The ruins of Shibei Hospital.

The collapsed walls and many debris formed a "triangle", and lines of small words appeared on the panel in front of Luo Ren:

[Name: Gao Shenglan

Level: 2

Strength: 36

Spirit: 37

Physique: 35

Speed: 40

Skill: Instantaneous movement]

"Sure enough, I guessed it right!"

Ten minutes ago, when he was still in the command center, Gao Shenglan disappeared in front of everyone.

At that time, Luo Ren had a vague sense in his heart, guessing that the awakened ability of this mixed-blood beauty was either invisibility or teleportation!

"The most urgent thing is to wake her up so that she can use her supernatural power to take us out!"

Luo Ren's mind raced as he looked at Gao Shenglan, who was breathing weakly.

Observing closely, although this mixed-race beauty was not wearing any makeup and her face was stained with dust and blood, her appearance was still very resistant to beating.

She was so beautiful that it made people's heart beat faster and their minds were unconsciously attracted to her.

When she was awake, as the captain who led the entire Jianghai City Sheriff, she was always vigorous and resolute, and looked like an iceberg beauty.

Now that she was in a coma, she looked pitiful, like a broken-winged angel who fell to the earth, beautiful but haggard.

Luo Ren noticed that Gao Shenglan was wearing a diamond ring on her left ring finger.

The diamond was not big, simple and low-key, which meant that she was married to someone else.

"Okay, okay, now my major is suitable!"

I don't know if it was affected by Cao Zei's system, but Luo Ren became excited all of a sudden.

He thought of the artificial respiration that Gao Shenglan had given to the little boy before, and he immediately made up his mind.

He followed suit and leaned down to the lips of the mixed-race beauty.

"I'm doing this to save people! Captain Gao, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent."

He whispered.

The tips of their noses almost touched each other.

Gao Shenglan naturally couldn't answer him, and Luo Ren, who was itching to do it, did artificial respiration without hesitation.

His extremely high physical attributes fundamentally changed his cell strength, and even the oxygen stored in his alveoli was several times more than that of ordinary people!

Anyway, it didn't matter whether he was short of oxygen or not, the key was to let Gao Shenglan recover, so he did it without reservation.

Big gulps of air slowly transferred from Luo Ren's lungs to Gao Shenglan's body.

Except for his personal habit of sticking out his tongue, his first aid measures were quite good.

The fainted and weak mixed-race beauty under him gradually moved, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Hmm... Hmm?!!"

As soon as Gao Shenglan opened her eyes, she saw Luo Ren's face close at hand and hurriedly pushed him away.

"You! What are you doing!"

She subconsciously touched her swollen mouth and looked around.

The little boy was still there, but the original ward was completely unrecognizable, as if there was a big earthquake here.

"Captain Gao, there is no time to explain, you quickly use teleportation to take us all out!"

Luo Ren began to have hypoxia reaction, and the heavy concrete wall on his shoulders gradually pressed down.

Coupled with the smoke and high temperature, if he didn't go out, even he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"You, how do you know that my ability is teleportation?"

Boom--! !

As soon as Gao Shenglan finished speaking, a violent explosion came from a ward below.

The air flow around was surging, and the temperature was soaring at a terrifying speed.

The two people's faces suddenly became extremely solemn. This series of signs showed that a ball of fire produced by the explosion was surging towards where they were!

"Hurry up! It will be too late if you are late!"

Luo Ren grabbed Gao Shenglan's arm and shouted loudly.

"But, but my ability can't bring people to teleport together. I tried several times before, but failed."

Gao Shenglan panicked, and guilt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Because her awakened ability is highly malleable, coupled with her excellent personal performance, she has been paid special attention by the top leaders of China.

But success and failure are also due to ability.

As an awakener, she has received a lot of resources, and she escaped from the encirclement of tens of thousands of zombies when the zombie tide besieged the No. 3 shelter.

However, her level is too low, and the weight of the objects she can carry for teleportation is limited, so she can't bring others to move together!

As a result, Gao Shenglan could only watch as her former comrades were devoured by zombies, and the survivors who depended on her were slaughtered.

She used her supernatural powers to escape

Live, live in shame.

This incident has become a nightmare that she can't get rid of.

Just now, when Lin Lili said that there was another survivor, she just felt that it was her only chance of redemption.

Therefore, Gao Shenglan did not hesitate at all and risked her life to find the survivor.

Unfortunately, the attempt to teleport with people failed again!

"Gao Shenglan! I believe in you, you will succeed!"

Luo Ren's eyes were warm, and he almost shouted to encourage.

Damn it, in this situation where I can't get off the tiger, who else can I trust if I don't trust you? God?


Gao Shenglan looked at the pair of resolute eyes, and her nervous and panicked heart suddenly calmed down.

She didn't even know the other party's name, but this handsome boy could entrust his life and give unconditional trust.

As the captain of Jianghai City, what else is there to be afraid of?


The explosion sounded from far away, the surrounding red light was vibrating, and the continuous shock made the collapse of the building more and more severe.

The "tripod" where they lived became narrower.

Luo Ren barely supported himself to give the three people space to survive.

But his chest was already tightly pressed against Gao Shenglan's plump figure.

It was usually hard to tell through the loose military uniform, but I didn't expect that Captain Gao had such rich capital, soft and elastic!

Just when he was distracted, a ball of orange-red flame, carrying a rolling heat wave, was about to attack the three people along the gap on the side!

With his physique, he might be able to withstand the high temperature attack of this ball of flame, but the remaining two people would probably be burned to death on the spot!

Especially Gao Shenglan.

If she died, then Luo Ren would have no hope of escaping!

After figuring out the key, Luo Ren gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and directly blocked the gap on the side with the blazing flames with his body!


Luo Ren couldn't help but spit out a sweet smell, and his handsome face instantly turned the color of liver.

"Hurry! I can't hold on for too long!"

He gritted his teeth in pain and urged anxiously.


Gao Shenglan was born in the military and respected the heroes who sacrificed for their comrades the most.

This time, she witnessed Luo Ren's heroic act of blocking the fire with his body, and was so moved that tears could not stop sliding down her cheeks.

The scorching air made her skin hot and red.

She smelled the smell of flesh and blood being burnt, and she didn't dare to live up to her companions' sacrifice. She stretched out a pair of small but extremely powerful bare hands and grabbed Luo Ren and the little boy's arms!

It is said that when people are in extreme danger and their mental fluctuations are drastic, they often burst out their hidden potential.

This is what Gao Shenglan is like now. She will not run away alone again.

Either live together, or die together!



"Cough! Cough cough!"

She was choked by the increasingly thick smoke and dust, unable to open her eyes, and even unable to confirm whether the boy and Luo Ren were still alive:

"God, I beg you! Instant... cough cough, teleport!"

Failed again.

Gao Shenglan's breathing had become very difficult.


Still failed.

Using the power three times in a row not only ended in failure, but also almost exhausted her energy.

Using the power has a price, and at this moment she is exhausted and doesn't even have the qualifications to try!

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