The blades collided, and Luo Qingyan felt her arm sink. She was not as strong as Xiaobai, but the Gengjin Qi forcibly split the Thunderbolt Fire that Xiaobai had wrapped around his weapon! The sharp energy of gold can cut through everything, even the energy of Thunderbolt Fire, which was forcibly cut off by her!

"What a great strength! Is this person also a mythical beast in the form of a tiger?"

Luo Qingyan was surprised. Even Du Feng was slightly inferior to her in terms of strength, but this mysterious strong man who came with Ao Xin was actually stronger than her?


Luo Qingyan thought to herself as she fought with Xiaobai:"No, Qiongqi is not white, and it has wings."

"This person is also a white tiger, with a vertical pupil on his forehead, and can also manipulate a kind of electric flame. In ancient mythology, are there such mythical beasts?"

She pondered and thought hard. If she could know the specific abilities of her opponent, she might be able to think of some ways to restrain him.

But no matter how hard she thought, she would not know that Xiaobai is not a human, nor is he in tiger form at all!

White tiger, that is his true form!

Lingguan is the guardian god of Taoism, who supervises the good and evil in the three realms and eradicates all demons and evil spirits. He is no worse than the white tiger of the four spirits of heaven.

In Journey to the West, Wang Lingguan even fought a draw with Monkey King and blocked him outside the Lingxiao Palace.

The fight between the two tigers is really exciting.

Hearing the sound of fighting outside, some people who were resting in the house also came out to watch the battle.

In a relatively clean house, three people were tied up and thrown here. Opposite them, sat two monitors.

But now, these two monitors were also attracted by the battle outside.

"This guy is so awesome that he can tie with our boss!"

"Next to him is Ao Xin, the user of Azure Dragon ability. Ao Xin didn't take action himself. He is just a little brother, but he can fight to a draw with our boss. How strong is this Ao Xin?"

"No! Our boss seems to be suppressed! That person who also looks like a white tiger is very strong!"

""Fuck! Lian Feng's strength is not as good as Luo Lao Da's. What kind of ability does this guy have?"

They were whispering. What the two observers didn't see was that when they ran out to watch the fight, a red-haired husky appeared silently and turned into flames to get in through the crack of the door.

"Ao Za! Ru Jiong Yi Aiya (Xiao Sa, you are finally here)!"

The little yellow-haired boy's cheeks were swollen from being beaten, and he couldn't speak clearly at the moment.

""Woof! (My stupid master, don't say a word, I'll rescue you right now!)"

Xiao Sa called softly.

The little yellow-haired boy was so excited that he almost wanted to cry. He knew that his own Dashachun would not abandon him like this.

He bit the rope. The rope was made of fine steel, and it was sharp. With Xiao Sa's strength, it was not easy to bite it off.

The teeth burned with flames, concentrated on a point of the iron chain.

The high temperature condensed, and the iron chain quickly turned red.


The little yellow-haired boy couldn't help but cry out in pain. The iron chain conducted heat and he was burned.

""Woof! (My stupid master, bear with it!)"

Xiao Sa tried to gather his flames and concentrate them together.

But it was the Flame-Flame Fruit, not the Heat-Heat Fruit, and it could not take back all the heat conducted by the iron chain.

The little yellow-haired boy bit his lips, trying to endure the burning pain, his face was pale, and his whole body was covered with cold sweat.

Finally, the iron chain was softened by Xiao Sa, and he bit it hard and broke it.

""Huh! Weng Yuge saved me (finally saved)!" Little Yellow Hair was overjoyed. Seeing Xiao Sa trying to open the door, he quickly grabbed Xiao Sa's tail and pointed at Ji Yinghong and Yao Kexin on the other side and said:

"Oh! Are you hopeless? (Xiao Sa, isn't it just them?)"

Xiao Sa glanced back at Ji Yinghong and her daughter. Yao Kexin was looking at them expectantly, but Ji Yinghong had no expression on her face.

""Woof! (My stupid master! They left us and ran away, why did we save them?)"

Wei Mingxuan was silent. Indeed, before he realized that he had run to the wrong place, the two of them left them and ran away, causing him and Xiao Sa to be besieged.


"Don't be so annoying, don't be so annoying! (They are our own people, if we don't save them, it will be hard to explain to the boss)"

""Shua la ao sha, then we have no way to bite the silver grip (forget it, little Sa, we adults don't care about the little people's mistakes)!"

The little yellow-haired man finally planned to rescue them together.

On the side, Yao Kexin said in surprise:

""I'm sorry, Wei Mingxuan. My mother and I were wrong before. Save us and I will definitely repay you in the future!"

At Wei Mingxuan's request, Xiao Sa reluctantly rescued the two of them.

The three of them and the dog quietly slipped out of the room and saw a group of people standing in a circle not far away. They could also hear the sound of fierce fighting.

"Why is there a fight going on there?"

Ji Yinghong was puzzled, but she didn't plan to go check it out. The most urgent thing now was to escape quickly while the chaos was going on.

However, Xiao Sa stopped her from thinking this way.

"Woof! (The boss is here. Brother Tiger is fighting with that woman. Let’s go and meet up with the boss!)"

"The boss is here?"

Ji Yinghong was surprised. No wonder he could mobilize all the people in the capital. But:"Since the boss is here, you can tell him where we are and let him rescue us. Why are you sneaking here?"

Xiao Sa showed a contemptuous look.

"Woof (What if they get angry and kill you first? You two don’t care, but my stupid master can’t die)!"

Upon hearing this, Wei Mingxuan was so moved that he almost cried out loud, and hugged Xiao Sa’s dog head:

"Woohoo! Xiaosa is still the best!"

""Woof! (My stupid master, don't mess up my hair!)"

The little yellow-haired boy now felt familiar with the word"stupid" and stopped arguing with Xiao Sa. The three of them and the dog moved towards the place where the fight was taking place.

"Brothers, make way!"

The little yellow-haired boy pushed through the crowd and squeezed inside. Those people were only concerned with watching and didn't notice who it was.

"Brother Tiger is so fierce!"

After getting to the front, the little yellow-haired boy saw that the extremely strong woman was being beaten by Xiao Bai. He excitedly shouted to Ao Xin who was also watching the fight:

""What! It's not peaceful anymore!" (Boss, I'm here)

Ao Xin looked towards the voice, only to see a yellow-haired man with a swollen face waving at him.

Next to the yellow-haired man was a red husky, and Ji Yinghong and her daughter.

"This guy, surrendered?"

He felt disappointed, but after Luo Qingyan heard the little yellow-haired man's voice, he immediately said angrily:

"Who let them out? Where are the guards? Kill them immediately!"

The two guards were shocked to find that the person who came forward was the prisoner they were guarding.

The boss was angry, so they did not dare to neglect it and immediately led people to arrest Wei Mingxuan and others.

Seeing this scene, Ao Xin was relieved:"It seems that this guy did not surrender."

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