Ao Xin swooped down again, and when the spirit corpse tried to intercept him as usual, he suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

""Where is the person?"

The corpse was stunned. He only felt that there seemed to be a shadow passing by, and the strange creature disappeared in front of him.

"It's here!"

At the same time as the sound came, a steel whip fell.

The steel whip was pitch black, and there were strands of electric current wrapped around it. When the spirit corpse felt something was wrong, the whip had already hit his head with the sound of breaking the air!


The spirit corpse suddenly felt dizzy.

This is another disadvantage of having spiritual intelligence.

When there is no spiritual intelligence, no matter how you are attacked, you will not feel pain, nor will you be hit to dizziness.

However, after the birth of spiritual intelligence, you have to bear these negative states.

The whip made the spirit corpse dizzy, but it did not kill it.

The bone armor on the spirit corpse's head is harder than that of the martial corpse!

However, with the help of At the moment when the spirit corpse was stunned by the blow, he flashed and came to a martial corpse.


The hard head of the martial corpse exploded in front of him, the brain burst, and the body fell softly to the ground.


His body seemed to teleport and came to another martial corpse again. The moment he arrived, the head of the martial corpse was smashed.

This happened four times. When he stopped, the four martial corpses had all died from headshots!

In the sky, Zhu Can watched this scene, his mind was blank:

What happened? Why did the martial corpse die? Why did Ao Xin suddenly disappear?

Similarly, the audience in the live broadcast room were also puzzled by all this:

"Did Ao Xin disappear just now?"

"I don’t know! I only saw four martial corpses being shot in the head, and then Ao Xin appeared on the other side of the spirit corpse. What happened?"

"Teleport? Isn't Ao Xin the Azure Dragon Stone? How can he teleport? Can he eat a second devil fruit?"

"I remembered what you said! Wasn't there a magic potion in the God-given space? It suddenly disappeared some time ago! It must have been exchanged by Ao Xin, and then he got the teleportation fruit!"

"Shit! It’s very possible! He owns the Dragon King Shop, which monopolizes the material transactions. I don’t know how many points he has accumulated! He must have exchanged the invisible black blood factor and the magic potion!"There were many different opinions in the live broadcast room, and suddenly someone raised a different opinion:

"No, Ao Xin is not teleporting, but speed! His speed is very fast, so fast that it is beyond your dynamic vision to catch. This speed, coupled with the shaving, creates an effect like teleportation!"

But his words obviously did not convince the crowd:

"Speed? Are you kidding me! If he only relied on speed, how strong would he be!"

"That is, you said he is stronger than me, I admit it, but it can't be that I don't even have the qualifications to see him take action!"

However, some people think it makes sense, because the person who said that is also quite famous!

"The person who said this was Lu Tianxiong from Jiaozhou! He said so, I think it is very likely to be true!"

"Lu Tianxiong?~~"

Someone gasped:"Is this big guy also watching the game?"

Jiaozhou Lu Tianxiong, Yuzhou Ao Xin, Luo Qingyan, Modu Wu Shuang, Bingzhou Li Hui, Yanzhou Fang Yiming, Youzhou Yu Hao......These people were once mentioned in the same breath.

Although Wu Shuang and Luo Qingyan surrendered to Ao Xin one after another, Lu Tianxiong

"But I still don't believe that I can't even see Ao Xin's figure! I'm not weak either. Even if I can't beat Ao Xin, I can't be without the ability to fight back!"

Lu Tianxiong said again:"Actually, I can't see it clearly, but my strength should be stronger than yours. I could vaguely see a trace of afterimage just now, so I guess it should be caused by too fast speed, not teleportation."

But after he said this, the others were even more shocked:

"Even Lu Tianxiong couldn't see Ao Xin's movements clearly? This was even more surprising than his ability to teleport!"......

On the battlefield, Ao Xin stood opposite the spirit corpse and smiled at him:"The one who is in the way is dead, the next one is you."

He used the extreme speed, not teleportation.

The fourth stage is called Shenzu, which is the great power that appears after the body has undergone another transformation.

Once you step into the fourth stage, the speed will increase tenfold!

Coupled with the speed bonus of the invisible black blood factor, he used the shaving to form such a scene.

Transcendent dynamic visual capture is for ordinary people with only the first and second stages of strength.

As long as you are close to the third stage, you can barely see his afterimage when he moves.

After reaching the third stage, although you can't keep up with his speed, you can still see it.

The speed of the spirit corpse is also very fast, but he has been accustomed to Ao Xin's strength before. Although he has intelligence, it is obvious that he doesn't have much mind.

Ao Xin's sudden increase in speed made him suffer a great loss.

Then, Ao Xin took advantage of his injury and quickly killed four martial corpses.


The spirit corpse roared, angry because he was being fooled.

Dense bone spurs appeared on his body, and they instantly broke away from his body and shot towards Ao Xin.

""King Kong·Dysphorus!" There were too many bone spurs. If he wanted to block them all, he could only use this large-scale attack.

A large number of bone spurs were shattered by the stick, but a small number of bone spurs still flew out by brushing against his body.

"Iron block!"

He used the iron block and the Armament Color to harden it to block the bone spurs that pierced his body. However, several bone spurs still flew out.


A scream was heard in the distance, and Ao Xin then realized that there was another ladybug at the scene.

That was the anchor named Zhu Can.

He was already far away and in the sky. He thought he was foolproof, but he was still pierced in the chest by a bone spur.

He was lucky. The bone spur did not pierce the heart or the lungs, but penetrated from the middle.

However, this is the bone spur of a spirit corpse!

It contains an extremely strong zombie virus!

The ladybug was pierced and turned into a corpse in an instant. Under the control of the spirit corpse, it rushed towards Ao Xin desperately.


Ao Xin didn't even turn his head. With a flick of his dragon tail, he broke the ladybug zombie into pieces.

The moment he turned into a corpse, he lost the ability to enter and use the God-given space. The qualification for the live broadcast was interrupted.

At this time, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room has reached 700,000!

This is 700,000 in the end of the world!

How many survivors are there now?

Most of the survivors still have to fight or build bases. It is extremely difficult to have 700,000 online viewers at the same time.

The points reward he received for this are not small.

Unfortunately, life and death are just a matter of a second.

I don't know how many people who took risks like him have died.

Ao Xin fought with the spirit corpse again. Before, he was besieged by the spirit corpse and the martial corpse, and was at a disadvantage, and even suffered a little damage.

But now, he can suppress the spirit corpse, and it is only a matter of time to kill it!

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