"It's a Mythical Beast! Finally, another Mythical Beast!"

Ao Chen was pleasantly surprised. She had found ten devil fruits so far, but apart from the first two Mythical Beasts in the form of a leopard and a subaruga, she had never found another Mythical Beast. She was about to part with her brother today, and getting another Mythical Beast Devil Fruit was a good sign, which made her look forward to her future adventures alone.

"When I get home, I will definitely give them a big surprise!"

The little girl encouraged herself in her heart.

"I'll take this back and give it to Yuan Fei or Han Shuang."

Ao Xin grabbed it in his hand. Without the ability of space, it would be very troublesome.

"I still have five fruits here. Do you want to take them with you?"

Ao Chen thought about the fruits he carried in his treasure space. It was useless for him to carry them himself. It would be better to let his brother take them back to improve the strength of his subordinates.

Ao Xin thought for a moment and it was okay.

It would take a long time for his sister to come back. If he needed fruits here, it would be too late for his sister to come back temporarily. Blue Star is getting bigger and bigger. Even if they are stronger, it will take a long time to travel every time.

But there are no bags to carry.

Ao Chen took out a bucket and gulped a few sips:"Use this to put it in. If I had known, I would have got a few bags when I passed by the supermarket before."

She has a treasure space and no need to carry bags, so naturally she won't think about these.

Ao Xin has been with Ao Chen, letting Ao Chen take everything, and didn't think about bringing a few bags.

Now he has to use this stupid method.

Ao Chen took out all the devil fruits in the treasure space and put them in the bucket with part of the space empty.

The devil fruits will not be spoiled in water, and the remaining fresh water in it is just for Ao Xin and Xiaobai to drink on the road.

"Brother, I'm leaving."

Ao Chen hugged Ao Xin and came to Xiao Bai again:"Xiao Bai, can you change back to your original form?"

Xiao Bai blinked his confused eyes:"Ah?"

But he still obediently changed back to his original form of white tiger and rubbed his head on Ao Chen's arm.

Ao Chen hugged his head:"Xiao Bai Bai, Sister Chen is leaving, remember to think of me!"

She stroked Xiao Bai's furry face hard a few times, and she suddenly smiled:

""Brother, Xiaobai, goodbye! Wait for me to bring you treasures!"

She waved her hand, transformed into a treasure mouse and left the ground.

Xiaobai watched Ao Chen's gradually receding back until the white mouse disappeared from his sight, then he turned around and said,"Brother Xin, when will Sister Chen come back?"

Ao Xin also stared at his sister gradually going away, and when he heard Xiaobai's words, he turned around and smiled:

"She'll be back when she finds the baby."

""Let's go!"

He did not transform into a blue dragon again, but entered the human-beast form, summoned a big flame cloud, and stepped on the flame cloud with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai transformed into a human form again, holding the big bucket left by Ao Chen, and sat in the cloud.

Ao Xin lay down lazily.

If he had known that this ability could be used in this way, why would he have gone to so much trouble to turn into a dragon?

If these abilities could not be used only when the fruit ability was activated, he would not even want to use the dragon-man form, and directly stepped on the cloud in human form, how cool!

He stretched out his hand and pulled Xiaobai next to him twice:

"Xiaobai, you also use the human-animal form. It's so embarrassing that I'm the only one in the human-animal form."

""Oh oh!"

Xiaobai scratched his head and also entered the human-beast form of the white tiger man.

But he still held the big bucket tightly in his arms.

He knew that there were very precious things here.

Ao Xin lay on the flame cloud, crossed his legs, and happily entered the God-given space.

He thought to himself: It's not good to be cute, this ability must be used in this way to be comfortable, why must there be a big blue dragon running around?

It's also because Kaido in the anime has never tried to step on the cloud, causing Ao Xin to never think about it here.

Until that day when he thought of using the flame cloud to lift the safe base into the air, he gradually thought of it.

The flame cloud can leave the body.

In this case, why not lie directly on the flame cloud in human-beast form? In this way, the flame cloud can also carry people.

In the God-given space, he left a message to his parents in the private chat group of his family, saying that he would be able to go back in a few days, but Xiaochen went to make a living alone.

Ao Kang and Zhang Hong are probably busy now and didn't see his message, and then he continued He continued to browse other news.

There were daily reports from Meng Kui and others. He read them roughly and replied that he knew it, asking them to continue to develop according to the plan.

Now almost all the survivors in Biancheng have been taken to the bank of the Yellow River in the north of the city and joined Ao Xin's Beast Base.

The large-scale migration of people also caused the zombies to leave the city and head towards the bank of the Yellow River.

They were constantly killed and evolved. Several combat teams no longer needed to hunt zombies in the city, but blocked the way for the zombies to attack the base.

Occasionally, they would also put in a few weaker zombies for the engineering team to practice.

Ao Xin watched the video sent by his father, and the construction progress of the base was not bad.

But Meng Kui suggested that a high wall be built on the outside of the base, a high wall mixed with seastone, to enclose the base and keep the zombies out.

In this way, Tang Yingying would not have to go through so much trouble to lure away the zombies every night.

"Why does this scene look so familiar? Attack of zombies?"

Ao Xin agreed to Meng Kui's construction plan. This is indeed a good base construction plan.

Such a base can be used for a period of time. For the time being, zombies cannot fly.

Flying zombies need to wait until they reach the seventh level. He replied to Liu Xiyao's message again.

Since she became his woman, she would send him good morning and good night messages every day during the days when she left Biancheng.

Then, he began to look at other news in the God-given network.

The most popular, of course, is the relevant news of various ability users and their abilities.

Among them, a video caught his attention.

The video came from Fuso, and a Fuso youth was full of vigor and said ghost words that he could not understand. He was fighting a zombie.

He was extremely arrogant, and a transparent cover condensed on his fist, and he punched the zombie.

The zombie's body was like King Kong, and it had a strong virus infection ability. No one would fight it with bare hands.

But this young man was so arrogant. As his fist hit the zombie, a crisp click sound came, and a huge shock sounded on the zombie.

Cracks appeared on the zombie's body, and blood flowed out of his body.

The young man shouted, wrapped his fist with a transparent light cover again, and hit the zombie with all his strength.

More and more cracks appeared on the zombie's hard body, and it seemed that he had internal injuries, and the blood could not stop flowing out.

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