The next day.

A temporary resting place for the wounded.

On a simple iron bed, there was only a mat hastily laid, on which lay a short-haired young man wrapped in bandages.

Next to the young man, there sat a beautiful mixed-race woman who was also wrapped in bandages, but her injuries were obviously much lighter.

"Huh? Where is this place?"

Luo Ren struggled a little as if he had a nightmare, and suddenly opened his eyes.

He tried to sit up straight, but because he used too much force, the burned skin and flesh were torn again, and he lay back in pain.

"Ah! Luo Ren, you finally woke up!"

Gao Shenglan's sleepy eyes instantly regained their spirits, and she turned her head and shouted at the door of the rest area for the wounded with full energy:

"Two people from the emergency team, there is a seriously injured person here who needs to be checked!"

The seriously injured patient she mentioned was naturally Luo Ren.

As for herself, she was always put last, and this time, thanks to Luo Ren's protection, she only suffered some burns.

"Gao Shenglan? Did you succeed?"

Luo Ren stared at her blankly for a few seconds.

His palms moved slightly, and Gao Shenglan held his hands, which was so warm and real.

He lost consciousness at the last moment in the ruins and fire, and kept having nightmares of being swallowed by the fire.

When he woke up, he found that the sky was clear and the air was bright. It was probably the morning of the next day.

Luo Ren, who survived the disaster, breathed the "long-lost" fresh air, and felt refreshed. It was so damn good to be alive!

"I told you that you can definitely do it! Haha, congratulations, there aren't many level 3 awakeners in the whole of China!"

He leaned on the pillow carefully and sat up.

"No, it's all thanks to you! Luo Ren, if you hadn't sacrificed yourself to block the fire, I would have been dead long ago."

Gao Shenglan looked at him gratefully and said.

Then she frowned slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in her golden pupils:

"Huh? How do you know that my level is level 3?"

The situation of the awakener is very different from Luo Ren.

Since Luo Ren is bound to the system and has his own attribute panel, he can check his attributes very conveniently.

But the awakener only has a rough perception of the attributes, not so detailed.

The level of the self is only when it is upgraded, and a distant sacred voice will vaguely echo in her mind, telling her that the level has been upgraded and what level it is now.

That voice was very similar to the one I heard when I first awakened my superpowers. I would unconsciously recall the scene of the sky full of stars, washing every cell in my body.

Sometimes, that sacred sound would remind me what I should do to continue to improve my level or superpowers.

For example, hunting zombies can quickly improve my level. If I frequently push myself to the limit, the power of my superpowers will also be slightly improved.

Gao Shenglan wondered in her heart, this voice should only be heard by the awakeners themselves?

So, how did Luo Ren know her exact level?

"Haha, I can't explain it either. I always feel that I am particularly compatible with you. This is probably called telepathy, right?"

Luo Ren said sincerely without thinking.

Now his face is as thick as a city wall, and his skills in teasing sisters are getting more and more sophisticated, and his lies are as true as the truth.

How do I know your level? Of course, I "see" it with these two big eyes!

He concentrated his attention and threw a reconnaissance spell:

[Name: Gao Shenglan

Level: 3

Strength: 46

Spirit: 48

Physique: 45

Speed: 52

Skill: Teleport]

"Good fellow, except for physique, all other attributes are better than mine!"

Luo Ren was secretly shocked.

Since he woke up, it means that his burns have been mostly healed.

In fact, this is also thanks to the chance encounter with the neighbor young woman Zheng Juan on the pedestrian street yesterday, from whom he earned 15 points of free attributes.

At that time, Gao Shenglan tried several times, but the teleportation ended in failure.

Although Gao Shenglan failed, it was Luo Ren who was in dire straits!

Seeing that he could not withstand the impact of the flames and heat waves.

At the critical moment, he generously added all the free attributes to the physique, which was how he managed to hold on to the end!

"We are in tune with each other..."

Gao Shenglan's face turned red, but she did not remove her bandaged hands from Luo Ren's wrists to avoid suspicion.

Although she was no longer a little girl, in her early 30s, she still served as Jiang Hai

As the city captain, he must have good experience and vision.

But Gao Shenglan was shy, exotic, and had deep features. She was brighter than the sun hanging in the sky outside the door.

She was half-believing and half-doubting.

She believed Luo Ren because he believed her unconditionally at the critical moment of life and death yesterday.

She was also suspicious, because even a powerful awakener like her could not withstand the impact of the high temperature wave, let alone an ordinary person.

What's more, when he came out of the ruins of the hospital yesterday, Luo Ren was like a baked sweet potato, almost cooked, and the meaty aroma was clearly smelt...

But after only one day and one night, Luo Ren's skin was already rosy.

The hair that was originally burnt and fell off had grown back an inch long short hair.

With such an amazing recovery ability, how could he be an ordinary person?

Gao Shenglan is now extremely suspicious. Is it possible that even without golden eyes, one can still be an awakener?

"By the way, where are the others? Where is the child we rescued yesterday?"

Luo Ren cleverly changed the subject.

Sure enough, when he mentioned the survivors found in the ruins, Gao Shenglan's face darkened and she sighed:

"The child is too young and not as strong as us. The doctor said he was severely burned and his skin was damaged by more than 90% of his body..."

Her voice became more and more choked. She paused, turned her head to wipe the corners of her eyes quickly, and when she turned back, her mouth corners rose optimistically again:

"But the doctors who came with us this time are all very experienced, and there are several experts and professors!"

"I gave a death order to save the child's life, otherwise our sacrifice would be wasted!"

"Ms. Han, who came with you, also went to help the emergency team. Ms. Lin was called by the director for a talk. I think they were talking about emergency recruitment!"

Gao Shenglan talked nonstop, trying to make up for the day and night that Luo Ren was unconscious.

At this moment, she had recognized Luo Ren from the bottom of her heart.

Although Lin Lili and Han Suiru were both honorable awakeners, she still addressed them as "Ms."

When it came to Luo Ren, regardless of whether he had golden eyes or not, he was a comrade whom Gao Shenglan sincerely admired, and she could call him by his name without any courtesy.

Just as she was fascinated, staring at Luo Ren with her beautiful eyes.

The next moment, Luo Ren's words made her completely panic:

"Shenglan, can I hug you?"

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