Ao Xin didn't even look back, he just stepped sideways, raised the baseball bat and smashed Lao Wang's head.

"The order has collapsed. If someone bullies you or insults you, you must teach him a bloody lesson."

Ao Xin turned to face the workers who rushed over, while admonishing Ao Chen earnestly.


Ao Chen was speechless. She dared to kill zombies, but she couldn't do it when asked to kill someone.

"If you want to survive in the end times, you must abandon all compassion. If no one offends me, I will not offend anyone. If someone offends me, I will punish him even if he is far away!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ao Xin opened his mouth and spit out a hot breath. The scorching flames sprayed more than ten meters away, burning all the workers who rushed over to him into ashes.

"Ah! He is a Devil Fruit user!"

At this time, how could the others not understand that Ao Xin was a user?

As the leader, Lao Zhang retreated in fear, but how could Ao Xin give him a chance to escape?

He turned into a dragon and quickly caught up with him. Two hot breaths swept over, and all the workers who chased into the cafeteria died.

When they returned to Ao Chen, the girl was still a little at a loss, and the women huddled in the corner in fear. When they saw his eyes looking at them, their psychological defenses were immediately broken.

"Brother! Please don't kill me!"

"Sorry! Don't kill me!"

Their noses and tears were streaming, and their cries echoed in the cafeteria, attracting more people.

"Xiaochen, kill them."

Ao Xin pointed at the women indifferently.

The rule of the end of the world is to cut the grass and root it out.

Since the hatred has been planted, it must be eliminated forever.

Many people planted disasters for themselves because of momentary compassion.

Ao Chen grabbed the corner of his clothes tightly:"I, I..."

After all, she is only a sixteen-year-old girl, and she cannot yet change her mindset from civilized society to the end of the world.

"Brother, the people who scolded you are already dead. They are innocent, so let them go."

Ao Xin exhaled again.

The ground was covered with charcoal.

"Xiaochen, this is the end of the world. A little contradiction can lead to conflict. Any conflict will always end with one party being killed or injured." He sighed, with memories in his eyes.

In his previous life, he once thought that it was enough to kill those who had conflicts with him.

He thought he was cold-blooded enough, but he still died because of that moment.

Someone persuaded him that it was enough to kill the enemy, and there was no need to implicate their families.

However, after the child of that person became stronger, he began to seek revenge on him frantically.

Under the planning of the two dogs and men, he successfully died in the hands of that boy.

In this life, he would rather be scolded as a devil, and he would never have a trace of mercy.

Came to the place where Ao Chen sensed.

This is the warehouse where the factory canteen stores food.

Breaking it open with a stick, they found the devil fruit squeezed in a fruit basket below.

It was still a type they didn't recognize, so they handed it to Ao Chen and put it in the treasure space.

The two left the factory.

However, as soon as they walked to the factory gate, they saw their car being driven away!

Although Ao Chen pulled out the key, there are always masters of unlocking in the folks who can do it.

It turned directly into a green dragon, carrying Ao Chen up to the sky, and soon saw their car.

The green dragon swooped down and knocked the car over with one impact.

Transforming into a human form again, Ao Chen took out the key and opened the car door. He reached out and pulled the worker out of the car.

""Boss, don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

The man was so scared that he peed and shit all over the place. A stench hit him. Ao Xin frowned and threw him against a big tree on the side of the road.

But in an instant, the man's brain burst and he was dead.

Back in the car, the naughty Ao Chen was silent all the way.

She was really frightened by Ao Xin's decisive killing method today.

It was as if that was not her brother.

After a long time, she spoke carefully:

"Brother, you were so scary before."

Ao Xin sighed:"Xiao Chen, remember, this is the end of the world. Except for our family, no one in this world can be killed!"

Suddenly, Ao Chen said:"Brother, are you reborn?"

Ao Xin: ???

What the hell?

Did I reveal a flaw?

Why did this girl suddenly say that?

Seeing his surprise, Ao Chen became more certain of his guess:

"Before the end of the world began, you were hoarding food like crazy. When I asked you where the money came from, you didn't tell me. I guess it was from illegal online loans!"

"I was wondering before, but after the end of the world came, I began to suspect that you must have known that the end of the world was coming, so you did all this!"

"You also asked mom to take leave and take me home. You were so determined. You must have known"

"Moreover, since you came home, I feel that you are so strange, as if you are a different person. You are completely different from the previous Ao Xin."

"Ao Xin would not kill people so decisively in the past."

"I have also read a lot of online articles. I think there are only two reasons for this situation. Either you are reborn, or you are possessed by another body."

When Ao Chen said the last sentence, her voice became lower and lower. She did not dare to look at Ao Xin, for fear that her brother was no longer himself.

Ao Xin was surprised that he had done so many unreasonable things. Xiao Chen has always been smart and it is not surprising that he could guess these.

He smiled and said,"What if I was possessed by another body?"

Ao Chen plucked up his courage, stared at him and said,"If you are possessed by another body, you will definitely kill me after I know your secret!"

"But I still want to know the truth. Even if you want to kill me, my parents don't know anything. Considering that you used my brother's body, can you be nicer to my parents?"

"Moreover, if you were possessed, is my brother dead now? Can I still see him?"

Ao Xin was moved by what he said. The little girl's love was not in vain. Even though he knew that asking this question was risky and that he might die, he still wanted to know his brother's safety and was always thinking about his parents.

His heart warmed, and his tone became gentle unconsciously:

"Don't worry, your brother is still your brother, I am reborn"

"Really?" Ao Chen was still a little skeptical.

Ao Xin was speechless, and reached out and slapped her on the head:"Really!"

"Ouch! Damn brother!"

But after being hit on the head with such a familiar sound, she confirmed that the person in front of her was really her brother, and not possessed.

After knowing this, the tension and anxiety in her heart disappeared, and she suddenly said excitedly:

"Brother, how did you die in your previous life? Was I powerful in your previous life? And our parents, are they okay?"

When talking about the previous life, Ao Xin felt a little sad:

"You are all dead."

Ao Chen was silent after hearing this. This is such a sad story....

Ao Xin said seriously:

"But in this life, I will never let you get hurt again!"

"In this world, no matter who dares to hurt you, I will kill all his nine clans!"

"Xiaochen, we will definitely survive to the end!"

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