After a short rest, Ao Xin and the others entered the ruined Taoist temple to check.

At the door, the bald man who was seen at the beginning had died in the aftermath of the battle. In the temple, there were broken statues, overturned utensils, and broken bodies.

These bodies were extremely mutilated and could not be transformed into zombies.

The back hall was where the old Taoist priest once lived. When the main hall collapsed, it was the only place that remained intact.

The room was filled with various daily necessities and several beds.

"It should be safe here, let's rest here today."

Ao Xin drove the armored vehicle to the door and blocked the gate to prevent others or zombies from entering.

There was a well in the backyard. He tried it and it was still usable. He stood outside and let Ao Chen take a bath with the well water.

After running around for many days, although they had no worries about food and drink, taking a bath was still a luxury.

The water plant had been shut down for a long time, and the tap water system was no longer running. They were on the road and had no place to wash.

Ao Xin, who had experienced the end of the world in his previous life, didn't care, but Ao Chen, a young girl who loved cleanliness, couldn't stand it.

Now that there was finally a well, she was naturally happy.

Ao Xin moved a stool and sat outside the yard, looking up at the night sky.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and his mind entered the God-given space.

Just after arriving here, he heard the grand and majestic voice again:

"Because you are the first to kill a star zombie, you will receive a reward"

"And because you killed star-level zombies within ten days of the beginning of the apocalypse, the reward level will be upgraded!"

"Because you directly killed the two-star zombie, the reward level has been upgraded again! Please choose one of the following three titles!"


Ao Xin was shocked. Just like the talent he chose the first time, a title was also an extremely rare and precious thing.

At least, in his last life, he had worked so hard for so long, but he had never won any title!

He looked forward quickly.

As expected, just like last time, three rows of choices appeared directly in front of him:

Title 1 [Zombie Killer]: The damage caused to zombies is permanently doubled!

Title 2 [Bounty Hunter]: The points obtained by killing zombies are permanently doubled!

Title 3 [God-given Member]: Become a distinguished member of the God-given Space, you will have a 10% discount exchange opportunity, and you will enjoy a 20% discount on all items you exchange in the God-given Space!

Oh! What the hell!

The three titles are still It's so tempting!

Kill faster and earn more, but killing faster is better.

Because if you kill faster, you will earn more, and you can challenge stronger zombies.

However, neither of these two is as good as title three!

God-given member!

One-time 10% discount opportunity, permanent 20% discount privilege!

The two only redemption options, the invisible black blood factor and the magic potion that eliminates the side effects of the devil fruit, both require 100 million points.

10% discount, you can redeem one with 10 million points!

Moreover, the redemption of everything is 20% off, he can use this privilege to be a middleman and earn a lot of points!

There is no need to hesitate, just choose three [God-given member]!

Check your personal panel:

Name: Ao Xin

Talent: Domineering Genius

Title: God-given member

Devil Fruit: Fish-fish Fruit·Blue Dragon Form

Realm: Body Forging-Bronze Skin

Combat Skills: None

Equipment: Thunder Ancestor Whip (Fake)

Points: 9655...


He suddenly found something in the equipment column!

Thunder Ancestor Whip?

He looked at the bamboo steel whip beside him, which was held by the Thunder Ancestor in the Thunder Ancestor Temple.

But it was just an ordinary thing after all, how could it be considered equipment?

There was also a pseudo word!

The baseball bat he had before helped him kill so many zombies, but it was not considered equipment.

He put the bamboo whip on his leg and observed it carefully. Why was it so special?

He saw that the steel whip was full of rust. It must have gone through countless years and was probably worshipped by thousands of people.

There were 18 sections in total, and each section was engraved with Taoist runes that he couldn't understand. After looking at it for a long time, he still couldn't see what was special about it.

But when he used this thing to hit the zombie Taoist before, it was indeed very easy.

The old Taoist, perhaps, was the abbot of this Taoist temple. He was infected with the zombie virus because of his old age and frailty.

He thought so.

I just don't know how the old Taoist evolved directly into a two-star zombie-zombie in this uninhabited place.

His points were close to 10,000, and he had already spent a lot of them on buying food, distributing them to his parents and others, and buying a knife for his sister. Otherwise, his points would have exceeded 10,000. Nowadays, many people don’t even have one point, but he has already obtained more than 10,000 points. This must be said to be a miracle. A miracle that only belongs to the reborn.

"Should we identify Xiao Chen's fruit?"

He touched his chin and thought. The devil fruit identification fee was one thousand, which didn't seem much to him.

But there was no rush. He didn't need the fruit now, so he could talk about it after he got back.

After a while, Ao Chen's voice came from the yard:

"Brother! I'm done, come in!"

In the old Taoist's bedroom, Ao Chen put the bedding he brought with him on the old Taoist's bed, sat on it and stretched.

It is a great happiness to be able to take a nice bath and change clothes in the end of the world!

After Ao Xin went in, he also drew water from the well to wash his body.

After washing, flames came out of his body, drying his wet body directly, walked into the room, and made a bed on the floor.

Entering the God-given space again, this time he came to the family group he created in the communication channel

"Don't worry , Mom and Dad, Xiaochen and I are fine."

After reporting safety to his parents, he asked about the recent situation at home.

With the large amount of food and purified water he prepared in advance, there is no need to worry about the lives of his family.

A big thing happened at home today.

That is, the Chen family father and son upstairs knew that my family had stored food and came to borrow it. At that time, only my mother and Liu Xiyao were at home, and my father and Meng Kui were fighting zombies downstairs.

Originally, my mother was kind enough to give them some, but the father and son saw the daily necessities in my house and their eyes turned red.

In addition, coveting Liu Xiyao's beauty, the two of them actually wanted to kill my mother to seize the supplies and beauty!

Fortunately, Liu Xiyao was on guard, and after practicing her domineering spirit, although she had not yet awakened, her physical fitness had also been greatly improved, so she killed the two when they attacked.

My mother was shocked at the time.

Although she had killed a few zombies, it was the first time she saw someone killing someone!

After hearing this, Ao Xin was angry, but since the two had been killed by Liu Xiyao, it was fine.

"Mom, it’s the end of the world now. We must not be as kind as before. We don’t know when the end of the world will end. We don’t even have enough things for ourselves, how can we give them to others?"

"Besides, money can make people happy, and in the end times where order no longer exists, robbing is the fastest way!"

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