The gun was fired, but the gun was still in the air.

Luo Ren held the weapon tightly with both hands. The modern rifle did not need to be loaded manually, and the safety was already pulled. It was incredibly powerful!

He was afraid of turning into a "human outline master", so he fired while approaching the restaurant uncles and aunts!

Those hiding behind the bunkers were killed by going around, and those who had fallen to the ground had to go over and shoot again!

This thing, even his abnormal physical attributes, can break the defense.

Not to mention a few scoundrels who were only tough on their mouths and relied on their seniority!

"Haha, it's more than just arrogant! My wife Lili has become an awakener, and you guys dare to call her a money-loser?"

"You don't need to ask me to know that you old bastards must be Lili's childhood nightmare!"

"At this age, it's not easy to survive the first day of the apocalypse, and you don't know how to cherish it!"

Luo Ren looked at the mosaics on the ground, which included bullies and thugs, as well as the 7 newly added corpses.

Now, the blood plasma and meat pieces are mixed together, and it's hard to tell which is which!

There are always people who regard the last chance as the second to last.

The reason why Luo Ren wanted to send Lin Lili away in advance was because since then, he had wanted to use these arrogant villagers to establish his prestige!

Due to the characteristics of the zombie virus, older and younger humans are more likely to transform into zombies on the first day of the apocalypse.

Therefore, he found that among the people present, people in their teens to forties and fifties accounted for the majority!

If he was soft-hearted and indulged the old man who just spoke nonsense in the restaurant.

Not only Lin Lili, but also the other young and middle-aged people who survived would suffer greatly from him in the future!


Luo Ren threw the weapon back into the sack.

All his knowledge of firearms and shooting skills were acquired through games, so his shooting skills were poor.

In order to kill 7 unarmed black sheep, he used up a whole magazine of bullets!

"Hey, it's much more fun than on the computer!"

Luo Ren did not regret wasting bullets. Every man has the dream of "bang bang bang", and it is not fun to just play in the game!

Now that he has a chance to use his skills, of course he has to have some fun first!


Xu Dafu shuddered.

He still kept holding the sack, standing there, stunned, and completely stunned by Luo Ren's successive feats!

The villagers and their family maids were no better than Xu Dafu, screaming and crying one after another!

When they found Luo Ren looking over here, they all kept silent, fearing that they would anger this evil spirit!


Luo Ren cleared his throat, glanced around, and his eyes were cold:

"Now, regarding my taking over this mansion."

"Who is in favor and who is against?"

There was complete silence.

Such a reaction was expected by Luo Ren, because most of the people who sang against him were found and cleaned up by him.

After Lin Lili and Han Suiru were sent away, the big stone that weighed on everyone's hearts - the awakeners, would no longer be a "threat".

At least, that was the case before the two women returned.

Luo Ren deliberately created this situation, firstly to lure out those who might not obey his constraints!

Secondly, if he could get rid of these troublemakers in public with his own ability, he could establish his authority, and the rest of the people would most likely abide by the rules he set!

Sure enough, the three fighting champions lurking in the crowd immediately exposed their hostility when they saw that the two awakened ones were not there.

The seven villagers in the restaurant who relied on their seniority found that Luo Ren was the only one left in the mansion to preside over the situation. Even if they were full and satisfied, they were still pushing their feet and did not respect him at all!

Luo Ren did not have golden eyes, but instead became a layer of alternative "protective color", which made people who did not know the details despise and underestimate him.

With this, he could easily test the general nature of the other party and whether he was hostile!

"If no one objects, I will take it as a default."

Luo Ren changed the subject, and then it was the highlight - the mansion was in his hands, how would he treat everyone?

This was also the most concerned thing for the survivors in the hall!

"I don't care how the village director treated you before. From now on, you are all free! You will decide whether to stay or go!"

"But I don't keep idle people here. Those who stay have to work! As a reward, I will provide food and accommodation!"

"I will give you an afternoon to think about it!

Until sunset, those who stay in the hall are responsible for cleaning up the bodies, cleaning, and having a full dinner. "

"I won't force you to leave if you want to. The door is not locked, so just go home!"


As soon as these words came out, the crowd was boiling!

Everyone thought that Luo Ren was ruthless and might be a worse villain than the village chief's family, who would force them to work.

But the new rules Luo Ren just set gave them full freedom, and his attitude was very gentle, and he didn't mean to force people to stay.

Those who don't want to work can go home now!

"Hehe, I want to see how many people can leave before dinner? "

Luo Ren chuckled quietly.

The rules he just set seemed "free", but in fact they were "traps".

First of all, not all of these people were locals, especially the maids and the families who already lived in the village head's house.

For example, Zhao Naida and Lin Qin's five beautiful wives.

This is their home. Once they leave the door, they are homeless!

The majority of the remaining villagers have homes to return to, and they even miss home.

But they are all afraid that they might From any corner, zombies that eat people popped out!

What's more, Luo Ren deliberately used words like "sunset" and "dinner", which invisibly deepened the fear in the hearts of the villagers and made their stomachs growl!

Everyone was talking and talking. Some people quickly decided to stay, while others were still hesitating.

Among them, the maids in white silk short skirts that Luo Ren had always been thinking about frequently cast tangled glances at him:

"Luo Ren... is a little fierce, so scary, but he looks pretty handsome."

"What's the use of being handsome? The key is to have a good temper. What do you think, sister?"

"Compared to Boss Lin, this handsome boy is indeed too powerful, but he didn't do anything to us!"

"Well, I think he looks at us with a very gentle look. He shouldn't do anything to us, right? ”

“So far, although Luo Ren has killed a lot of people, they are basically his enemies. He has given those old men several chances just now!”

“Let’s see what happens. Anyway, there are so many zombies outside and we are not locals, so we can only stay here.”


The white silk maid quickly forgot about her former boss, Lin Qin.

Before the doomsday, these beautiful girls had to endure Lin Qin, who had been a psychopath for many years, for the sake of a good salary.

But after the doomsday, the salary was stopped and the food was deducted!

They had long been fed up with Lin Qin, but they were just living under someone else’s roof and could not resist!

Look at this young man named Luo Ren. In order to get the bullies drunk, he actually held a banquet so generously.

The delicacies from the mountains and the sea, lobsters and famous wines cost 50 people!

Who doesn’t like a generous boss?

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