Speaking of devil fruits, Ao Chen was no longer afraid. The brother and sister talked on the phone for an hour.

After hanging up the phone, Ao Xin called his father again and told him that he was now a capable person and would be able to go back to save him soon. He asked him to hide and not to risk rushing out.

Sitting in the office, Ao Kang, who was anxious and helpless, finally felt relieved. After telling him to be careful, he quietly waited for his son's rescue.

When Ao Xin drove a truck into Biancheng, it was late at night.

At this moment, the streets were full of zombies wandering aimlessly.

People outside had either found a safe place or left the city.

Or, they had become part of the zombie army. In the silent night, the rumbling sound of the truck was so harsh.

People who were still in fear and couldn't fall asleep for a long time opened the windows to check the situation outside.

Ao Xin did not go home, but went directly to the Central Hospital.

Here, hundreds of zombies gathered!

Ao Xin took out a piece of water meat from his backpack and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it, recovering a lot of physical strength.

He took Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao out of the car, entered the human-beast form, wrapped the baseball bat with electricity, and killed the zombies wantonly.

With the powerful force, every time the bat hit, a zombie's head was exploded.

Walking into the hospital, there was no living person in sight.

In the outpatient hall, he pushed open a door at random, killed the zombie inside, and said to Meng Kui and the others:

"You two wait here for me, I'll pick up my dad and then we can go."

"Yes, master!"

""Okay, boss!"

Although Meng Kui was loyal, he couldn't call him master. After thinking about it, he decided to call Ao Xin"boss".

Ao Xin didn't care much about these titles. Instead, he felt that Liu Xiyao's way of calling her master was a bit awkward.

When her parents and sister heard her calling her like this, they would definitely think it was wrong!


Ao Xin, who was about to leave the room, decided to say to Liu Xiyao:

""Don't call me master, it's weird, my parents will think too much if they hear it."

He scratched his head, and only then did the two of them feel that this decisive and powerful young man was also a normal student.

Liu Xiyao said:"Master, the large number of zombies and God-given space have shown that this crisis is unusual. With your strength, you will definitely become the king of the end of the world in the future. There must be many people who call you like us, and your parents should get used to all this as soon as possible."

Listening to her words, Ao Xin couldn't help but look sideways.

This woman's intuition is really sharp!

You know, there are still many people who have illusions that the country can resolve this crisis.

However, this woman has already understood that this is the real end of the world! All civilized orders will collapse, and the new world order will be established by the strong!

This woman herself has great value!

And she is also gradually showing her value.


Ao Xin nodded and stopped arguing with her. After leaving, Meng Kui and the others immediately blocked the door with a lot of tables and chairs, waiting for Ao Xin to return.

While killing the zombies, Ao Xin picked up the phone and talked to his father:

""Hello, Dad! I'm already at your hospital. Which office are you in?"

Ao Kang was hungry and thirsty, and was also tortured by the zombies that kept banging on the door outside. At this moment, late at night, he was half asleep and half awake, and was suddenly awakened by a mobile phone.

When he saw that it was his son's call, he immediately perked up:

"Be careful, there are many zombies in the hospital!"

He did not tell Ao Xin where he was, but asked Ao Xin to be careful. It was not until Ao Xin called him on video that Ao Kang felt relieved when he saw Ao Xin's heroic appearance of killing people in the dragon man's appearance. After pointing out the direction for him, Ao Xin soon came to the door of an office in the corner.

Twelve zombies gathered here, constantly hitting the door, and many holes appeared in the door.

If Ao Kang had not blocked the door with a lot of tables and chairs, they would have rushed in and torn him to pieces.

The iron rod was swung up, and all the zombies were shot in the head. Ao Xin violently kicked the door open.

Although the father in the room was in poor condition, he was in good health. This was the best news.

He took out a piece of water meat from the backpack behind him to replenish his father's physical strength.

Ao Kang ate the meat with big mouthfuls while looking at the mighty dragon man in front of him:

"Is this the devil fruit ability you and Xiaochen talked about?"

Ao Kang, who was trapped in the office, also took this opportunity to watch a lot of videos and comments in the communication channel of the God-given space.

He roughly knew some things about the One Piece.

"Hehe!" Ao Xin grinned, and killed another zombie that broke in with a stick, showing off to his father:

"How about it, your son is handsome, isn’t he!"

""Yeah! You're so handsome!"

Ao Kang also responded with a smile.

The apocalypse has come. In the short time he was escaping, he witnessed countless people being killed by zombies. Now his family is safe. This is the best news in the apocalypse.

He took his father out of the hospital. On the way, he could see some people looking out from the broken doorways of some houses.

When he saw Ao Kang leaving with a dragon man, who was very fierce, someone shouted:

"Lao Ao! Save me!"

They are colleagues in Ao Kang Hospital, as well as some family members who came to the hospital to visit patients. They were also trapped here when the doomsday came.

As for the patients, their weak constitutions made it almost impossible for them to resist the infection of the zombie virus. Most of them had already turned into zombies in the first place.

Seeing his colleagues calling for help, Ao Kang hesitated and said to Ao Xin,"Xiao Xin, please save them too. They are all very pitiful colleagues."

But Ao Xin shook his head:"What if we rescue them? The city is full of zombies. Do I have to send them home one by one? Even if they go home, can they survive?��"

Ignoring the shouts of the group of people, he pulled his father away quickly.

When he passed by Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao's room, he cleared the zombies that were knocking on the door, smashed the door with a stick, and took the two out.

"grown ups!"


Seeing Ao Xin return, the two of them immediately spoke respectfully.

Ao Kang was surprised.

He looked at Ao Xin in disbelief:"Who are they?"

A muscular man and a beautiful woman.

Why would such a person respect his son so much?

Moreover, he heard clearly that the beautiful woman called her son"Master"!

Oh my god!

He is not an old antique with outdated ideas. Is his son so good at playing behind his back?

Even with Ao Xin's face as a human being for two lifetimes, he was a little hot at this time, but he still pretended to be calm and replied:"Two little brothers I picked up on the road!"

But Ao Kang's eyes clearly showed disbelief, with an expression that you must not be telling the truth!

Ao Xin was speechless and did not intend to continue explaining. He took them back to the truck, let his father sit in the co-pilot, and drove Liu Xiyao back to the trunk.

He cleared the zombies surrounding the truck again and drove home.

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