"Ao Xin, have you not gotten over the breakup yet?"

Ao Xin ran into his roommate Zhang Qiang while jogging in the morning.

He smiled and greeted him before continuing his morning run.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the breakup has dealt a heavy blow to him."

Zhang Qiang sat on a bench in the playground and opened his textbook. The morning air was very suitable for early reading.

Ao Xin quickly completed his daily morning run of five kilometers. After a short rest, he began to do strength training on the horizontal bar.

Occasionally, there were classmates who knew him on the playground in the early morning, but they all sighed and smiled.

Until a young and beautiful couple passed by here, the boy asked curiously:

"Eh? Manman, isn't that your ex-boyfriend? Why are you still insisting?"

"He hasn't given up on you yet, and wants to get you back by getting a good body?"

The girl called Manman just glanced over there and turned away with a look of disdain, hugged the boy's arm to her chest, and said coquettishly:"Who cares? Manman will always be Xiong's person!"

""Haha!" The girl's tender words made the boy very happy. He quietly stretched out his hand and kneaded the girl's fullness wantonly. He glanced at Ao Xin who insisted on exercising, and a dragon king's smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Pretty boy? Academic bully? Good figure?

In this world, it will never be as powerful as money!

Ao Xin, who worked hard to exercise, did not see this scene. It has been a month since he was reborn.

Moreover, he was reborn on the day when he was dumped by his girlfriend Wu Manman.

But this time, he did not have a trace of retention. After breaking up, he began to exercise crazily.

So crazy that he didn't go to many classes. Even if the teacher had warned him that he failed, he was indifferent.

The end of the world is coming, and he failed? Then just fail!

As a reborn person, he knows the horror of the end of the world.

If it weren't for something in this city, he might have dropped out of school and went home to prepare for the end of the world!

Unfortunately, this end of the world is different from the ones described in other online articles.

In this end of the world, there is a gift from God!

The day before the end of the world, the first gift from God [Devil Fruit] descended to every corner of the world Fall.

If you get a devil fruit, you can get extraordinary power!

This kind of power is the capital to survive in the end times. As for storing supplies? It is completely useless in the face of power!

In his previous life, he lived to the second God's gift period and witnessed countless powerful people who destroyed the world.

Now that he is reborn, of course he must use the advantage of prophecy and grasp every place that can be used!

In addition to the fruit, if you want to survive in the end times, you need a good body, which is why he has been working hard to exercise.

As a result, he was regarded as a person who was hit by a broken heart!

After completing the strength training, he leisurely entered the school cafeteria to eat breakfast, completely ignoring the ringing of the classroom bell. After the meal, he walked out of the school as usual and went to a fruit shop called [Good Life].

According to reports from the previous life, a devil fruit appeared in this fruit shop.

However, he did not know the exact time when this devil fruit appeared.

Therefore, after his rebirth, he would come to this fruit shop every day to buy some fruit, and by the way, see if the devil fruit had appeared.

""Hey! Young man is here again!"

The shop owner is an ordinary middle-aged woman. There are not many customers at this time, and she is sitting at the door eating melon seeds out of boredom.

After seeing Ao Xin, she smiled and greeted him.

Ao Xin's handsome appearance is eye-catching, not to mention that he has come once or twice a day in the past month, and the owner is even more impressed by him. So much so that now Ao Xin can get a 10% discount on fruit!

"Aunt Mei, have you eaten yet?"Ao Xin also smiled and greeted the boss.

Walking into the store, he walked around one by one as usual, not letting go of any fruit.

When he came to the peach area, suddenly, two short purple branches caught his attention.

Pulling aside a large group of peaches buried on it, the body of the short purple branches was exposed in front of him.

Under the purple branches, there are yellow leaves, and under the leaves, there is the body of the fruit.

The whole body is oval, and the surface is dark blue and has a scale-like structure.

Yes, it is exactly the same as the fruit in his memory!

This is the devil fruit of Kaido, the Four Emperors in the Pirate World: Animal System·Fish-Fish Fruit·Mythical Beast·Blue Dragon Form!

It was reported in later generations, and the location of the fruit is known, the strongest one!

"That’s great!"

Ao Xin was overjoyed.

""Huh? How come there is such a strange fruit?"

Behind him, Aunt Mei came here at some point and was surprised to see the devil fruit in his hand.

Aunt Mei naturally didn't watch One Piece. Even if she had, no one would think that these strange fruits that suddenly appeared were really devil fruits.

Even if someone ate them on the spot, apart from being so unpalatable that they made people want to vomit, they would not awaken any abilities.

Only when the end of the world comes, can people who eat devil fruits activate these abilities.

Ao Xin also pretended to be confused:"Aunt Mei, this is your stall, don't you know?"

Aunt Mei shook her head:"I sell fruits, how could I get one of these things?"

While Ao Xin was packing fruits in a bag, he said to Aunt Mei:"Aunt Mei, this strange fruit is pretty good-looking, why don't you just give it to me? I'll go back and put it on my desk as a decoration."

Aunt Mei didn't think there was anything wrong with it. No one should buy such a strange thing. This boy who came to her store to buy fruits every day looked pretty good, so she might as well give it to him.

""Okay! Aunt Mei will take you there!"

Ao Xin hurriedly thanked him:"Thank you, Aunt Mei!"

After paying the bill and walking out of the store with a bag of fruit, he was confronted by a middle-aged man with a rather sturdy build.

Ao Xin glanced at him and felt familiar.

But soon, a face from his past life memory merged with the man in front of him.

It turned out to be the eater of the Azure Dragon Fruit in his past life!

Ao Xin secretly thanked him for his luck. If he had come a step later, the Azure Dragon Fruit would have been bought by this person.

Returning to campus, since the devil fruit has appeared, it means that the end of the world is not far away.

Turning on his mobile phone, he began to book a ticket home.

This fruit is a guarantee of strength. With it, in this life, he will not let his family suffer any harm again!

Although he still knew the locations where the two devil fruits refreshed, it was too late in time. He had to go home as quickly as possible. He booked the ticket quickly. It was a train at 5 pm.

While packing his luggage, he called his father

"Dad! Are you at work? There is something I want to tell you."

He carefully chose his words and asked his parents not to go out recently, but his parents would definitely not agree.

They are all working class and it is not so easy for them to take leave!

If he said that the end of the world was coming, his parents would definitely not believe it, and they might even think he was mentally ill.

After thinking for a while, he said,"Dad, I will go home in the evening. Can you not work overtime at night?"

Father Ao Kang was a little surprised:"What's wrong, Xiaoxin, aren't you going to have final exams soon? Why do you suddenly want to go home?"

Ao Xin said,"I missed you, and I want to tell you something."

Seeing him say this, Ao Kang said,"Okay, I'll talk to the department and I won't work overtime tonight."


After hanging up the phone, Ao Xin took out the devil fruit from the bag. It looked so beautiful!

Eating it now would not give him any ability. He would need to wait until the end of the world to awaken.

However, if the fruit was not eaten for a moment, there would be an extra variable.

He did not hesitate any longer, picked up the fruit, and took a bite.


It was as if the swill bucket was mixed into the septic tank, and a rotten rag was rinsed in it a few times before being stuffed into his mouth.

He was so disgusted that he almost vomited.

But he still held it in.

In his previous life, in order to survive, he had eaten everything.

The tenacity of the spirit is no longer a flower in a greenhouse!

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