, he would be in trouble.

Han Xueer didn't care about Zhang Hang. She found that Han Ningshuang was a little indifferent to Luo Ren.

It was clearly said that Luo Ren was a lifesaver, but Han Ningshuang didn't say anything.

So Han Xueer reminded again: "Sister, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Luo Ren Luo. He was also trapped on this island because of an accident."

"If it weren't for him these two days, I would probably have starved to death. Last night, he also proposed to save you, and he almost lost his life for this!"

Han Xueer subconsciously took Luo Ren's arm. She didn't think much about it, but this action was seen by Han Ningshuang.

"Mr. Luo, thank you for your help. I thank you on behalf of Xueer." Han Ningshuang bowed.

But Luo Ren could clearly feel that this was just superficial politeness. Han Ningshuang was wary of him.

It could also be because of Zhang Hang, after all, the two are husband and wife.

Luo Ren said: "We have to find a way to leave now. The zombie griffin is not dead. I don't know where it went. It may come back at any time."

Han Xueer was shocked: "So it's not dead? I thought it was killed by you."

Luo Ren: "It's not that easy. Anyway, let's go first. There are people waiting for me. It's a good time to meet up together."

Han Xueer: "So there are companions? Where are they?"

In her opinion, there is strength in numbers, so she was very happy to hear this news.

Luo Ren pointed to the south: "It's probably this direction, let's go."

So under the leadership of Luo Ren, the group walked south.

Zhang Hang and Han Ningshuang followed behind, and the two deliberately slowed down their pace to keep a distance.

Feeling that the distance was about the same, Han Ningshuang asked:

"Zhang Hang, don't you think this Mr. Luo is suspicious?"

Zhang Hang was delighted after hearing this!

She was originally worried that if Luo Ren saved Han Ningshuang, Han Ningshuang would be abducted like Han Xueer.

But now it seems that Han Ningshuang is more suspicious, and she doesn't know a lot of things.

This is a good opportunity!

Zhang Hang began to smear: "I found out that this person is problematic a long time ago. This guy has been seducing Xueer. Look at Xueer now. She has been fascinated by him."

"I suspect that Wang Qiang was killed by him. It must be him!"

Han Ningshuang asked back: "Didn't you just say that Wang Qiang died because he ate the wrong thing?"

Zhang Hang: "That was a trap set by Mr. Luo. He deliberately led Wang Qiang to eat poisonous fruit!"

He actually didn't know anything. He just relied on his mouth to smear, and didn't need any evidence.

Zhang Hang continued, "I suspect you're his next target, so you'd better be careful."

Liu Ningshuang nodded, then asked, "Why didn't you stop him?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hang was stunned, and then hesitant: "He... you see he's so strong... he's just a rough guy, how can a civilized person like me beat him?"

"But it's okay, wait until we leave this island, and find a way to contact my dad, I want this Mr. Luo to live a life worse than death!"

Luo Ren, who was walking in front, heard the conversation between the two and laughed.

It seems that this Zhang Hang is still related. After returning, we must keep an eye on him to see what he wants to do and find out whose son he is.

After more than an hour of rushing, everyone came to the beach in the south.

Saw the stranded White Dove.

"Why is there a ship here? There was none when we came here before." Han Xueer was a little surprised.

Luo Ren explained: "This is the boat I was on. The boat broke down and was attacked by a sea monster, so we drifted all the way here."

Han Xueer nodded: "Is that so? It seems that this is destined..."

Han Xueer blushed as she spoke, and she held Luo Ren's arm tightly, like a shy little wife.

Luo Ren now wanted to know who Han Xueer's husband was and where he was.

Luo Ren searched for a while and found the two tents.

"You're back!" Liu Yan stood up when he saw Luo Ren.

But when he found that Luo Ren was with a woman, and a very beautiful woman, he was stunned for a moment.

"Who is this?" Liu Yan and Han Xueer spoke at the same time.

Luo Ren began to introduce: "She is Han Xueer, and also a survivor trapped on this island."

"This is the sea sister of the White Dove just now, Liu Yan."

Zhou Wanqing and Wang Lishen, who heard the noise, also came out of the tent.

Luo Ren continued to introduce:

"They are also sea sisters, Wang Lishen and Zhou Wanqing."

"He is Han Xueer."

After Luo Ren introduced them, the two sides greeted each other and they knew each other.

Soon, Han Ningshuang and Zhang Hang also came up, and Luo Ren continued to introduce them.

The team of survivors expanded immediately.

Han Xueer's reaction was the same as Luo Ren's. She didn't mind and was still very intimate with him.

As for Wang Lishen, she had no opinion, but Zhou Wanqing and Liu Yan were a little emotional.

Luo Ren estimated that he had not yet conquered these two people, and their loyalty was not enough, so they would still be emotional about this kind of thing.

Anyway, go back first.

At this time, the tentacle monster princess had contacted Luo Ren and said that she was on the way. He and Xiaofei found a boat, and it was an intact boat. They could just tow it over and drive away.

It was evening, and everyone was worried about having nothing to eat.

Suddenly, a boat appeared on the sea!

Luo Ren saw it, but didn't say a word.

Soon, Han Xueer pointed in the direction of the sea and exclaimed:

"A boat is coming! A boat is coming!"

Everyone looked over and found that it was true!

A luxury cruise ship was heading towards this side. Of course, it looked like it was heading towards this side, but in fact, Xiaobai was pushing it from below.

When the distance was closer, Xiaobai stopped and let the cruise ship move over by inertia.

"Let's go up and take a look. Maybe there is someone there." Luo Ren called out.

So everyone packed up and prepared to board the ship.

The ship slowly slowed down and finally stopped a few hundred meters away from the beach.

Luo Ren led everyone to swim over. Fortunately, everyone could swim and the distance was not particularly far, so they could just help each other.

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