An armored vehicle was driving recklessly on the mountain trail.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Ao Xin planned to park the car on the side of the road to rest for the night.

Just after turning the corner at the foot of the mountain, he suddenly saw some light ahead.

"Is there light?"

Light means there are people, but in the end times, people are the most untrustworthy.

Would he kill the owner of the place just to stay for a night?

Although he is cruel, he would not kill innocent people.

He parked the car on the side of the road and planned to spend the night here with the help of the light there.

After driving down, Ao Chen took out a set of camping equipment from the back of the car, which was a large tent, and spread it on the spot.

Although the end times are dangerous and the zombies are scary, under Ao Xin's careful care, Ao Chen is not afraid, but feels a sense of excitement.

Sitting on a mat, she looked up at the sky.

The zombie virus made the air turbid, and the stars and the moon in the sky looked a little blurry.

""Brother, tell me about your past life!"

Ever since she knew that Ao Xin was a reborn person, Ao Chen liked to pester him to tell her stories from the past.

The experience of a small person struggling to survive in the end times sounded very interesting to her.


He might only tell these things to his sister.

And it is also a kind of happiness to have someone who can listen to his past secrets.

Sitting on the mat, he put the baseball bat where he can reach it directly.

This is a habit he developed in his previous life.

No matter what time, the weapon must not be put down!

"Previous life..."

His star-like eyes were lost in distant memories.

Suddenly, a soul-stirring roar sounded, and he stood up with a bang.

""Brother, what's wrong?"

Ao Chen couldn't help but get nervous when he saw him suddenly stand up.

He quickly took out his long sword from the treasure space and carefully looked around.

""It's the roar of the corpse!"

Ao Xin looked serious, holding the baseball bat in his hand. He looked towards the place where the light was coming from in the distance.

The roar came from there.

""Corpse roar?"

Ao Chen was puzzled. What is a corpse roar?

"Corpse roar is the roar of zombies!"

Ao Xin explained:"But, have you ever heard a zombie roar?"

Ao Chen was reminded by him and then realized that he had killed many zombies, but he had never heard a zombie speak, let alone such a roar!

"The zombies' bodies decay and their vocal cords also decay, so they cannot make any sound."

"However, as the zombies evolve, their bodies will gradually be repaired and they will gradually have basic physical functions, such as speaking."

"But if you want to speak out, you have to be at least a one-star zombie!"

"One star?" Ao Chen still didn't know the classification of zombies.

Ao Xin said:"The zombie that just transformed is just a zombie with no level, the lowest level."

"Lower-class zombies are nothing more than the walking dead. They stumble forward at a slow speed and can only use a few pounces occasionally. Apart from being stronger and having harder bones, they are not difficult to deal with. Even ordinary people have a chance to kill them."

"When they have repaired their bodies by devouring flesh and blood and stopped rotting, they will have completed the first step of evolution."

"At this moment, except for the corpse spots and corpse stench on their bodies, they can walk like normal people."

"By this time, they were faster and could perform human-like fighting moves, not just grabbing and biting."

"At this time, they are one-star zombies! One-star zombies are also called flesh zombies!"

"The corpse's body has been completed, so it can roar."

"But if you want to deal with corpses, you have to at least reach the Bronze Skin Realm!"

"It's not safe here anymore."

Ao Xin said to Ao Chen,"You go back to the car, I'll go to the front to take a look. If it's just a flesh corpse, it's okay. If it's a two-star zombie, we'll be in danger!"

He is only at the Bronze Skin Realm now. If he wants to deal with a two-star zombie, he needs to reach the Iron Bone Realm.

But now the end of the world has only been opened for five or six days, and the zombies shouldn't evolve so fast.

After sending Ao Chen to the armored vehicle, he turned into a dragon and carried an iron rod to the place where the roar came from.

When he got closer, he found that the place where the light came from was a dilapidated Taoist temple.

"Leizu Temple?"

It is hidden in the mountains and is so dilapidated. It is definitely not a Taoist temple packaged by secular business. Only here can there be real Taoists.


The man screamed, followed by the clanging of pots and pans being knocked over.

The door of the Taoist temple suddenly opened, and a bald man rushed out of the temple in panic.

"Help! Help!"

Even though he knew that no one would rescue him in the deep mountains, he still shouted desperately.

As a result, just as he ran out of the door, he saw a dragon man holding an iron rod coming towards him.

In the dark night, under the dim moonlight, he was so scared that he sat down on the ground:

""Monster, monster, monster!"

Fear spread in his heart. He didn't even think that this was a person with the ability of eating the Azure Dragon Fruit in the God-given space. His spirit collapsed at this moment. He urinated and shit under his buttocks, and he laughed stupidly.

Ao Xin had a black line on his forehead. Such a big bald head, but his psychological quality is so weak! He raised his foot and was about to step into the audience, when he saw the dilapidated wall of the main hall of the Taoist temple collapsed.

An old man with dark skin and wearing a Taoist robe was biting a man's body frantically.

On the ground, there were several corpses that were bitten to pieces.

The old Taoist heard the sound and looked back. The moment Ao Xin met his eyes, he thought to himself that it was not good.

It's not a flesh corpse, it's a zombie!

The old Taoist stretched his limbs straight even when eating. His dry hands were covered with sharp claws, and in his mouth were four fangs dripping with blood.

It was the characteristic of a zombie!

Zombies are flesh corpses.���During the first stage of evolution, a large amount of zombie virus was used to strengthen the body, resulting in the virus accumulating in the body before being digested.

The accumulated virus caused the zombie's body to become stiff, but it also made it strong and hard to kill.

Fortunately, its fatal part is still in the head, so as long as the head is chopped off or smashed, it can still be killed.

""Fuck! There are so many viruses in such a deserted place, how can there be so many viruses for him to evolve!"

Ao Xin cursed inwardly. The zombie Taoist priest had already thrown away the half-eaten corpse in his hand, jumped up, and pounced on him.

Although the zombie's body was stiff, it had already come in front of him after this jump.

Ao Xin quickly raised the baseball bat to resist.

The zombie bit down, and four deep teeth marks appeared on the baseball bat.

"Hot breath!"

A mouthful of hot breath sprayed on the zombie's face, but it only burned his hair and clothes. Although his skin and flesh were a little charred, it was not a big deal.


The zombie Taoist roared, waving his claws and rushing forward again.

""Thunder Bagua"!

Although it is not domineering, the baseball bat wrapped with electric current does have some of the power of Thunder Bagua!

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