The two girls walked on the pedestrian street.

"Huh~ This is the last store."

Luo Ren stood in front of a small supermarket and exhaled.

The team had a clear division of labor. Luo Ren had a space ring and was responsible for looting supplies, while the two women returned to the BMW first to check the latest news on the Internet.

Especially the No. 3 shelter, which was besieged by the zombie tide yesterday, and it is not known what will happen next.

Han Suiru was very worried about her family. When she and Lin Lili left the pedestrian street, they ran very fast, but the three members of the team knew that the thousands of survivors in the shelter were probably in danger.

Luo Ren frowned and shook his head. He used the space ring to store supplies continuously, which made his temples sore and painful.

"Damn! The spiritual attribute is still not enough!"

He complained angrily.

He thought, if someone could provide him with some free attribute points at this time, how great it would be.

Of course, he also knew that this was impossible.

The Shadow Thorn zombie had just retreated with the zombie army. At this moment, let alone the beautiful young woman, he searched the whole street and didn't even see a beautiful female zombie.

But although Luo Ren was mentally exhausted, he also gained a lot. It can be said that he was in pain and happy.

This pedestrian street is not big. In addition to the buildings and supplies destroyed by various zombies, he looted two small supermarkets, two clothing stores, an electrical appliance store, a cosmetics store and freezers in several restaurants.

The ready-made meals in the restaurant were all rotten and inedible, but he took away all the fruits, vegetables and meat in the refrigerator.

He thought that the rest of the mobile phone stores, bath centers, beauty massage clubs, etc. were useless, so he skipped them.

"After I've looted this one, I should go meet up with Lily and the others."

Luo Ren opened the door of the supermarket.


The moment the door opened, countless black mutant rats rushed out of the supermarket. The scene was spectacular, and soon they scattered to various nearby buildings.

"Fuck! Eat wherever you go, I'll give you some rat poison sooner or later!"

Luo Ren raised his foot and stomped on a mutant rat, feeling very angry.

There were only a few useful material gathering points on this pedestrian street, but most of them could not be looted.

Some were destroyed by zombies, and more were eaten up by mutant animals.

Although animals infected with the virus do not hate humans as much as other zombies, they do not eat humans, but food!

"Sure enough, the things in the supermarket were eaten up by those beasts!"

Luo Ren walked into the supermarket and took a few glances, secretly hating himself for coming a step late.

The mutant rats were too small, and when they were placed on the city map, they would hardly show yellow spots.

This was one of the few flaws in the map. The props given by the system were fine products, but they did not mean they were perfect.

Therefore, he was played by the rats in the dark. Under his nose, the entire supermarket was gnawed clean, and even the shelves were covered with teeth marks.

Only a transparent refrigerator was left intact, with some iced drinks in it.

In line with the principle of never wasting, Luo Ren put the refrigerator into the space ring, took out a can of Coca-Cola Zero, sat on the steps in front of the supermarket, and took a short rest.

"Burp~ Cool!"

He pulled the ring of the canned drink, drank a big gulp, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.

In the past, I thought it was normal, but in the end of the world, I found that being able to sit comfortably on the dirty floor tiles and drink a sip of iced Coke was already a great happiness!

He was just resting his eyes, enjoying the hard-earned leisure, when suddenly his ears loosened and he heard the sound of humans shouting.

"Huh? Why does this sound familiar!"

Luo Ren opened his eyes and turned to look at the corner at the end of the street.

He saw a man and a woman running towards him breathlessly, followed by three zombies with festering skin.

"Qin Yong? Zheng Juan? Zhuo, you led the zombies to my side?"

Luo Ren recognized the old acquaintances, was slightly startled, and immediately his eyes were filled with anger.

These two people were the young couple who lived next door to him. A few days ago, he had discussed the philosophy of life with Zheng Juan and was deeply impressed.

But they could clearly continue to run in a straight line. Seeing Luo Ren sitting at the door of the supermarket to rest, they turned into the pedestrian street, obviously wanting to drag him down with them!

"Luo Ren! Great that you are here too, hurry up and save us!"

Qin Yong is a man after all, with stronger physical strength, leaving his wife behind and running to Luo Ren first.

In the past, he relied on the dignity of having a state-owned enterprise

work, looked down on Luo Ren in every way, and now there are zombies chasing behind her, she asks Luo Ren for protection.

"Ah--!! Husband!"

Zheng Juan was about to be caught by the zombies, and immediately stared at Qin Yong in disbelief.

In the past, he always called her "baby", but when he met the zombies, he abandoned her?

She saw through her cowardly husband. There is no such thing as a hundred days of grace after a day of marriage. Only when disaster strikes, they will run away separately!


At the critical moment, the zombies had already caught up to him anyway, and Luo Ren suddenly pulled out the reaper dagger and shot out like lightning.

Before the fleeing couple could see his movements clearly, they found that three zombies fell to the ground one after another, and there was a bloody hole in their heads for no reason!

If Luo Ren's eyes had not turned golden, they almost thought they had met an awakener.

"Huff... Luo, Luo Ren, thank you for saving me."

Zheng Juan panted and looked at Luo Ren with a little embarrassment.

She will never forget the last time she exchanged instant noodles.

The handsome brother in front of her had a strong body and was as strong as an ox. She almost shouted her throat out at that time.

Now that they met again, she couldn't help but recall that memory and felt more and more embarrassed.

"Sister Zheng, you are not injured, right? If you are caught by zombies, you will be infected with the virus."

"Come, let me check you carefully."

Luo Ren looked Zheng Juan up and down, and stretched out his big hands to check her injuries.

"This, I..."

Zheng Juan's little face suddenly became hot, and a strand of hair was soaked with sweat and stuck to her forehead. Although her appearance was not as outstanding as Lin Lili and others, she had a unique style.

She fled from the community to the pedestrian street. The distance was not too far. In addition, she had not fought zombies yet, so her clothes were neat and her skin was white.

In order to escape, she deliberately wore a neat yoga pants, matched with a close-fitting sling, carried a small and exquisite black leather bag, and stepped on a pair of white sneakers.

The fabric is thin, the style is refreshing and simple, and it can save energy when rushing.

"Hey, hey, hey! Luo Ren, take your dirty hands away!"

Qin Yong was jealous from the side. The zombies had just died, and he felt awesome again. He immediately stepped forward and shouted.

After he said that, he wanted to hold Zheng Juan's hand, but unexpectedly, his wife slapped him in anger!

"Get out! Qin Yong, what kind of man are you!"

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