They drove on the mountain road for another three days. The deep mountains were very quiet. Apart from the zombies they encountered in the Taoist temple, they only encountered a few small animals that had transformed into corpses occasionally.

But they were not strong and were easily dealt with by Ao Chen.

Suddenly, Ao Chen's ears perked up and he shouted,"Brother! I feel it! It's in front!"

Ao Xin also became alert and followed the road pointed by Ao Chen to the destination.

However, many places in the mountains have not been developed, and they soon arrived at a place where cars could not pass.

In desperation, they could only abandon the car temporarily.

After locking the car on the side of the road, the two walked forward.

Halfway up the mountain, a thin young man was smoking here. Suddenly, he looked up and looked down.

"Huh? A car is coming?"

He picked up the telescope hanging around his neck and looked over there.

"It's an off-road vehicle! Maybe someone wants to hide in the mountains."

"Two people, it seems to be a man and a woman, um, there is something going on!"

After confirming, he immediately put out his cigarette butt and ran back. Not far from here, there was a tile house.

After the young man ran in, he said to the three young men who were playing poker:

"Brother Fei, two people came down the mountain. They were driving an off-road vehicle. There must be a lot of supplies inside!"

"Moreover, there is a woman inside!"

When talking about supplies, the eyes of the people playing cards were brightened, but when talking about women, they immediately stood up excitedly.

"Skinny monkey, are you sure?"

"Haha! A woman is here! Great! Damn, I've been feeling so suffocated these past few days!"

"There is no electricity or internet, and all we can do is play poker. I'm so fed up with it! Come on, brothers! Let's have some meat today!"

With a swish, several people threw the cards in their hands onto the table, picked up sticks, hatchets and other things, and followed the skinny monkey down the mountain.

"Brother Fei, I have been wandering around here these days and found a small path down the mountain. We will definitely be able to intercept them in front!"

The skinny monkey was also very excited.

The boring doomsday life can finally be more interesting.

At the foot of the mountain, Ao Xin and Ao Chen circled the mountain several times before coming to the place where Ao Xin sensed.

There was a large area of ferns growing here. Walking into it, Ao Chen leaned down and pulled up a piece of fern by the roots.

Under its roots, there was actually a strange fruit growing.

The strange shape, weird and curly patterns, it was the devil fruit!

"Great! I found another one!"

Ao Chen jumped up and down excitedly. This was all thanks to her!

Four young men just came down from the hillside. When they saw the devil fruit in Ao Chen's hand, their eyes were stunned!

"Brother Fei, that, that is a devil fruit, right?"

The skinny monkey's voice was trembling with excitement.

Brother Fei slapped him on the forehead:"Nonsense!"

He was also very excited, that was a devil fruit!

Once he ate the devil fruit, he could also get superpowers! When the time comes

, he will go out to hunt zombies to get points, and he will also be able to learn domineering, exchange weapons, and become a strong man! By then, he will dominate one side, have a lot of younger brothers, and what kind of beauties he wants to play with?

In his imagination, he hurriedly shouted to Ao Chen:"Hey! Put the fruit down!"

Ao Chen was startled by her in excitement.

Because she was too focused on the devil fruit, she did not notice the people coming nearby.

Turning around, she saw several young men holding axes and sticks, staring at the devil fruit in her hand.

When she turned around, these people's eyes were also staring at her.

"What a beautiful girl!"

Fei Ge and others felt that they could only see such a beautiful girl on the Internet.

From her childish face, it can be seen that the girl should still be in middle school.

He swallowed unconsciously:"I am so lucky today. Not only can I get the devil fruit, but also such a beautiful girl is delivered to my door."

He walked forward with a lewd smile, he directly ignored Ao Xin, and said arrogantly to Ao Chen:

"Give me the fruit, and you will be my A Fei from now on! Follow me, and I will make sure you have a good life in the future!"

Facing the young man's arrogant attitude, Ao Chen frowned his delicate eyebrows.

"Who are you? Why should I give it to you?"

Ao Xin didn't say anything. He had the ability to see and hear, and he sensed these guys when they first appeared.

But he wanted to train Ao Chen this time.

"These guys are in your hands, kill them."

Ao Chen was shocked, she still didn't dare to kill anyone.

Ao Xin said:"If you were still the ordinary girl, what would happen if you fell into the hands of these people?"

"You can't bear it, do you think they can't bear it either?"

"In peacetime, they are the parasites of society. In the end times, they are the scum of the world! People like this deserve to die, not to mention that they bully you!"

"What are you waiting for?"

He shouted the last sentence loudly, and even the young men were startled.

After they reacted, they cursed unhappily:

"What are you? What is the dog's name?"

"Damn it, I’ll kill you first!"

"It's enough to keep this girl, just go and die!"

Several people swung simple weapons to hit Ao Xin. Judging from the position of their attacks, they were obviously aiming to kill Ao Xin.

This made Ao Chen angry.

She had the same personality as Ao Xin. She might be able to tolerate being bullied, but she absolutely could not bully her family!

"You dare to scold my brother, you are looking for death!"

He reached into his arms, stuffed the devil fruit into the treasure space, and pulled out his own knife.

The long knife was unsheathed, flashing with cold light.

After learning the three-color domineering, with Ao Xin's personal teaching, her strength improved rapidly.

In addition, after fighting zombies for many days, even if she did not enter the human-beast form of Duobao Rat, her strength was not comparable to these hiding thugs.

The blade cut across the throat of the skinny monkey and directly chopped off his head.

This is the swordsmanship honed by fighting zombies.

Because only by chopping off the zombie's head can the zombie be killed, so every move of Ao Chen is aimed at chopping off the head.

The skinny monkey's head fell to the ground, and Fei Ge and others were horrified.

They never thought that a girl who looked so delicate could be so decisive and cruel when killing people.

Beheading with a knife, this is for them���Words are legends!

But now he was in a dilemma. Either he killed and subdued the girl, or he would be killed.

He was so cruel that he cursed,"You bitch, you don't want to drink! Wait and see how I deal with you!"

After Ao Chen chopped off the head of the skinny monkey, he lost the tension of killing. The knife skills he had trained in the previous battle with zombies, combined with his strengthened body, were easy to deal with these ordinary thugs!

Ao Xin stood aside and watched the battle. Although the girl's fighting skills were rough, they were already very good considering that she had not been training for a long time.


The back of the knife blocked the hatchet of a young man with tattoos on his face. She stepped aside and came to his side. With one cut, another head rolled down.

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