The map is also a treasure.


"This map is also a treasure. With it, I can avoid the zombies next time I go out!"

Seeing that he was temporarily safe, Luo Ren breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense heartstrings relaxed.


The sound of water spraying came from the bathroom.

Bai Qinglian was taking a shower.

Luo Ren thought about discussing future matters with her and asking her what her future plans were, so he moved towards the bathroom.

"Bai Qinglian, I'm going in."

He shouted several times at the door.

After a long time without hearing a response, he forced the door open and rushed in naked.

"Huh? Why isn't she in there?"

Luo Ren didn't notice Bai Qinglian's pretty figure, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the bathroom, the imagined graceful body disappeared without a trace, and the shower was turned on very loudly, probably to cover up his whereabouts.


Suddenly, a burst of unique rumbling sounds when the Land Rover engine started exploded outside the store.

He hurried to the window and looked down.

I saw that the black Land Rover he drove was speeding towards the city center, and disappeared at the street intersection in an instant, blending into the night.

"Fuck! This idiot woman is so selfish!"

Luo Ren was so angry that he hit the windowsill and cursed.

He could probably guess what Bai Qinglian was thinking.

It is estimated that in order to monopolize the means of transportation and the supplies on the car, she stole the car keys.

When he was tired and lying on the bed to take a nap, Bai Qinglian pretended to take a shower and took the opportunity to run away. She must have gone to find her rich second-generation boyfriend.

Otherwise, if it was a legitimate reason, why would she leave him behind?

"Humph, that Bai Lianhua could never have thought that all my supplies were in the space ring, and there was not even a hair in the car!"

Luo Ren snorted coldly and smiled with evil taste.

Originally, because of his ex-girlfriend's pregnancy, he wanted to reciprocate and help her find a shelter.

As a result, Bai Qinglian was courting death and had to run to the city center.

According to the zombie distribution map, that place is now very popular!

At this moment, Luo Ren's phone buzzed, and he picked it up and saw that it was Lin Lili calling.

"I'm fine. I didn't encounter any zombies on the road. Is your home safe?"

"Don't cry yet. I picked up a lot of supplies. I'll be back soon!"

"I know. I love you, too. Muah~"

He hung up the phone and found some new clothes quickly.

The clothes he wore when he came out had become tattered and stained with zombies' blood, which smelled faintly.

It happened that his ex-girlfriend ran a clothing store. Although Bai Qinglian was narrow-minded, he had good taste in clothes.

He simply put all the clothes in the store into his space ring.

He picked a dark gray sweatshirt with a black jacket on the outside, and a pair of thick hiking pants on his legs. The fabric was strong and there were many pockets.

Luo Ren folded the map into the size of a tablet for easy viewing. The distribution of zombies in the surrounding area was immediately visible!

The clothing store was only a few hundred meters away from his home, and there were about seven or eight red dots nearby, moving aimlessly.

Because the zombies' movements were often irregular, the human survivors lived in fear.

You could walk down the street and suddenly a bunch of zombies would pop out from some corner and eat you like a snack!

But Luo Ren had a zombie distribution map in hand, which greatly improved his survival rate. He bypassed the red dots in advance and easily returned to the entrance of the residential area.

"Huh? What are these yellow dots?"

Luo Ren rubbed his eyes and looked at the map carefully.

There were a few tiny yellow spots near the community, only half the size of the red dots.

In addition, the color of the house was marked as a light yellow-brown on the map, which made the yellow dots difficult to detect, so he missed it at first.


A low dog bark suddenly came from both sides of the gate.

Then, a total of 7 dog-shaped zombies rushed out and surrounded Luo Ren on both sides.

They were covered in blood, without a single piece of clean skin. It was unclear whether it was their own blood or someone else's.

The vicious dog's face was hideous and twisted, its eyeballs were strangely lacquered red, and its teeth were particularly sharp and long, almost piercing the wrinkled black nose.

Before it could bite people to death, it scared them to death first!

Cao Ze System:

[Ding! The yellow dots on the map are animal zombies, please be careful to avoid them]

"Nima! The saliva of these beasts is almost splashing on my face, and I still need to...

Remind you?"

Luo Ren rolled his eyes in annoyance in his mind.

Animals can also mutate into zombies. This is undoubtedly a terrible news. The living space of human beings is further squeezed!

Think about it, how many stray cats and dogs are there in the whole Jianghai City, and how many people have pets?

There are also farms, veterinary hospitals, zoos, etc., all of which have become high-risk areas!

"Calm down, they are too fast, I can't run! "

Luo Ren took a deep breath, clenched his hand, and the reaper dagger appeared out of thin air, and he held it tightly.

When he was a child, he lived in the countryside for a few years.

There was a group of local dogs in the village, and they were all evil and evil, which was a shadow of his childhood.

It's okay if you are not afraid, just stare at each other and confront each other, and the dogs will go away after a while.

But if you run away, the more afraid you are, the more they will chase you!

If they catch up, you will inevitably be bitten, and your skin will be torn apart. How miserable it is!


The leading zombie dog roared at him threateningly.

Luo Ren has rich experience in beating dogs. He bent his knees with a knife, leaned forward and slightly bent his back, ready for battle.

It's impossible to run away. Either bite me to death or go and play!

Zombie dog: "Woof? ”

The dogs threatened him several times, and seeing that he did not retreat, they gradually became manic.

One of the zombie dogs was huge, and it was unknown how many people it had eaten. Its belly was burst and its intestines were all over the floor, but it still rushed towards him fiercely!

Most people would have run away long ago when they saw this hellish scene.

But Luo Ren had a system and knew clearly that his speed was 9, while the standard attribute of an ordinary adult man was 10 points.

With such a low speed, he still had a chance to survive if he fought head-on, but if he ran away with his back exposed, he would die!


The zombie dog was incredibly fast, and Luo Ren was fully focused, narrowly avoiding the opponent's fangs. At the moment of dodging, he stabbed the dagger into the hard dog's head!

[Ding! You have triggered the Reaper's Blessing, permanently increasing your speed by 1 point]

"Great, we can win if we keep going this way! "

Luo Ren's eyes flashed with luck.

However, after one zombie dog died, the other six were completely angry and rushed to bite him!

Cao Zei System:

[Ding! Animal zombies do not hate humans. Most of them have a strong sense of territory. Those who intrude or provoke will be attacked fiercely.]

Luo Ren was startled and rolled backwards in a panic to avoid the first wave of attacks. Then he couldn't help cursing:

"Fuck you! Such an important thing, tell me earlier!"

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